
Wednesday 22 July 2015

Star Wars: The Force Awakens in depth behind-the-scenes pics post 2!

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As you can see from these images faces new and old will make appearances in this film such as Mark Hamill (Luke SkyWalker), Carrie Fisher (Princess Laia), C3PO, Harrison Ford ( Captain Hans Solo) which many including myself have already seen from the trailer, but if you haven't seen it yet please see the link to it below:

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Also John Boyega who will play the character Finn, Lupita Nyong'o who you may or may not have recognised from the previous post of pictures that is pictured with all the white spots all over her face, but you may or may not recognise her from films like "12 Years A Slave" who played the part of Patsy, and Daisy Ridley who will be playing the part of Rey are just some of the new faces which also include

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Domhill Gleeson from films such as "Never Let Me Go" who played the part or Rodney who wants falls in love with a girl from the same mysterious school that Carey Mulligan's character, Keira Knightly's character and Andrew Garfield's character live under very strict rules such as they have to wear electronic tags to sign in to the house every day and night and when they come of age they watch each other have operations for something, but he wants to run away with this girl after hearing a rumour that a couple from a similar school did this and the school realised they were in love but left them alone and didn't bother looking for them.

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Also I have to say that among these familiar faces are the lobster looking character that you may or may not recognise from "Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back" as the Commander Gail Ackbar, who led the Republic amongst others which included Luke Skywalker and the Starfleet Command in it's fight to destroy Darth Vader and Death Star II, and it looks like the character that helped Lando pilot the Millenium Falcon during the fight in "Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back" and had a fight with Lando when they realised that the Death Star II's defence shield was still operational and hit the Millenium Falcon and Lando says "Can you fix it?" is back.

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Oscar Isaacs also looks to be one of these new faces that you may or may not recognise from films such as "Drive", he played the character that was married to Carey Mulligan's character and was killed during the robbery at a pawn shop that unbeknownst to him and the Driver played by Ryan Gosling is a front for one of the mobs cash houses, and most recently he was in "The Bourne Legacy" as Outcome #3 who Aaron Cross meets when in the field once he goes over the mountain after loosing his chems after running away from a pack of wolves that have been tracking him and after he makes a 25ft jump from one rocky side of a mountain to another.

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It also looks like Warwick Davis looks like he'll be making a return as well to the fore but this time not in the guise of the Ewoks from "Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back" more in the guise of a bumblebee person.

You can also see from these images that J.J Abrams still manages to stick it to The Storm Troopers as of the huge explosion that you can see.

But again it is amazing,-well I think it's amazing,- how much time and thought goes into producing massive productions of the Star Wars sets and ships, making sure that they would not only fit into the Star Wars universe from the image of the blueprints of the star ship but also from the image of a team of people making the star ship making this go from just an idea that is on paper to an actual thing that looks exactly like this or as near to these drawings as possible.

From these few images I'm already excited and I bet just like me other fans of these films as well as you will be too, but you don't have to wait long as the film will be released in the UK on 18th December 2015 according to, and for all other countries please go to the website and click on the December 18th 2015 release date and scroll down to the relevant country.

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