
Wednesday 25 April 2018


I was perusing the Internet yesterday and an interesting headline popped up saying "LucasFilm suing video mobile app company over Sabacc" and as I am a huge Star Wars fan my curiosity was of course piqued as to know more about this story...but alas the internet went so I couldn't read what this was all about until today.

I Googled this and according to's website a mobile video app created by Ren Ventures is suing Disney's LucasFilm, Denny's and for copyright infringement for a card game app called "Sabacc" that combines both poker and poker.

Also according to's website Ren Ventures claims that in 2015 it filed for the trademark of Sabacc and that this was granted in 2016 as it went unopposed...this just sounds ridiculous to me as I am a huge fan of Star Wars and last time I checked LucasFilm and Disney both before Disney bought LucasFilm are pretty big companies and your telling me that if they don't physically go to court and legally trademark this name it's free game for anyone to take it as a name for anything?!

Surely someone in these big companies already knows this and Ren Ventures is saying that there was no one in these companies that either appeared to know this, thought of it themselves to use "Sabacc" in their marketing departments when they bring out all the Star Wars merchandise when this new film would come out or just didn't care about this therefore they didn't oppose this giving them "Ren Ventures" free rein to use it in a card game app they created.

Also according to's website Ren Ventures didn't give Disney's LucasFilm license to use the term "Sabacc" and that it certainly didn't give them license to partner with Denny's restaurant in America to create an advert that centres around this game and is therefore suing them and for violating their trademark by using "Sabacc".'s website says this lawsuit is in response to LucasFilms lawsuit last year which was to have Ren Ventures trademark cancelled as LucasFilm claimed that this would only cause confusion with customers.

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