
Thursday 10 November 2016

Say What!?...20th Century want to redo the X-Men films!...and more

Now I saw this headline on The Hollywood Reporter's website whilst I was reading another article and I just had to read it as this sounded to me just ridiculous...a redo or a reboot or whatever of these films sounds absurd as how on earth can you reboot these films as they were in my opinion amazing and had such big visual effects and they must have had a rather large budget to make these films as well as getting the actors such as Michael Fassbender, Jennifer Lawrence, James McAvoy and Nicholas Hoult.

Anyhew...according to this article over at 20th Century Fox the superhero film franchise is waning and it looks like the studio has pressed the reset button on this flagship franchise with Simon Kinberg who oversaw the original X-Men film franchise as writer and producer now working on a new script but insiders say that according to The Hollywood Reporter that this script has been written with these stars optimistically in mind.

But in doing this 20th Century Fox has a problem, Bryan Singer's "X-Men's: Day's Of Future Past" earned $748 million and "X-Men: Apocalypse" made only $544 million at the box I think it's fair to say that the number of people going to see this movie dropped from this second in the new line of "X:Men" films and this probably means that people weren't as eager to see this follow up of Brian Singer's first rebooted "X:Men" film and probably either didn't go the first week that this film was released and went to the cinema when they could go or when their wasn't such a rush on at their local cinema, or they waited for it to be released on DVD, Blu-Ray or they waited for it to be available to stream on their devices at home.

So if this was to be rebooted how bigger budget do you give the filmmakers and how do you reboot this film franchise without just throwing lots of money at it and just filling the movie with lots of things blowing up, visual effects or action without it looking shit and having critics as well as audiences leaving the cinema or people watching it saying "that that was an hour of my life I'm never going to get back".

Also the new chairman at 20th Century Fox Stacey Snider has the headache of if they want to do this reboot with Jennifer Lawrence, Michael Fassbender, James McAvoy and Nicholas Hoult as they've come to the ends of their 3 picture deal contracts then Fox better be prepared to stump up lots more cash than before as these actors won't come as cheap like before.

Also according to this same article the long talked about "X:Men" spin-off film "Gambit" that is set to star Channing Tatum has yet again stalled in its production as Doug Liman who was set to direct this film has already left the project leaving 20th Century Fox in desperate need to find a new director asap as well as the production that was set to start in August not happening.

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