
Monday 23 March 2015

Fire In zee hole!...Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation is up!

Go Go Go! All Mission Impossible fans have to watch this first trailer that I've just seen on Mission Impossible's Facebook page.

This I think is one mission you should choose as this even though it probably won't self destruct in 5 seconds you will miss all the excitement of seeing it for the first time...(if your a fan of these films)

This is the first full trailer for this film and it looks good, this I think is well worth having a look at:

sorry folks according to the uploader on here I can't get the trailer but if you wouldn't mind just taking a few minutes out of your day as I think you'll agree that this will definitely brighten your day up if it's already sucking, here is the youtube link for you to watch this:

This time around it looks like Luther Stickler played by Ving Rhames is back to team up with Tom Cruise's character Ethan Hunt, so I'm just thinking that whatever is going to go down it'll involve one hell of a computer hack as,-again if your a fan of the film franchise you'll already know this-in the first Mission Impossible Luther Stickler was on the disavowed list of agents because it was rumoured he hacked naval ghost code...although he did say it was a fine piece of work.

But now that I think about it in the last film Benji ( Simon Pegg's character) had just passed his field work exam or something like that so I'm guessing that Stickler had to come in as the team will be looking for a new IT wizard.

Also coming back: Jeremy Renner and Simon Pegg.

New to the fold: Alec Baldwin (I hope no one out acts him), Rebecca Ferguson, Johnny Harris and Simon McBurney. This is released in the UK on 31th July there's still time to book tickets to make sure your there on opening night.

Friday 20 March 2015

The Transporter: Refuelled 1st trailer !

I just saw this was on Empire Magazine's website and had to put this up on here, and I have to say that as a first trailer for "The Transporter:Refuelled" or also known as "Transporter: Legacy" it does look impressive:

 The Transporter Refueled (2015) Poster 

And I know this is just a first trailer but this has got me excited to see what else this rebooted film has in store for the audience.

It might just be me but there does seem to be some references to other "The Transporter" films from the original trilogy such as the first part of this trailer where there's people trying to shoot him that makes him late to pick up the three girls in the blonde wigs seems like to me the part in the "The Transporter 2" film where he's in a car park and a group try to car jack him at gunpoint but he takes them out and is late to pick up the little boy from school.

And the biggest reference of all has to be the fact this film is back in the South of France where this film franchise there will be hopefully cross your fingers some nice scenery.

From what I can see from this first trailer that not only is there the odd reference to (seemingly) connect this film to the other "The Transporter" films but it also looks like this film will be sharp, high octane action with a continuation of Frank's character 's penchant for wearing sharp suits to look the part in the business of fans like me of these films will know that "transportation is a precise business".

As well as these references to the old films there are the occasional nod to how the technology has changed but Frank nor the game has changed...well except for the one part of Frank not being Jason Statham and has been replaced by Ed Skrein.

This will released in the UK on 19th June.

Wednesday 18 March 2015

The Mechanic:Resurrection Update!

Unlike "The Transporter:Refuelled" Jason Statham will be back to reprise his role as the "mechanic"/hitman Arthur Bishop.

If you haven't seen this film I'll help fill in the blanks Arthur Bishop is a "mechanic" or hitman that helps fix things or solve problems and he is employed by a company that you really don't see much of in the film other than when Bishop gets sent files and unregistered phones for when theirs a problem to solve or something they want fixing, and he is trained by Donald Sutherland's Harry McKenna who also works for this agency, but when he is asked to kill Harry and teams up with Harry's son Steve played Ben Foster and teaches him the trade that things go awry and after Arthur Bishop learns that he and Harry were set up he then sets out to get revenge with Steve's help.

All caught up, this new "Mechanic:Resurrection" sees according to Arthur Bishop thinking he can leave his murderous past behind him, but he of course has to go back to doing what he does best by making hits look like perfect accidents as his most formidable foe kidnaps the love of his life.

Dennis Gansel is set to direct from a script written by Philip Shelby, Tony Mosher, Rachel Long and Brain Pittman. This will also star Jessica Alba, Tommy Lee Jones and Michelle Yeoh, and has a USA release date of January 22nd 2016 but there's no UK release date yet but by Empire Magazine's thinking if this film were to follow suit of the last film then they seem to think that the UK release date probably be the same as the USA release date.


I have heard from Jason Statham Source that part of "The Mechanic:Resurrection" will take part in The Gulf Of Thailand and this 208 foot super yacht SuRi from Phuket based Yacht Solutions will play a vital part in this film, as Managing Director Gareth Twist told Jason Statham Source that:

"We know that there will be some fight scenes on board, as these have been rehearsed while she was in the dock."

And he went on to say that:

"Jason Statham came to the yacht in Bangkok to check it out before they took the yacht out to sea for filming", but he said that "...we can't reveal any more of the plot than that!..."

Other cast members are child actor Dylan Farrell who will star as a young Arthur Bishop and Sam Hazeldine.

The Transporter Refueled news update!

I've been meaning to put up more news of this new film sooner but things just keep getting in the way.

Anyway its here now so I hope you are as excited as I am to here there will be another "The Transporter Refuelled" film as well as another Mechanic film coming out, but if you already know or don't Jason Statham will be starring in "The Mechanic:Resurrection" but won't be starring in the new "The Transporter Refuelled".

"The Transporter Refuelled" will instead star Ed Skrein (who you may or may not recognise from "Game Of Thrones") as Frank Martin who if you haven't seen this series of films before will deliver anything to anywhere no questions asked, and he has rules no names, no details and never look in the package, all he needs is payment on delivery.

According Deadline Hollywood the story for this film which is set to be a rebooted prequel of the franchise which starred Jason Statham and was directed by Luc Besson, and will be the first in a new trilogy of new "Transporter" films is Frank Martin crosses paths with Anna who will be played by Loan Chabanol who is the leader of a group of deadly assailants that decides Frank is the right person to take down a group of ruthless Russian human traffickers, and to make sure Frank cooperates she takes his father hostage who will be played by Ray Stevenson and both Frank and his father are forced to team up with Anna in order to deliver justice.

Sounds to me like the story from the first "Transporter" film but with the added bit of Frank's father being kidnaped and held hostage.

And according to M.A.A.C Martial Arts Action Cinema website this will like the first "Transporter" film also take place in the criminal underworld of I expect to see some nice scenery like in the first one which showed some nice shots of Nice/South Of France.

Here is a first look at the new look Frank Martin:

The Transporter Refueled (2015) Poster

EuropaCorp will be jointly distributing this with Relativity Media under a deal that was agreed back in February, which under this deal EuropaCorp will release EuropaCorp produced films under EuropaCorp USA and Relativity Media produced titles will be released under Relativity Media, with Camille Delamarre directing from a script written by Bill Collage and Adam Cooper with EuropaCorp producing (i.e putting up the money for this film) Luc Besson and Mark Gao.

On the 11/5/2014 The Hollywood Reporter reported that the USA release date for this movie had been pushed back though to June 19th 2015 and the original UK release date was March 6th, but now according to the new UK release date for this is 19th June 2015.

Radivoje Bukvic, Gabriella Wright, Anatole Taubman and Tatiana Pajkovic also star.

Tuesday 17 March 2015

New Live Action Beauty and the Beast new!

At the end of last year I heard on the grapevine through the ethers of movie news that there would be yet another adaption of "Beauty and The Beast" and as you can imagine as with everybody who has ever seen Disney's version of this classic tale... as old as time, -I'm sorry I just couldn't resist doing this pun-, that my heart sank as the last time this was adapted to give a modern take on this was "Beastly" and that bombed really badly.

And I think the reason for this was because this is a classic story and Disney did and in my opinion there are some classics that you don't touch, like for example in music for instance "Smells Like Teen Spirit" classic people try to sing it differently but fail, any Adele song again people try and badly fail, Chris Isaac's "Wicked Game" tried and failed, I can only think at the moment of the one film other than "Beastly" that I don't think did very well but I think it was only saved by the music in it "A Cinderella Story",-this starred Hilary Duff and Chad Michael Murray and had Jimmy Eat World with "Hear You Me", I'll put it here for you to have a little listen to if you haven't heard it-, oh and "Maleficent" that starred Angelina Jolie I think that did well at the box office but I'm not sure if the retelling of Sleeping Beauty but from the angle of the wicked witch that put the spell on the beauty and how she became so evil was a winner for the audience.

Anyhew... this live action film will be starring Emma Watson as Belle and there seems to have been a change around in the casting department as I read on The Hollywood Reporter's Heat Vision's website that Dan Stevens who you may or may not recognise from either Downton Abbey as Matthew Crawley or "The Guest" as "David" the psychopath killer that enters a family on the pretence that he served in the military with their dead son but it's only revealed when the sister has suspicions about him and makes a phone call to double check his story that they really find out he's part of a project where "David" killed all the other participants including their brother in a fire and assumed the identity of "David" in order to get out of the project, was set to play Gaston the big, strong, hunter in the Disney version who every women wants to be with character who wants Belle but she doesn't want him, but now according to Heat Vision he will now play The Beast/Prince in this new live action film.
And now according to The Wrap Emma Thompson has now been cast as Mrs. Potts the enchanted singing and talking teapot and Kevin Kline will star as Belle's inventor father Maurice who gets imprisoned in the beast's castle when he gets caught in a snowstorm.
Luke Evans who you may or may not recognise from "The Hobbit" he played Bard the smuggler who helped the Dwarves get away from the wood elves and hid them in barrels of fish on his boat as he was trading, or from "Fast and Furious 5" he played Owen Shaw has been cast to play Gaston with Josh Gad who you may or may not recognise did the voice of Olaf in Frozen has signed on to play Le Fou the bumbling sidekick of Gaston.
Bill Condon is directing with David Hoberman and Todd Lieberman producing, and Oscar winning Alan Menken who  wrote the original musical aspects of the film will be back to craft the score as well as re-record some of the songs along with new material from himself and Tim Rice.
Bill Condon is working from a script written by Stephen Cbosky and filming for this will start in May at Shepperton Studios with a pencilled in USA release date of March 17th 2017 in 3D.

Stop whatever you are doing right now, put down any heavy machinery if your operating it...and read this! Flash Gordon has a sequel!

Yes your reading this right, your eyes are not deceiving just in from Empire Magazine online via Den Of Geek which first reported this story on the 11th March 2015.

According to Den of Geek in an over the phone conversation with Sam J Jones Flash Gordon himself he says that:

"...up to date now Matthew Reilly, VP of production at Fox Studios, acquired the screenplay rights to Flash Gordon last year, and he hired John Davies and his staff to write the script. They're looking to bring out a sequel actually. I met with Matt, we're in talks about that. I'm very excited. A lot of people over the years, including Stephen Sommers and Neil H. Moritz, have acquired the screenplay rights, but for whatever reason they did not do a follow up on the option. So I'm very excited about it."

He goes on to say that:

"However they want to use me, I'm very excited. I told Matt, however he wants to use me, keep one thing in mind: whatever a younger, leading man can do, I cannot only match him, I can do more! If he does 20 pull-ups I can do 30 pull-ups. If he can 100 push-ups, I can do 150 push-ups. Just keep that in mind!".

And according to a post written on Empire Magazine's website last April JD Payne and Patrick McKay part of Star Trek 3's writing process were working on writing the screenplay that would have seen Flash Gordon have his reputation saved from being a stupid but much loved character and restore it to being a much more serious space adventurer, for this but they have since been replaced.

And no new word has been heard about this since. So who could say what is going to happen with this.

Anyhew...what is known though is that Sam J Jones will be cameoing in Ted 2 which is set to be released in cinemas on July 10th.

But by the sounds of this it's not very clear if Sam J Jones will be doing a cameo role in this sequel or if he'll take up his mantle again as Flash Gordon, though I think this is highly unlikely judging by how old he must be by now, and now that I think about it if he were to do an of the things that were in the original film like have a fight on the revolving spiked metal table with bull whips against Timothy Dalton it might look a bit more ridiculous than it did then, but by the sounds of it he is ready to do anything he even by the sounds of this interview even did The Jump but had to pull out before the show aired on TV because he needed shoulder surgery.

But judging by his last comment I'm not sure how much of him wanting to do just anything that a younger actor can do isn't just a joke as to me this sounds exactly something out of "Tropic Thunder" where they say that if he cries you cry harder.

But for now Sam J Jones is doing a documentary that has been funded by a Kickstarter campaign called "Life After Flash" where he says:

"The fans are going to get some pieces of gold, some nuggets, of my successes and my failures, so a lot of life values and morals-when I faced challenge, what got me through it. I'm really excited about it."

Also in this interview Sam J Jones says:

" We're trying to work on that for London Comic Con, to have that 35th anniversary reunion for the Flash Gordon cast members. We've only really had three of us together- Melody, Brian Blessed and myself. We want to get every living cast member together. We're still waiting for confirmation, but we'll see you in London!".

So this hasn't been confirmed yet but if this does actually happen than this will be really exciting, and now that I think about it this wouldn't be a bad move financially for the organizers of London's Comic Con as with this being a bit of a cult classic lots of fans are going to want to get their hands on tickets to see these cast members, but as well as this there's also the fans of Ted who are going to probably want to get tickets for this just to meet Sam J Jones.  

Nicholas Cage has a new film you might of not heard about...but well worth a look at the trailer!

The other day I was perusing and found this on its home page as one of the upcoming films but I have to say that if your in need of some laughter or just a little pick me up if you've got some time or just are a little bit bored, have a little gander at this:

I also found this film trailer that I think you should find time to have a little gander at:

To the first film "Outcast", this stars Nicholas Cage and Hayden Christensen who I have to say looks like he's still sporting the same hairstyle he wore in "Star Wars: Episode II Attack Of The Clones",-in case you've never seen this and as a avid fan of the star wars film franchise I can't believe you haven't seen any of these films or just haven't seen this one, and I really can't believe I'm writing this as how on earth could you not have seen any of Star Wars films, it's sooo awesome and incredible their really aren't enough words to describe it, but that's enough as I'll be at this all day, anyhew the haircut he wore in this film is what you think would be normal short on the sides but long on top but with a braid attached to the side-.

But in this the hairstyle looks to me like it just doesn't look right, as the story of this film is according to a mysterious warrior Arken who by the looks of the trailer fought with Nicholas Cage's Gallain 'White Ghost' as a young warrior during the crusades, teams up with the daughter and son of a deposed Chinese Emperor to defeat their cruel brother who seeks their deaths who is seeking redemption, but as with Nicholas Cage's character his hair has grown out and his face is supposed to be ravaged by time whereas Hayden Christenson has still got his youthful mohican haircut and no makeup applied to look like any time has passed.

But this might tie in with the sorcery that is said to be involved in this movie...i.e there might be some spell that leaves Hayden Christensen's character untouched by time kind of a lot of Hollywood celebrities today...or is that just a combination of botox and special effects teams.

Anyhew...not only this but for some reason Nicholas Cage seems to be putting on a weird accent somewhere an amalgamation of Scottish, English and American.

This film is set to be released in UK cinemas February 27th 2015, but I have seen on Amazon that it is on their website but only as a Blue Ray.

Everly the second film on here, stars Selma Hayek as a prostitute who by the looks of this first trailer has to fight to the death to defend herself against multiple scores of people who want to kill her, and why do they want to kill her you may ask?

Well because her mob boss ex-boyfriend/ex-husband (according to The British Board Of Film Classification) who sends multiple assassins to kill her and she has to not only kill them but do it all the while protecting her estranged mother and daughter so says The Hollywood Reporter's Heat Vision website.

This according to Heat Vision is "...a high-concept revenge flick with ultra violence and a career reinvention on behalf  of the "Grown Ups 2" (and , to be fair, "Desperado" star..." .

This will be directed by Joe Lynch and will be released in the USA by Radius. And according to The British Board Of Film Classification this has a UK release date of 01/05/2015.

Monday 16 March 2015

More Suicide Squad Updates!

I decided rather than to make a really long post about this new film I'd split this up, I was reading this late on Friday evening so I thought I'd put this up on here today.

According to there's a rumour going round that Ed Harris might appear in this movie as the villain of the piece playing Antiphon the head of a special ops team called Onslaught, according to Antiphon and Onslaught will come into conflict with Amanda Waller's Suicide Squad, and that both Antiphon and Onslaught will be seeking out villians as well as superheros for their own agenda.

According to Antiphon is a burns victim with a prosthetic leg.

Also according to it reports that it is rumoured that Deathstroke will be Onslaught's gun-for-hire. It's rumoured that Joe Manganiello (you may or may not recognise him from starring in more recently "Magic Mike" playing Big Dick Ritchie and in True Blood playing Alcide Herveaux) may or may not be playing the role of Deathstroke.

Umberto Gonzales reports on Instagram that "...he's a huge part of both of the major set pieces of the film. His introduction is INSANE!..."

Gonzales goes on to say that "...His suit is very stealth orientated. They used an actual US military tactical outfit for the basis. He's armed to the teeth, uses a sword and automatics. In concept artwork he has two eyes. The mask is there and it's the iconic one..." -this "iconic mask" being orange-.

And according to Gonzales "....He's badass and almost takes the team down on one mission single handed..."

But in another thing to set this film apart from any other superhero film is that "...he doesn't have any powers like in the comic book. They're going for a pre-super villain Deathstroke."

Suicide Squad is released in the UK on 5th August 2016.  

Suicide Squad Update!

If your like me and are a huge fan of Jared Leto and his band 30 Seconds To Mars and follow either one on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc you'll probably have seen the never ending stream of pictures of Jared Leto and his new hairdo...I'll just give you a minute to catch your breath if you haven't seen these pictures yet or don't know yet that Jared has changed his long locks to bright blonde short haircut.

I have to admit when I first heard that this had happened because he was going to be playing The Joker in the new Suicide Squad film directed by David Ayer I wasn't sure why as the Joker has always had black hair in anything I have seen from reruns of the old TV series of Batman and Robin, Tim Burton's Batman films and excluding the new Christopher Nolan films where the Joker has green hair.

But in answer to this question had reported on 13th March that according to Latin Review scoopster Umberto Gonzales on Instagram the Joker will in this film be heavily based on Frank Miller's Joker from "The Dark Knight Returns", and that this Joker will be slight, but fit, and he will have bleached but not painted skin and scars running over his body, and that there will be lots of references to the Joker's past crimes including the killing of one of Batman's sidekicks...-being a big fan of anything to do with Batman I'm thinking "oh no please don't let it be dick grayson"-, Umberto Gonzales also says that the psychiatrist and oldest enemy of Batman Hugo Strange is said to have a lot of scenes with the Joker but he hasn't heard any news on casting for this role.

Also reports that already deep in pre-production David Ayer has tweeted this picture of squibs set up for a gunfight scene in this film all ready and waiting for filming to start this month:

View image on Twitter

Suicide Squad is set to be released in the UK according to in the UK on 5th August 2016.

Thursday 12 March 2015

Jared Leto Suicide Squad news!

I apologise if you already know about this or if you don't but I thought as I was writing about Shannon Leto's new coffee company I thought I might catch up and write on here about the new look Jared Leto who is now a blonde bombshell with shaved eyebrows.

I have to admit when I first saw this I was a bit freaked out, but I did think that this would be a very different look for The Joker in this David Ayer directed movie "Suicide Squad", as I didn't think at first that I'd seen in any adaption of the Batman story whether it is in the books, comic books, clips from reruns of the old TV series or even in other Batman films that The Joker had anything other than black hair.

So why blonde? Whatever the reason this now looks like it has started off a blond revolution with Kim Kardashian turning blonde, Carole Vorderman now blonde, Nicole Schwerzinger now blonde, Pete Wentz from Fall Out Boy also turning blonde and who knows who else will be next to be turned blonde... well as this according to a post on IGN's website that was put up three days ago Jared Leto is also trying to gain weight for the role. In an interview Jared Leto gave with Billboard magazine he said:

"...I'm trying to gain a lot of weight..." "...It means I have to eat every couple of hours-I'm terrible at eating a lot..."

This sounds to me like a perfect excuse to eat cake, and lots of it!

Not only this but also according to IGN Joel Kinnerman who you may or may not recognise from being most recently in Liam Neeson's new take on "Taken" film "Run All Night" which according to is about a mobster and hitman Jimmy Conlon played by Neeson has one night to figure out where his loyalties lie either with his estranged son Mike played by Kinnaman or with his mobster long time best friend Shawn Maguire played by Ed Harris (you might recognise him from "A History Of Violence") who wants Mike to pay for the death of his son.

So to me this looks like this is "Taken" but without the whole speech about "I will find you and I will kill you..."

He will take the place of Tom Hardy who was initially set to play the role of Rick Flag the field commander for the team of supervillains that get one shot at redemption if they go on a series of black ops, according to Empire Magazine the reason for Tom Hardy leaving this film was simply because he's a busy guy and has other filming commitments.

It is rumoured that Jesse Eisenberg who'll be playing Lex Luthor in the new Batman vs Superman film might be in this film but for now this is just rumour, also just a rumour is that Ben Affleck might show up in this film for a cameo role in this film in his new role of Batman.

So... so far what we do know is that Will Smith will play Deadshot the expert marksmen with a cybernectic eye with a blatant disregard for the lives of other humans as well as his own, Cara Delevingne who will play Enchantress who is a powerfull sorceress that cannot control her powers as according to The Telegraph is a little known DC character and that was portrayed in the comic books as both a superhero and a supervillian, Jai Courtney who'll play Boomerang an assassin for hire who makes the most of his Australian heritage and his collection of customized deadly boomerangs, Jared Leto as The Joker, Margot Robbie will play Harley Quinn who was a psychiatrist at Arkam Asylum but then fell in love with The Joker and in turn became a villain who wears an original Harlequin outfit and Viola Davies who will play Dr. Amander Waller nicknamed "The Wall" because of her reputation for stubbornness, doctor of political science and former government aide who now runs the Suicide Squad, she also has a tough exterior as of growing up on the mean streets of Chicago and witnessing the murder of her husband and daughter but not only this she has fought hard to get to a position of power.

and if this new direction for The Joker is anything to go by according to an interview with Screen Rant Joel Kinnaman  said that "...The conversations we've had about the characters are really interesting, and he really gets to the bottom of things. Sometimes you're worried, if you're going to do a film like that, that it's just going to be superhero fun but nothing is going to go under the surface. But here I feel like we can do both..."

So this sounds like to me that not only are things in this film going to look different to other superhero films but it sounds like this film will show or explain why these characters might possibly be like they are.

This film will be released in the UK according to on 5th August 2016.

This is so've got to take a look at it!

The other day I was perusing the internet and found this very exciting news from 30 Seconds To Mars, that Shannon Leto has started Black Fuel Trading Company. If your like me and are a huge fan of 30 Seconds To Mars, Jared Leto or just are massively into your coffee like me your going to want to take a little look at this because I think this is really cool!

This company sells and manufactures with a little help from producers of sustainably sourced, fair trade coffee beans three blends of coffee :

  • Big Sur Blend
  • 11:20 Blend
  • Woodley Ave Blend
  • SL Blend
But all of these blends have been created " a way to introduce people to coffee..." and that "...during his fourteen years touring with his band Thirty Seconds To Mars , Shannon Leto developed a passion for coffee..." and through this time "...he's been sampling, tasting and trying all in an effort to better understand the components that go into creating a distinctive coffee..."

All beans used in these distinctively flavoured coffee's come primarily from Africa and are whole beaned so that means you'll need to be ground prior to brewing.

But The Black Fuel Trading Company doesn't just do coffee it also sells really cool merchandise that I think you should definitely check out, merchandise such as snapback caps, shirts, thermos flasks, mugs etc.

A portion of each bag sold goes to charity.

This might just be me but I think the logo looks similar to The Whittards Of Chelsea Tea Co. and I really like the name of it and as I'm saying this I am sipping on my third of the day's coffee and I'm guessing this isn't going to be the last in the line of coffee I'll sip today! I really want to try at least one of these unique blends but my only problem now is which one as they all sound really good, argh!