
Thursday 3 November 2016

Get ready for more Lisbeth Salader in "The Girl In The Spider's Web" sequel

I was just perusing the web when this caught my eye on's website.

I have to say this piqued my interest as I loved the original Swedish with English subtitles version of "The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo" films and really didn't understand why after these films that starred Noomi Rapace an Michael Nyqvist were so successfully there was another film made about this that starred Rooney Mara and Daniel Craig...well maybe now I write this I do understand why the powers that be wanted to remake this as the original was so successful for both the main actor and actress as I think it's probably fair to say that this film made Noomi Rapace a breakout star and even though it made $10m in North America and $104,617,430 globally it did,-I think it's fair to say,-amass a big audience, well it must have done from those figures and the second film was an English speaking American version so the people in the movie industry probably thought "Well if the first film was so successful why not remake it for English/American audiences, maybe it'll be that successful again?"...

But I think we all know how that remake version of the film went...down like a lead balloon,-that's just my opinion, for anybody reading this and thinking that they quite liked this version of the film-, even if it did star Daniel Craig.

For those that haven't seen the movie where the hell have you been?...anyway I will help fill in the blanks for you to catch you up, in the first movie "The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo" it follows Mickael Blomvist who is head of Millennium magazine who was the top journalist that wrote hard hitting expose stories but he falls out of favour as one of his expose's lands him in prison for 2 years and he has to pay damages for printing a story about a high profile person in society because he didn't check his sources where the information came from, after these 2 years he gets an odd request from a man asking him to find his niece who has disappeared he reluctantly agrees and goes to this man's house to interview his family about the day Hattie went missing, but this film also follows Lisbeth Salander who is a psychologically damaged hacker and has been declared legally incompetent by the government and after her guardian has a stroke is appointed a new guardian to take control of her money and life, she later finds out that this new guardian is a sadist and one night when she goes over to his house to ask for money to buy a new laptop he tells her he won't give her money unless she gives him a blow job, after that he then ties her up and rapes her but unbeknownst to him Lisbeth has filmed it all using a hidden camera in her ruck sack and then the next night she goes back for revenge this time she ties him up and attacks him with a tattoo pen writing on his stomach that he is a rapist pig and she tells him that he can never remove it or she'll come back and write it on him again...anyhew whilst this is going on she gets involved in this case and together both Salander and Blomvist find out that Hattie didn't disappear that she in fact was smuggled out of the country by her sister Anita who looks exactly like her and she is now living Australia away from her family as it turns out both her father and her brother had been abusing her.

Anyhew....according to's website David Lagercrantz's novel "The Girl In The Spider's Web" which he wrote as follow up to this "Millennium" series of books after Steig Larsson who wrote the other books in this series died from a heart attack in 2004 is set to be adapted into a film by Sony after it acquired the rights for this book in 2015.

Also according to's website Fede Alverez who directed "Don't Breath" is said to be eyeing up this as his next potential project for Sony.

Steven Knight is said to have co-written the script for this adaption along with Scott Rudin, Amy Pascal, Elizabeth Cantillon and Eli Bush, with Yellow Bird's (who produced the original Swedish version of "The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo") Ole Sondberg and Soren Staermose producing this with David Beaubaire overseeing this for the studio according to's website.

According to this website Sony has now fast tracked this to be made next year.

This film will see both Salander and Blomvist teaming up again and entering a world of cybercriminals, government operatives and ruthless underworld spies-some even willing to kill to protect their secrets. 

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