
Friday 20 April 2018


God I really don't know where to start on this follow up Part II as there seems to have been a million things happen whilst I've been recovering from a chest infection.

But first things first 30 Seconds To Mars released on April 6th their NEW! album "America" and I can't believe the negative comments I've seen on the Internet about this and about the band, things like someone on did a meme with their list album cover but instead of it saying the top 5 of whatever like for instance you could have got on one album cover the top 5 sex positions, top 5 list of styles as said by GQ etc they've done "WOW THIS BAND HAS GONE DOWN HILL FAST" and people saying that 30 Seconds To Mars have sold out with this album...I get it people are entitled to their own opinion but... this album sounds different to the bands other albums but over a career spanning as long as theirs are you not as a band going to differ in sound over time? And I know what I may say next may get a few comments on here or it may not as it may cause offense but I'm going to say it anyway...are the people that are saying these things really fans of 30 Seconds To Mars? as if you were a fan of 30 Seconds To Mars like I am surely you would just be excited at this band releasing a NEW! album after so long between this NEW! one and "Love. Lust. Dreams. Faith" and you'd just want to listen to it because you want to hear any of the NEW! songs that haven't been released after "Walk On Water", " Dangerous Night" which was according to Wikipedia produced by Zedd and "One Track Mind ft. A$AP Rocky" and what these other tracks sound like? And if you haven't heard any of these amazing tracks here is the link below to see what you think for yourself on

I just thought whilst I was listening to this that this "One Track Mind ft. A$AP Rocky" definitely to me anyway has vibes of Khalid and Marshallow's single "Silence":

I apologise for saying this but I just felt like I needed to get this off my chest as it's really been bugging me as well as reading some of the surprisingly negative comments that people have been giving Gwen Stefani whilst she's been doing all the press for her NEW! upcoming "Just A Girl" residency in Las Vegas...why do people do this when there is no need for negative comments? Especially as she is Gwen Stefani lead singer of "No Doubt" one of the coolest bands ever,-in my opinion-.

Anyhew...I have to say that since I have received a copy of "America" I cannot stop playing this album as I am loving these tracks no matter how different they might sound to some people. If you haven't heard any of this NEW! album yet well shame on you, you need to put down whatever your doing right now and get on over to wherever you download your music from Spotify, ITunes, Amazon etc and listen to this album it will get you seriously hooked!...that might just be me as I'm a bit biased being a fan of 30 Seconds To Mars...yes this album does sound different to "Love. Lust. Faith. Dreams" but all these different sounding songs make you want to listen to them and find out what's your favourite sounding track off this album.

I also have to say that whenever I listen to "Rescue Me" the guitar on the track always makes me think of "The Police-Message In A Bottle"...if you've not heard this song where the hell have you been all these years? here is the link to hear this song on

And I'm absolutely loving their epic cinematic sounding "Monolith" which is just an instrumental track.

And I am really surprised because I haven't heard on their previous albums any duets, Halsey appears on a duet "Love Is Madness" on Track 7 of this NEW! album and I have to say that this as well as "Remedy" which is sung by Shannon Leto and sounds more acoustic, is one of my favourite tracks and every time I listen to this album I always get this track stuck in my head. If you haven't heard this track yet here is the link to it on

And I was perusing YouTube the other day and after hearing about this upcoming film for a couple of months now I saw the first official trailer for this Jason Statham film "The Meg" has officially been put up on the Internet, here is the trailer for this film if you haven't already seen this yet:

The story for this is according to after escaping an attack by what he claims is a 70ft Megladon (a prehistoric shark) Jonas Taylor who will be played by Jason Statham must save those trapped on a sunken submersible...this to me looks soooo stupid and soooo CGI because this would never be plausible that a prehistoric shark would still be hanging around at the bottom of the ocean and nobody has seemed to have noticed until Jason Statham came along to save the day...but now that I think about this I think with this and Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson's "Rampage" movie about a huge CGI gorilla that has been genetically altered and also a wolf which has been mutated with the DNA of a bat to make a flying wolf I think we've moved now into the realms of movies that you just shouldn't ask stupid questions of what's real, what's not real, what's plausible and what's not plausible just go and see the films...or this could just smell like everybody involved in this movie was desperate for a pay day.

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