
Tuesday 17 March 2015

Nicholas Cage has a new film you might of not heard about...but well worth a look at the trailer!

The other day I was perusing and found this on its home page as one of the upcoming films but I have to say that if your in need of some laughter or just a little pick me up if you've got some time or just are a little bit bored, have a little gander at this:

I also found this film trailer that I think you should find time to have a little gander at:

To the first film "Outcast", this stars Nicholas Cage and Hayden Christensen who I have to say looks like he's still sporting the same hairstyle he wore in "Star Wars: Episode II Attack Of The Clones",-in case you've never seen this and as a avid fan of the star wars film franchise I can't believe you haven't seen any of these films or just haven't seen this one, and I really can't believe I'm writing this as how on earth could you not have seen any of Star Wars films, it's sooo awesome and incredible their really aren't enough words to describe it, but that's enough as I'll be at this all day, anyhew the haircut he wore in this film is what you think would be normal short on the sides but long on top but with a braid attached to the side-.

But in this the hairstyle looks to me like it just doesn't look right, as the story of this film is according to a mysterious warrior Arken who by the looks of the trailer fought with Nicholas Cage's Gallain 'White Ghost' as a young warrior during the crusades, teams up with the daughter and son of a deposed Chinese Emperor to defeat their cruel brother who seeks their deaths who is seeking redemption, but as with Nicholas Cage's character his hair has grown out and his face is supposed to be ravaged by time whereas Hayden Christenson has still got his youthful mohican haircut and no makeup applied to look like any time has passed.

But this might tie in with the sorcery that is said to be involved in this movie...i.e there might be some spell that leaves Hayden Christensen's character untouched by time kind of a lot of Hollywood celebrities today...or is that just a combination of botox and special effects teams.

Anyhew...not only this but for some reason Nicholas Cage seems to be putting on a weird accent somewhere an amalgamation of Scottish, English and American.

This film is set to be released in UK cinemas February 27th 2015, but I have seen on Amazon that it is on their website but only as a Blue Ray.

Everly the second film on here, stars Selma Hayek as a prostitute who by the looks of this first trailer has to fight to the death to defend herself against multiple scores of people who want to kill her, and why do they want to kill her you may ask?

Well because her mob boss ex-boyfriend/ex-husband (according to The British Board Of Film Classification) who sends multiple assassins to kill her and she has to not only kill them but do it all the while protecting her estranged mother and daughter so says The Hollywood Reporter's Heat Vision website.

This according to Heat Vision is "...a high-concept revenge flick with ultra violence and a career reinvention on behalf  of the "Grown Ups 2" (and , to be fair, "Desperado" star..." .

This will be directed by Joe Lynch and will be released in the USA by Radius. And according to The British Board Of Film Classification this has a UK release date of 01/05/2015.

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