
Wednesday 15 July 2015

What What What!...may be nothing but Fight Club may be a rock opera.

I was just perusing's website for some news on Star Wars that I saw yesterday and I came across this and I just didn't know what to make of it so I thought I'd put it up on here and leave it up to you to make up your minds about it.

According to author Chuck Palahniuck tweeted via /Film:

"Julie Taymor working with David Fincher on a FIGHT CLUB rock opera? You didn't hear it from me #SDCC"

Dated July 12th 2015, but this says has now since been deleted which males me think that he has tweeted about something he shouldn't have i.e he may have been under strict rules like many actors and anyone involved with comic book movies like with the Christopher Nolan Batman films I heard that the name for these movies were secret as well as all details so that the media would find any information out about the films and therefore ruin the surprise for potential audiences and also probably now I think about it so as to not see lots of groups of fans at the film locations that would probably ruin filming as they would be making lots of noise due to their excitement at seeing any behind-the-scenes footage, and now somebody has seen this and has swiftly and sharply reprimanded him for doing this.

But it looks like that according to's website Chuck Palahniuck said to MTV back in April that:

"For the time being, I'm keeping it to myself. But right from the get go, when we signed that 60-page contract back in 1996, it gave FOX rights to create sequels and television and, so, I don't have control over a lot of that. Fincher is optioning the stage rights. He's finally moving on to the big rock opera. David says that there's been a rock opera for every generation, you know "Tommy" and then "The Wall", but there really hasn't been a really big one for the current generation-and he and Trent Reznor are really determined to make that happen. And David's been consulting with Julie Taymor, the director, and she's been kind of coaching him on what it takes to get a huge stage production."

So it looks sounds like to me that David Fincher and Trent Reznor really would like this to happen as it sounds like an interesting idea and they are getting help to see how this could be done into a rock opera but it doesn't sound like there is any financial backing for this to become a maybe this has been deleted as I'm thinking that if anyone at 20th Century Fox were to see this they might get a little bit pissed off that somebody is talking about this before they have had a proper chance to market it once this thing became a reality and things were put into proper motion.

Also according to Trent Reznor is going to be handling the music, with Palahniuck saying:

"No, David said that he wanted to give Trent a year to put together the primary songs and most of the soundtrack and I think I'll hear it after that point".

But I think with everything sounding all still up in the air that this may or may not happen but if it did happen I agree with that this will not come anytime soon and that we including myself will have to wait with baited breath to see if this actually does get made into a reality.

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