
Thursday 12 March 2015

Jared Leto Suicide Squad news!

I apologise if you already know about this or if you don't but I thought as I was writing about Shannon Leto's new coffee company I thought I might catch up and write on here about the new look Jared Leto who is now a blonde bombshell with shaved eyebrows.

I have to admit when I first saw this I was a bit freaked out, but I did think that this would be a very different look for The Joker in this David Ayer directed movie "Suicide Squad", as I didn't think at first that I'd seen in any adaption of the Batman story whether it is in the books, comic books, clips from reruns of the old TV series or even in other Batman films that The Joker had anything other than black hair.

So why blonde? Whatever the reason this now looks like it has started off a blond revolution with Kim Kardashian turning blonde, Carole Vorderman now blonde, Nicole Schwerzinger now blonde, Pete Wentz from Fall Out Boy also turning blonde and who knows who else will be next to be turned blonde... well as this according to a post on IGN's website that was put up three days ago Jared Leto is also trying to gain weight for the role. In an interview Jared Leto gave with Billboard magazine he said:

"...I'm trying to gain a lot of weight..." "...It means I have to eat every couple of hours-I'm terrible at eating a lot..."

This sounds to me like a perfect excuse to eat cake, and lots of it!

Not only this but also according to IGN Joel Kinnerman who you may or may not recognise from being most recently in Liam Neeson's new take on "Taken" film "Run All Night" which according to is about a mobster and hitman Jimmy Conlon played by Neeson has one night to figure out where his loyalties lie either with his estranged son Mike played by Kinnaman or with his mobster long time best friend Shawn Maguire played by Ed Harris (you might recognise him from "A History Of Violence") who wants Mike to pay for the death of his son.

So to me this looks like this is "Taken" but without the whole speech about "I will find you and I will kill you..."

He will take the place of Tom Hardy who was initially set to play the role of Rick Flag the field commander for the team of supervillains that get one shot at redemption if they go on a series of black ops, according to Empire Magazine the reason for Tom Hardy leaving this film was simply because he's a busy guy and has other filming commitments.

It is rumoured that Jesse Eisenberg who'll be playing Lex Luthor in the new Batman vs Superman film might be in this film but for now this is just rumour, also just a rumour is that Ben Affleck might show up in this film for a cameo role in this film in his new role of Batman.

So... so far what we do know is that Will Smith will play Deadshot the expert marksmen with a cybernectic eye with a blatant disregard for the lives of other humans as well as his own, Cara Delevingne who will play Enchantress who is a powerfull sorceress that cannot control her powers as according to The Telegraph is a little known DC character and that was portrayed in the comic books as both a superhero and a supervillian, Jai Courtney who'll play Boomerang an assassin for hire who makes the most of his Australian heritage and his collection of customized deadly boomerangs, Jared Leto as The Joker, Margot Robbie will play Harley Quinn who was a psychiatrist at Arkam Asylum but then fell in love with The Joker and in turn became a villain who wears an original Harlequin outfit and Viola Davies who will play Dr. Amander Waller nicknamed "The Wall" because of her reputation for stubbornness, doctor of political science and former government aide who now runs the Suicide Squad, she also has a tough exterior as of growing up on the mean streets of Chicago and witnessing the murder of her husband and daughter but not only this she has fought hard to get to a position of power.

and if this new direction for The Joker is anything to go by according to an interview with Screen Rant Joel Kinnaman  said that "...The conversations we've had about the characters are really interesting, and he really gets to the bottom of things. Sometimes you're worried, if you're going to do a film like that, that it's just going to be superhero fun but nothing is going to go under the surface. But here I feel like we can do both..."

So this sounds like to me that not only are things in this film going to look different to other superhero films but it sounds like this film will show or explain why these characters might possibly be like they are.

This film will be released in the UK according to on 5th August 2016.

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