
Wednesday 22 July 2015

Ok here it is some pics of behind-the-scenes pics of Star Wars: The Force Awakens posts 1 and 2

Ok I've done my best to not write anything on here regarding Star Wars because I really didn't want to ruin this new one for myself as I am a huge fan and I thought that if your are as huge a fan as I am that if I put up a load of info and images that no one would thank me for ruining all their excitement and fun by knowing beforehand every little detail about the film,...but I saw these and these just made me want to break my silence.

Four days ago on's website I saw these images:

According to these were just some of the images from the behind-the-scenes show reel that director J.J Abrams showed the fans that had camped out for days to be at the Comic-Con panel, and as you can imagine most fans of the Star Wars franchise including myself went silent according to, as I have to say that these images that have very kindly grabbed from the footage that LucasFilm and Disney revealed to the what I imagine were droves of fans that were probably crammed into the hall where this panel took place just to watch this in depth behind-the-scene footage from the new "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" film, are amazing and a must see treat as it may just be me but it really does give you a sense of just how big a production these films are, i.e there are what looks like J.J Abram's own little army of make-up artists, prosphetics designers and makers,  location scouts etc. that look like to me at least like they work extremely hard to make any and all ideas of either J.J Abrams or the studio come to life exactly or as near as can be to any and all original ideas.


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As you can see from just some of these images,-and bear in mind that this is only the first post with some behind the scenes footage from this in depth look from "Star Wars: The Force Awakens",- that there are some recognisable characters that are back for this film like Chewbaka, R-2D2, StormTroopers and The Millenium Falcon...which just has to take a starring role in this new film as with all the other friendly faces coming back for this film as I'm sure all Star Wars fans like me will agree that a Star Wars film without these characters just simply isn't a Star Wars film. does also show that there might be some new faces turning up in this film like Simon I do have to say I am a fan of this actor ever since I saw "Shaun Of The Dead" but when I first saw these images of Simon Pegg I did think "How On Earth Did Simon Pegg Get In This Film?", but then again it is directed by J.J Abrams and he did direct StarTrek so that's maybe how he got into this film.

And I have to say from some of these pics it looks like there maybe a new Jabba The Hut in town and with a his very own Princess Laia but this time not chained up and not in a bikini...I guess times have really changed and moved on!

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