
Thursday 1 August 2013

This may be old news but some things are just too good not to blog about!

You may already have purchased Fall Out Boys fantastically amazing new album but the other day I was on Youtube and I saw their new video for their new single "Alone Together" which I think  is amazing!


Since I bought this I have been playing this none stop, morning noon and night and its even the album that I listen to to wake up to in a morning that is how addictive this album is. All the songs on the album are amazing but I have to say though that I was really suprised that although this video had been posted on Youtube on the 1st July 2013 I hadn't heard it being played on Radio 1 which I thought Zane Lowe might have played it or even introduced it as a new record from Fall Out Boy but no.

It's so hard to even say which song off this album is my favorite but I have to say that I absolutely  love "Miss Missing You", its got a synth sound to this song but a good drum beat and as always that Patrick Stump has an amazing voice which makes all the songs off the album sound soooo good, but I also love "In Death Valley" which I have to be honest and say that when I first heard it I thought that it would be cool if in the video the band could be in the desert on camels with laser guns and Patrick could be a sheriff and their looking for someone but right in the middle of the song they get ambushed and a fight ensues. But now that I've seen this video I think this will definitly be very different because the foxes cut off Patrick's hand and have made him evil so maybe the foxes after they've recaptured all of them take them out to the desert and the black dude hiding in the bushes at the end of this video gets on a camel and has to suit up to free them from the evil clutches of apparently as one Youtube comment put it Courtney Love.


Apparently this Youtube comment said that all these series of music video from Fall Out Boy were to do with their relationship with the music industry and how their is something in the briefcase that Patrick Stump is handcuffed to in "The Phoenix" that could save rock and roll but 2 chains and Courtney Love kidnap them to get this as they don't want them to have this got me thinking that as I think the duet with Sir Elton John at the end of this album which I think has to be one of the best duets I've ever heard but then again I could be biased as I am a big big fan of Fall Out Boy, if they did a music video for this song they could give the briefcase to Sir Elton John to open and then everyone sees what is in the briefcase once and for all...happy ending!


Also I have to say that although it is difficult to peg down which of these songs are my favourite "Just One Yesterday" ft. Foxes is another stand out track from this album as is "Where did the party go"

And I do have to say that on the track with " Howt the Mighty Fall" there is a lyric in the song that says " and swallow the key" but I'm always thinking that it sounds like "and swallow the cheese". 

I'm not going to put them all on here as that would spoil the album for those who haven't already got it...which if you haven't already WHY THE HELL NOT! GO GET IT NOW! or you could download it!

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