
Tuesday 17 March 2015

Stop whatever you are doing right now, put down any heavy machinery if your operating it...and read this! Flash Gordon has a sequel!

Yes your reading this right, your eyes are not deceiving just in from Empire Magazine online via Den Of Geek which first reported this story on the 11th March 2015.

According to Den of Geek in an over the phone conversation with Sam J Jones Flash Gordon himself he says that:

"...up to date now Matthew Reilly, VP of production at Fox Studios, acquired the screenplay rights to Flash Gordon last year, and he hired John Davies and his staff to write the script. They're looking to bring out a sequel actually. I met with Matt, we're in talks about that. I'm very excited. A lot of people over the years, including Stephen Sommers and Neil H. Moritz, have acquired the screenplay rights, but for whatever reason they did not do a follow up on the option. So I'm very excited about it."

He goes on to say that:

"However they want to use me, I'm very excited. I told Matt, however he wants to use me, keep one thing in mind: whatever a younger, leading man can do, I cannot only match him, I can do more! If he does 20 pull-ups I can do 30 pull-ups. If he can 100 push-ups, I can do 150 push-ups. Just keep that in mind!".

And according to a post written on Empire Magazine's website last April JD Payne and Patrick McKay part of Star Trek 3's writing process were working on writing the screenplay that would have seen Flash Gordon have his reputation saved from being a stupid but much loved character and restore it to being a much more serious space adventurer, for this but they have since been replaced.

And no new word has been heard about this since. So who could say what is going to happen with this.

Anyhew...what is known though is that Sam J Jones will be cameoing in Ted 2 which is set to be released in cinemas on July 10th.

But by the sounds of this it's not very clear if Sam J Jones will be doing a cameo role in this sequel or if he'll take up his mantle again as Flash Gordon, though I think this is highly unlikely judging by how old he must be by now, and now that I think about it if he were to do an of the things that were in the original film like have a fight on the revolving spiked metal table with bull whips against Timothy Dalton it might look a bit more ridiculous than it did then, but by the sounds of it he is ready to do anything he even by the sounds of this interview even did The Jump but had to pull out before the show aired on TV because he needed shoulder surgery.

But judging by his last comment I'm not sure how much of him wanting to do just anything that a younger actor can do isn't just a joke as to me this sounds exactly something out of "Tropic Thunder" where they say that if he cries you cry harder.

But for now Sam J Jones is doing a documentary that has been funded by a Kickstarter campaign called "Life After Flash" where he says:

"The fans are going to get some pieces of gold, some nuggets, of my successes and my failures, so a lot of life values and morals-when I faced challenge, what got me through it. I'm really excited about it."

Also in this interview Sam J Jones says:

" We're trying to work on that for London Comic Con, to have that 35th anniversary reunion for the Flash Gordon cast members. We've only really had three of us together- Melody, Brian Blessed and myself. We want to get every living cast member together. We're still waiting for confirmation, but we'll see you in London!".

So this hasn't been confirmed yet but if this does actually happen than this will be really exciting, and now that I think about it this wouldn't be a bad move financially for the organizers of London's Comic Con as with this being a bit of a cult classic lots of fans are going to want to get their hands on tickets to see these cast members, but as well as this there's also the fans of Ted who are going to probably want to get tickets for this just to meet Sam J Jones.  

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