
Monday 18 December 2017

"Blade Runner 2049" Release Date!

Finally! After already pre-ordering this film and having to wait what seemed like aaaaaaaaaaages I have finally just got an e-mail from's website saying when this will be released on to DVD and this is:

Drum roll please!

February 5th 2018.

Oooh! this to my mind has just missed out on what I would think was the ideal release time for it on DVD,-Christmas-, as I would have thought that if it came out around now when other people are bringing out comedy DVD's, CD's, TV show DVD's all adding to the various number of people's Christmas lists.

Well this date has been well and truly seared into my brain now that I know this and I can't contain my excitement.

I have to be honest when I first heard that there was going to be a new "Blade Runner" film released with Ridley Scott and starring Jared Leto, Ryan Gosling and Harrison Ford, I instantly felt like "oh god, not another "Blade Runner" can't they just let this die with dignity like the "Alien" films"? but I also felt like if you were going to release a new one of these why wouldn't you involve Ridley Scott as he did create this film as well as the characters involved in this film.

So it's safe to say when I first saw this film advertised on YouTube and on the TV I wasn't immediately grabbed or interested in going to see this film at the cinema...but on the other hand I did really want to go and see this at my local cinema as Jared Leto was starring in this film as I am a massive fan of his movies and the band 30 Seconds To Mars.

But after I saw this "short" that was directed by Luke Scott on YouTube I think it's fair to say I had changed my opinion on this:

If your like me and haven't seen the first film then I urge you to see the first one now as this might help get you to understand what is going on in this story as the events in this New! "Blade Runner 2049" take place 30 years after the first films events...but if you haven't seen it yet I'll fill in the blanks for you:

In the future Harrison Ford plays Rick Deckard who used to work in the police force but now tracks down Replicants as a "Blade Runner",-these are bioengineered with synthetic skin and only live for 4 years to stop them from learning too many things i.e emotions and therefore its for safety that they only live for 4 years and the only way to spot a Replicant is by using the Voight-Kapff test to provoke a emotional response,- but as there is a law that says all Replicants have to live in the other world territories and if a Replicant comes to Earth the penalty is death he is out of work until he gets called in by the police telling him 4 Replicants have killed everyone on board a ship bound for the other world territories and are heading for Earth he needs to find them and stop them, but he finds out that the only reason they have come to Earth is to find Niander Wallace who had made them because one of them wanted to know how they could prolong their girlfriends life, but once these replicants find out from Niander Wallace himself that they've tried everything to do this but failed as every Replicant died in the process he gets killed by the Replicants...and he also finds a girlfriend himself in Niander Wallace's secretary "Rachel" who is a special kind of Replicant with an unknown amount of lifespan that he runs away with at the end of the film to avoid being arrested and for her to avoid being found out as a Replicant.

Ok I admit it, me and my sisters sat down straight away when we first heard there was going to be a NEW! "Blade Runner 2049" to see the first film to see what it was all about as we had never seen it.

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