
Friday 2 August 2013

Update on Scarface!

I saw this today on Deadline Hollywood's website this morning and I just had to put this up.

According to a source of Deadline Hollywood:

"Universal has been through a couple of drafts and now is very high on the current draft . The first stop is the director. This is before any conversations on talent or timing."

Also according to Deadline Universal Studios were when this was written on the 31st of July (I know this is now old news but I'm still catching up on all things while I've not been on here plus anything to do with a reboot of this movie is still dead exciting!) that drum roll please the director they're in final talks with to direct this is....David Yates who directed the last couple of Harry Potter films (Harry Potter 5,6,7,8).

He's been this article says charged with the hard task of updating Scarface and making it live up to the classic Al Pacino film and another Scarface that was made before as it says that this film became part of popular culture along with the other one- well you live and learn something everyday, as I thought that there was only one Scarface that being the Al Pacino one with Michelle Pfeiffer, I've just seen the poster for the older version of Scarface and I have to say that it looks a bit like the movie poster for Cassablanca that is another must see old movie that if you haven't seen it yet why on earth not, and when I say this I mean that it looks like a real old gangster movie so I think that this is a movie that I'm definitely going to be renting as this has definitely piqued my curiosity to see what it's like-, but I just thought that it's probably a good idea to try and bring it more up to date, but I think you should only update some of Scarface and not update all of it as you don't want loose what made this film bloody brilliant in the first place or upset any die hard fans of the Al Pacino version it's then  I think that its not going to be as good as those versions and then what was the point in the first place of even trying to make a revamped modern version of Scarface.

And I've just thought if it's not kept some things or not as good as the other versions of Scarface then this is going to make not very many people want to go and watch it and this is going to mean that if not very many people are buying cinema tickets for it then not a lot of money is going to get made for Universal Studios.

I just thought it you haven't seen this film yet and don't know what this is about then I'll fill in the blanks:

Al Pacino plays Tony Montana a cuban immigrant who along with his friend tries to overthrow the local coke kingpins to become the one and only in order to get everything he's ever wanted in life and succumbs to greed.

Head of Universal Studios under his banner Global Produce Marc Schmuger will produce along with Martin Bregman (who produced the Al Pacino version),-thank god is all I can say to this as hopefully he'll be able to keep all the best parts in the last version-.

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