
Wednesday 15 July 2015

If you haven't seen it yet....Suicide Squad new trailer lands!

I know that it's been a while since I've been on here and I apologise for this but I have seriously not been well and today is the first day that I've felt well enough to blog...but mostly seeing this trailer has got me fired up and excited to blog about as this is definitely a must see.

Here is the link for you to see the amazing trailer for Suicide Squad that is now finally up on line after months of what feels like to me a never ending steady stream of pieces of behind-the-scenes sneak peak info and images that have definitely wetted my appetite to see this film.

And I have to say that when I first saw this trailer it looked like to me that you the audience see a lot more of Will Smith's Deadshot and it looks like to me that when it cuts from the government types that have put this team together that say that there is inbuilt complete deniability and that if anything goes wrong you could just blame the bad guys that Deadshot's character has been made to look like yes he does bad things but he is a family man with there being what looks like a shot of Will Smith's character hugging a little child.

So it looks like to me that the filmmakers are saying that some of these bad guys aren't all bad.

But I have to be honest, when I was watching this trailer I was thinking "Ok, I've seen Harley Quinn, I've seen Captain Boomerang, I've seen El Diablo, I've seen Enchantress in a bath for some weird reason, Rick Flagg, I've seen the government types, I've seen Killer Croc, I've seen Katana wearing a white half mask on and Slipknot but where's Jared?"

That I realise may have been because as like a lot of you out there have seen through many Facebook posts from Jared Leto himself that have been making the rounds on various websites or magazines or from other images and other videos that have been making the rounds on the internet...and I have to say that he turns up at the end of this trailer.

And he doesn't disappoint with his entrance in this trailer and eventhough I do realise that this is just a trailer and you the audience just get a glimpse of what the film will look and feel like it does look like to me that Jared Leto may deliver a stand out performance with how the slow walk into the scene before his character says with what looks like two electrodes in his hands and says he's not going to kill you, he's just going to hurt you really really bad, it creates a atmosphere of what is he going to do and who is he going to hurt.

And he to me really looks the part of crazy.

But this according to Empire Magazine's website wasn't all from the Warner Bros. panel at San Diego's Comic-Con panel regarding it's film adaptions of DC Comics.

The cherry on the top for those at this panel was how Warner Bros. announced how they would adapt into films from the DC Universe Wonder Women, The Flash, The Justice League 1, Justice League 2, Aquaman, Green Lantern Corps (yes, your eyes are not deceiving you this really does say Green Lantern so it does look like the movie world is trying it's luck one more time with this DC title and maybe wanting to make up for or wanting to try and make all audiences forget about the Ryan Reynolds film), and Cyborg.

I can't wait for this to be released now I've seen this in the UK on the 5th of August 2016 and also is the same day in the USA...nice to know that neither us over here in the UK won't miss out on this highly anticipated film by a day as so often is the case with the USA getting to see all the films first.

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