
Tuesday 24 April 2018


I was perusing's website the other day and I couldn't believe this came up on my homepage.

You may or may not have seen the trailer to this yet, here is the link to this on to have a little look at it and see it for yourself:

Both Antoine Fuqua and Denzel Washington are back in this follow up to "The Equalizer" which if you haven't seen this first film I urge you to go and see this as it was action packed and is good to watch if there is nothing on the TV to watch...if you haven't seen this film then I will fill in the blanks for you...Denzel Washington plays Robert McCall a seemingly quite, keeps himself to himself, has a routine guy like for example he doesn't have much in his apartment and he keeps a watch by his bedside and gets up at a certain time each morning, gets dressed, takes the same bus each morning to a diner and sets himself out in a booth with a book each night, he cleans with the serviette the knife and fork once he sits down in the booth and then goes to work at a home depot store and seems to be friendly towards Ralphie who is trying to train to become a security guard at the store but one day Ralphie up and stops wanting to train after his mother's restaurant gets broken into and there is a fire and after McCall learns it was no accident and it was really the work of corrupt policemen who did it because she didn't pay her protection money on time...he pays them a little visit and gets them to give the money back to Ralphie's mother. And after he befriends a young girl who also regularly goes to the same diner as him that wants to become a singer but gets into a different car each night stops coming to the diner one night and is put in the hospital goes out to pay the people that did that to her and in turn the audience find out that he used to be a government agent that quit as soon as he got married and in turn has to go to war with the head of the Russian Mafia as he learns that The Russian Mafia is running a prostitution ring that she is involved in and that involves corrupt police to look the other way so to speak.

This film sees Denzel Washington reprising his role as Robert McCall who is getting justice for the oppressed and exploited but he has to go back into action when his long time friend Susan Plummer played by Melissa Leo is murdered whilst by the looks of this trailer is investigating the death of another agent.

According to this is pencilled in to be released in the UK on the 17th August. This will be directed by Antoine Fuqua.

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