
Wednesday 23 November 2016

Has nobody learnt their lesson from the first movie?!... Leave King King alone!

I was just perusing the internet this morning and I saw that the second trailer for the new "King Kong: Skull Island" has been released into the wilds,-sorry for the pun I just couldn't resist- and is now doing the rounds on the internet.

Here is the link to the page where you can see this second trailer of this film if you haven't already seen the trailer for this film yet:

This new film "King Kong: Skull Island" is according to Wikipedia,-I know I know what your thinking whilst reading this "that these pages can be edited by anyone and they can't always be trusted as a source of news", but I've checked out what it says on this page and so far from what I can see the things it says are true,- this is set to be a reboot of the "King Kong" franchise and is said to serve as the second instalment in Legendary Pictures "King-Kong"/ "Godzilla" series.

And according to this is a film based on the origins of King Kong...but I was thinking "Does there really need to be another "King Kong" film"? and now that I'm writing this I'm thinking that "this better be bloody good because nobody needs another "X:Men Origins: Wolverine", but I'm thinking that the only reason that Legendary Pictures wants this to be the first film to reboot this franchise is for the money...because after the first movie I really can't see why you'd want or need another movie of "King Kong" as Kong died after Jack Black's character thought it would be a good idea to take him out of his natural environment and bring him back to America and make a show out of him...and we all know how well that idea turned out to be.

Anyhew...this movie sees another group of explorers want to go deep into an uncharted island in the Pacific unaware that they're venturing into the domaine of a mythical giant gorilla "King Kong" as well as other giant beasts...what could possibly go wrong?

But if you ask me a lot can go this movie trailer just looks like it should have been marketed as a comedy rather than an action/adventure as Tom Hiddleston looks like to me he's orange and if this film is set in the 1970's why is everyone apart from Samuel L Jackson looking like their wearing modern day clothes...and the only thing to say this is set in the 1970s is a Motown record.

And when the film has cast "StepBrother"'s John C Reiley how can this possibly be anything serious?

Well this is just my opinion and I guess that when this film is officially released in cinemas in the UK on March 2017 will we know for sure how well this origins film fares.

This film also features Brie Larson, Tom Hiddleston of course, Samuel L. Jackson, John C. Reilly and has been directed by Jordan Vogt-Roberts, Dan Gilroy wrote the screenplay for this movie as well as writing the story for this film, Max Borenstein also wrote the screenplay for this movie and John Gilroy who also wrote the story for this movie.

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