
Wednesday 25 April 2018


I apologise for the pun but this was just begging to be done and I just couldn't let it go to waste. I just saw this article on TheHollywoodReporter's website that was published the day after the article that was published on's website and just had to put this up here.

According to's website now Disney's LucasFilm is suing Ren Ventures for copyright infringements, trademark infringements and unfair competition and is asking the court to cancel Ren Ventures trademark of "Sabacc".

According to's website Disney's LucasFilm says that Ren Ventures sought to capitalize on the fandom of "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" film by creating the video game app "Sabacc" right before this films release in 2015.

Also according to this same article on The's website Disney's LucasFilm goes even further by stating in court documents written by Disney LucasFilms' attorney Cynthia Arato that:

"Defendants' website, Facebook page and other social media accounts all display copyrighted images from "Star Wars" motion pictures and television episodes and quote copyrighted dialogue from these works..."

She goes on to say that:

"They even named one of their companies, Ren Ventures, after the "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" character named Kylo Ren."

She also goes on to say that:

" Prior to the Defendants' claimed "first use" of the mark SABACC, in 2015, Plaintiffs publicly announced that LucasFilm was developing a new motion picture focused on Han Solo as a young man..."

"Star Wars fans and any interested observer would expect that the pivotal game of Sabacc between Lando Calrission and Han Solo would be part of the new movie. In fact, fans began to speculate about whether the movie would feature Sabacc".

So in other words Disney's LucasFilm attorney is saying that Ren Ventures knew even before 2015 that Disney's LucasFilm was going to be making a new film seeing Han Solo when he was a young man and they knew that this could or would feature the card game Sabacc as anyone who is like me and fan of "Star Wars" knows that Sabacc is how the Millennium Falcon became Han Solo's ship, and this is also told in a screenplay for 1978's "The Empire Strikes Back" that wrote it as "Sabacca" but was then changed to "Sabacc" in the 1980 novelisation of this story and in the first book in a trilogy about Lando Calrissian explains the rules of "Sabacc", and that regardless of this they made the mobile game app anyway so they had to have known that they were going to be creating click bait for people as anyone who's anyone is going to click on this want to play it as it even sounds regardless of who owns this trademark like "Sabacc" is something from "Star Wars". 

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