
Tuesday 8 November 2022



You may or may not have heard this news already, but according to's website Kenneth Branagh will be starring in a NEW! Agatha Christie Hercule Poirot novel "Hallowe'en Party" for the big screen.

Being a big fan of Agatha Christie Hercule Poirot and having watched nearly all the adaptions of Agatha Christie's novels I don't know how I feel about this as I didn't really like the modern adaption of the Agatha Christie novel "Murder On The Orient Express" or the adaption of Agatha Christie's novel "Death On The Nile",- I have to admit that after seeing the first adaption I couldn't believe he'd adapted "Death On The Nile" as this is my favourite Agatha Christie novel and this is in my mind the best Hercule Poirot novel-.

So when I heard that there was going to be another Agatha Christie novel adaption starring Kenneth Branagh I was let's say reserved about this as well. But as well as this being an Agatha Christie novel which means I'll definitely give it a go but I have just read that Jamie Dornan has just been added to the cast of this NEW! Agatha Christie Hercule Poirot Michael Green adaption as well as Tina Fey and Michelle there might be hope for this NEW! adaption yet.

But also according to's website the plot for this will be set in post World War II Venice where Poirot is living in a self-imposed exile and being now retired, and while on Halloween he is invited to a decaying haunted palazzo to attend a seance where one of the guests is murdered where he is thrust into a sinister world of shadows and secrets. 

No matter what little ray of light these NEW! cast members as well as Kenneth Branagh, Jude Hill, Camille Cotton, Ali Khan, Emma Laird, Kelly Reilly and Riccardo Scamarcio I am still not sure about this NEW! film adaption, but I'll reserve judgement as, -now I don't want to spoil the story for anyone who hasn't read or seen any adaptions of the novel "Hallowe'en Party" by Agatha Christie-, but in particular I'm thinking the ITV adaption of this and from what I've just read on Wikiepedia there is no mention of a seance in where has this come from all of a sudden? In this novel Hercule Poirot is asked by his friend Ariadne Oliver to investigate a death of a child at a Halloween Party that was being hosted at Rowina Drake's house whilst she was visiting her friend Judith Butler in a small village called Woodleigh Common.

In the novel a 13 year old drowns whilst apple bobbing having just said she saw a murder but she didn't know it was a murder until a year later, then when asked to investigate the death by Ariadne Oliver Hercule also investigates if this murder could be true or not, starting with making a list of all the disappearance's and deaths in the last few years in the area with the help of a retired policeman Superintendent Spence, this list includes an au pair Olga Seminoff, a dodgy lawyer Leslie Ferrier, Rowina Drake's aunt Miss Llewllyn-Smythe and a teacher at the local school Janet White. 

And according to a Wikipedia page Charlotte Benfield a sixteen year old shop assistant who was found with multiple head injuries,-but this isn't relevant to the story though-, Poirot finds out that the story the little girl told wasn't really her story it was her best friends story and she was just saying it to get attention, Rowina Drake and a gardener Michael Garfield started having an affair while Rowina was married and they plotted together to kill Rowina's aunt as she had found out about this and that she was going to leave all her money to Olga Seminoff in a codicil, so they paid Leslie Ferrier to forge the codicil and have it look like Olga and Leslie were working to get the money but both ended up dead and Rowena being paranoid that someone might have seen them move Olga Seminoff's body she killed the little girl when she told the tale...but Rowena then finds out that they weren't going to do all these murders and run off to the Greek Island that she'd secretly purchased using the money she inherited from her aunt Michael Garfield was more likely going to kill her off now he had an island where he could grow a garden for himself.

Although according to's website this film is promising to be a "...terryifying mystery...", so that's something.

Also according to this same article on's website production on this is said to begin on Halloween this year and is pencilled in to be released in cinemas by late 2023.


I don't believe this! Just when I've come back from holiday with my family the first thing I Google is "is there a new Evan Ryder novel?", - half hoping that enough time has passed for there to be an update on the last time I Googled this and there was nothing I just kept getting links to websites that sold the last Evan Ryder novel-, and to my surprise there is finally an answer...yes there is going to be a next book in the series.

Thank God! I feel like I have been waiting for this news forever!

I just Googled this and according to Fantastic's website the next book in the "Eric Van Lustbader: Erin Ryder" series will be called "The Quantum Solution" and will be released on 11th May 2023... if you're like me this will be music to your ears to hear there is a NEW! book in the Evan Ryder series of books so save this date for your diaries! If you haven't read this series of books, I'm not judging but I have to say shame on you! these are amazing! If you haven't read these books yet I highly recommend you start reading these but if you haven't read them, I'll catch you up:

Book 1: "The Nemesis Manifesto"- This introduces Evan Ryder who is the deadliest black ops agent who works for her friend Ben Butler who runs his own "shop" which has links to the Department of Defense..., when other agents start getting killed and her name is on the list she has to find out what is going on and how does it relate to her, whilst this is going on propaganda is being fed to Ben Butler's bosses about how he shouldn't be in his position as he is Jewish which threatens his position of control within the Department of Defense which turns out to be coming from Russia and Ben finds out that there is a mole in the USA government close to the President who is helping to spread this Russian backed propaganda. Evan Ryder finds out that this threat that is killing off agents is called Nemesis and that it has links to her past as she keeps having flashbacks of being in a red bricked building with two ravens and being with her friend Lyudmila Shokova Russia's best, most lethal and worst in Russia's history as she was head of the SVR but after many years she was found out to be passing information to the USA. This then leads to Evan Ryder going to Germany and finding out that Lyudmila Shokova's nephew has been working in secret for her to find out more about Nemesis and where are they based, and this leads both of them finding out that Nemesis is a neo-Nazi group that had kidnapped her and Lyudmila and used some kind of experimental concoction of drugs before that is why she can't remember anything other than a red brick building but they managed to escape, but this time when she gets kidnapped she manages to destroy the whole base and escape.

Book 2: "The Kobalt Dossier"- This is where Evan Ryder is forced back out into the field after her sister "Bobby" and her family go missing and the FBI are investigating and are watching the house and nearly arrest her and Ben after they go to her sister's house to see what happened and they already think that as Evan Ryder works for the Department of Defense she must have something to do with this, that's why wherever Evan goes to look for answers she and Ben get followed. Evan Ryder then finds that not only are her sister's kids missing but her husband has been killed and his head is buried in the backyard with a gag in his mouth and a message this leads her to find this is linked to a group called "Omega" and when she tracks down their stronghold Ben Butler gets shot and that Omega is led by the wife of a powerful politician and that they have the kids with the intent of weird experiments on them to create the perfect human being as this group has links to Noah's Ark theory from the Bible. Russia also wants to stop this group and they send their best agent "Kobalt" but there is no file on what this agent is and they even have the task of killing Evan Ryder, but we the reader find out that this is Bobby and that all those years ago when she "died" in a car accident she went over to work for the Russians.

Book 3- "Omega Rules" Ben Butler's black ops arm of the Department for Defense has been shut down after he was shot and he is completely devastated and left in so much pain from his wound that he spends his days in a wheelchair, so for the sake of him and for Ben Butler's daughter Zoe, Evan goes after the head of Omega and tries to put an end to this group once and for all. But this takes her to a mental health hospital in Austria where her birth parents are and they tell her that the head of Omega is actually her and Bobby's sister and that she used to work at the same hospital but would do secret unethical experiments on the brains of dead people and that she lost her job when she started becoming more fanatical about creating the perfect being based on what was written in Genesis chapter of the Bible.

Tuesday 25 October 2022


Finally! after months of Googling every other day after I read the last Jack Carr James Reece novel to see if there would be a next book in the James Reece book series from Jack Carr and when this next book would be released in the UK I have finally had my prayers answered... there will be another book in this series.

I'm so excited to find this out as it feels like forever in finding out this news...if you haven't read this series of books yet I strongly recommend you stop whatever you're doing right now and go out and buy a copy or download it or whatever you do, but do it now! as this book series will definitely have you hooked, it did with me, I bought the first book because I saw that this was what other customers were reading that read "Eric Van Lustbaders" "Evan Ryder" book series and the description sounded interesting to me and when it came up that there was other books in the series I bought all of them because knowing me I would get to the end of the story and want to know what was going to happen next, but what I didn't expect was to not be able to put this book down or that I would totally love it and totally agree with what the actor Chris Pratt said in an interview with Jimmy Kimmel about how he thought after reading these books that this has to be turned into something.

According to The's website the NEW! book will be released on May 16th 2023 and will be called "Only the Dead" if you're an avid reader of this series or a newcomer to this book series this is definitely a date for the diary.

If you haven't read the first book "The Terminal List" or watched the Amazon Prime series of the same name starring Chris Pratt and Jai Courtney or read the other books in the series by Jack Carr then I'll try and summarize for you, book one "The Terminal List" was about former SEAL Team leader James Reece come back from war after seeing his whole team get blown up by the enemy as if they knew the Team was coming and knew their tactics get questioned by NCIS people about what he did during the whole time they got blown up and why was he the only one not blown up and then his wife and child get gunned down in their home by a cartel that is hired by a big pharma company that has been without their permission testing on unsuspecting SEAL Teams a drug to stop PTSD but it hasn't been working but instead been slowly killing the SEAL members via brain tumours and the whole explosion was suppose to cover this up and leave no traces behind either of what was being done or by whom, so after Reece's family die he writes a list on the back of a drawing his daughter did to take out those linked to this drug. 

Book 2 "True Believer" is about pseudo terrorists and how another former SEAL that Reece worked with previously is said to have gone rogue and is masterminding a network of terrorists but as Reece knows this guy he doesn't believe him so goes to find him and the US government including his friend find out that they've both been played by another former frogman Reece knew but he also knew that because of a bad psychological evaluation this colleague didn't get in to the Seal Teams but has in fact been lying to James Reece's friend by saying he is working for the CIA and is helping fight terrorists and James Reece has to find under the streets of Odesa a network of highly sophisticated bombs set to blow the city and deactivate them whilst at the same time two sniper's have been deployed to kill the President of The United States.

Book 3 "Savage Son" James Reece faces off with the Russian Mafia who send a team down to Montana to track him and he then with the help of the CIA has to infitrate them and finds out that his best friend's sister has been abducted and killed by the son of one of the Russian mafia's who is a psychopath and hunts people for sport with dogs and after squaring up with Raife Hastings and James Reece he uses a bow and arrow to draw James Reece out of hiding so he can hunt both his best friend and James Reece.

Book 3 "The Devil's Hand" sees James Reece have to team up with a friend of Katie Buraneck his girlfriend/investigative war correspondent to help America combat a new terror threat of a new kind of bioweapon that is completely overwhelming hospitals as someone has created a new kind of haemorrhagic fever that is even more deadly than any that the US have seen before and they seem to have put it in aerosol form but in highly populated areas, but to get your hands on something like this you can only find a virus like this in a bioweapons lab that James Reece has to break into.

Book 4 "In The Blood" sees James Reece being lured out of his life on Raife's family ranch in Montana where he now lives with terrorists killing an old friend of his from his CIA days in Burkina Faso with a rocket launcher and with the help of other CIA members to find her killer he walks into a trap where he faces of with a corrupt police official who tries to kill him in a truck whilst "helping" him by driving him to the crash site. Only to learn that this is the work of a master sniper who wants him dead.

According to an exclusive interview Jack Carr did with this website this next book will be about "Truth and Consequence"...this already has me guessing what this story will be. Maybe the plot details on's website will offer a little more insight into what this book will be about:

"In 1980, a freshman congressman was gunned down in Rhode Island, sending shockwaves through Washington that are still reverberating over four decades later. Now, with the world on the brink of war and a weakened United States facing rampant inflation, political division, and shocking assassinations, a secret cabal of global elites is ready to assume control. And with the world's most dangerous man locked in solitary confinement, the conspirators believe the final obstacle to complete domination has been eliminated. They're wrong." 

It goes on to say:

"From the firms of Wall Street to the corridors of power in Washington, DC and Moscow, secrets from the past have the uncanny ability to rise to the surface in the present. With the odds stacked against him, James Reece is on a mission generations in the making. Unfortunately for his enemies, the former SEAL is not concerned with odds. He is on the warpath. And when James Reece picks up his tomahawk and sniper rifle, no one is out of range."

So hopefully fingers crossed this follows on from where James Reece now living along with Raife Hastings who is recovering after being hit in the leg with an arrow whilst trying to kill the psychopath over in Siberia Raife screams down a walkie talkie to James Reece the word "Avalanche" and James Reece is then faced with every known law enforcement agency trying to arrest him in front of his girlfriend/investigative war journalist Katie Buchanan for the assassination of the President Of The United States and to show he isn't a threat or armed he has no shirt on.

Friday 30 September 2022


I'll try and keep this post short as I've been suffering with some flu like lurgy symptoms for the last couple of days,-and don't worry it's not Covid-19 just in case your wondering,- but also I'll try and keep this short as you may or may not have already heard this news already and I don't want to bore you if you if you have heard this already but Amazon Prime are developing a NEW! live action "Blade Runner" series which was just too exciting to not put up on here.

And more exciting than this is that Ridley Scott will produce this NEW! series and his Scott Free banner along with Silka Luisa who will be writing the script and will executive produce this series says Empire Magazine Online's website. According to Vernon Sanders Amazon Studios head of global television:

"We are honoured to be able to present this continuation of the "Blade Runner " franchise, and are confident that by teaming up with Ridley, Alcon Entertainment, Scott Free Productions, and the remarkably talented Silka Luisa, "Blade Runner 2099" will uphold the intellect, themes and spirit of it's predecessors."

And by the looks of things just going off the headline on Empire Magazine's website Amazon Studios aren't done yet as they are also developing a "Butch and The Sundance Kid" series that according to The Hollywood Reporter's website will be part of a larger franchise with multiple series and spinoffs with Kaz and Ryan Firpo writing the scripts for the series' and Joe and Anthony Russo's AGBO executive producing with The Hollywood Reporter's website also saying that this NEW! series will be set in an alternative America like "The Man In The High Tower".

Also according to The Hollywood Reporter's website Rege-Jean Page who you may or may not have seen in "Bridgerton" and in "The Grey Man" is also going to be credited along with Glen Powell who you may or may not have seen in "Top Gun: Maverick" who played the character "Hangman" as executive producers and will continue to remain actively involved in the show's creation. Rege-Jean Page will play the character "Butch Cassidy" and Glen Powell will play the role of "The Sundance Kid".

Also according to The Hollywood Reporter's website there isn't a director for this yet nor is there an episode count for this series. Mike Larocca, Angela Russo-Otstot and Scott Nemes will also executive produce for AGBO...but I don't know how I feel about this as "Butch Cassidy and The Sundance Kid" is a classic film and I'm normally of the view that you don't touch a classic movie or a classic song as it always turns out crap in my opinion and you end up just wanting to either watch or listen to the original and your left wondering why on earth did they mess with this in the first place but sometimes I do end up surprising myself like when I first saw "Blade Runner" I instantly fell in love with it and when I first heard that there was going to be a sequel I thought to myself "why? how can you do another film this has to have Ridley Scott involved, if this doesn't then this really isn't going to be as good as the first one", but thankfully Ridley Scott was involved and I liked this film especially I loved the scene where Harrison Ford's character "Deckard" and Jared Leto's character "Niander Wallace" walk down the steps of "Niander Wallace's" office with the lights turning on with every step down to the chairs that they sit on so I guess I'll have to wait and see what this will be like.

Also according to Empire Magazine's website director of "Blade Runner 2049" Denis Villeneuve has said that he would be interested in maybe dipping his toe back into the world of "Blade Runner" but according to him:

"The problem is the word "sequel". I think cinema needs original stories. But if you ask me if I'd like to revisit this universe in a different way, I can say yes. It would need to be a project on its own. Something disconnected from both other movies. A detective noir story set in the future...I wake up sometimes in the night dreaming about it."

This sounds interesting but I don't know how you'd do a detective noir storyline within the "Blade Runner" universe, but if you ask me I was thinking what might be an interesting idea would be to explore the idea that "Blade Runner 2049" threw up about how Niander Wallace wanted full control over the replicants he creates i.e. pregnancies and how tensions maybe escalate between humans and result in a war of some kind between humans who don't want replicants to replace them in all aspects of society...-I do realize as I write this that this may just be me and this may make me sound like one of those nutters that talk about robots rising up against humans and I may have thought about this a little bit too much but this is a sci-fi movie and series after all so anything could happen-.

Monday 15 August 2022


 I've just read on's website that Warner Bros. Discovery is going into PR crisis mode and finally having to make a decision on what to do with "The Flash" movie after all the recent controversies led by Ezra Miller being arrested in Hawaii for assaulting a women and then rearrested for harrasment, a parent in Massachusetts filed for a temporary restraining order against him for menacing like behaviour against a now 12 year old child, parents of the Standing Rock activist Tokata Iron Eyes have filed for an order of protection against Ezra Miller alleging he had groomed Tokata and supplying him with a high dose of LSD. 

And the accusations don't stop there...also according to the Vermont State Police have reviewed surveillance images and statements to arrest and charge Ezra Miller with burglary of several bottles of alcohol from a home in Vermont and he has been ordered to attend a court hearing in September, and he has also been accused of housing a family with three young children in an unsafe environment at their 96 acre farm in Stamford, Vermont, and this police report also alleges that there were "unattended guns strewn around the home" and "frequent and heavy use" of marijuana in front of the children.

With all these things going on I don't know why Warner. Bros. Discovery haven't done something sooner...well now that I think about it I can think why they haven't done anything about this is because of "THE MONAAY",-so Cuba Gooding Jnr. would say in "Jerry Maguire",- the film apparently so says's website saying that "The Flash" is a $200million tentpole franchise for Warner. Bros. Discovery with the head of Warner. Bros. Discovery saying about their plans for bringing the DC universe to the big screen saying:

"We think that we could build a long term much stronger, sustainable growth business out of DC. And as part of that, we're going to focus on quality..."

He went on to say:

"We're not going to release any film before it's ready. We're not going to release a film to make a (financial) quarter, we're not going to release a film ( until it's ready). The focus is going to be, how are we make each of these films in general as good as possible".

Yeah right! this could just be me as my family do call me health and safety but I don't want to be watching this either on home release or in cinemas thinking "how uncomfortable were the other actors and actresses with working with Ezra Miller" or "how uncomfortable must it have been for the other crew members to work with someone who's so temperamental who could pop off at any time and who is so creepy" or "is this another Joss Whedon situation with Gal Gadot" despite what the quality of the film is because despite what this studio may think I still think that all this shit don't look good for all concerned.

So according to The Hollywood Reporter's website Warner. Bros. Discovery have three options to "avert" this crisis or as I keep thinking this should be called the three options to dig Warner. Bros. Discovery out of the massive hole that Ezra Miller has dug for the studio.

Option 1: According to The Hollywood Reporter the actor who has been accompanied by his mother in recent days has been giving the studio indications that he will receive professional help after he returned to the farm in Vermont. And if this goes ahead then Ezra Miller could give an interview a way down the road after some time explaining his recent erratic behaviour, and he would then do limited press for "The Flash" movie which is supposedly going ahead as planned and will be released in 2023...this if you ask me is just putting a plaster/band aid on a very big problem.

Option 2: According to this same The Hollywood Reporter article is if Ezra Miller doesn't get help then "The Flash" will still get released because let's face it with the figure of $200million in mind and with the whole backlash that the studio got for shelving the "Batgirl" film the studio has to recoup it's loses somehow and it also has to do something to bring film fans back on side. But don't bet on Ezra Miller playing a prominent role in any of the marketing or publicity for the movie. Nor would Ezra Miller be cast as "The Flash" going forward as this role would be recast for any future projects. 

Option 3: Also according to this same article or as website put it "the nuclear option"  this situation gets worse,- and let's face it if this is what has come out so far about Ezra Miller you just know that there's more to come and I bet it only get's worse-, and Warner. Bros. Discovery kills the movie indefinitely as Ezra Miller plays multiple characters and is in most of the film so even if the studio wanted to you couldn't reshoot any scenes with a different actor as it would be dead obvious it was a different actor.  


Friday 22 July 2022


 I know that I may have gone on a bit about "Dungeons and Dragons" on here but I just read this on and just had to put this up on here.

According to's own Steven Weintraub who attended this years San Diego ComicCon and saw what cool things audiences were in for at the "Dungeons and Dragons: Honour Among Thieves" booth, and I have to say that as someone who has been waiting for this long awaited adaption of the game ever since the first film in 2000,-I know not very many liked this adaption of the board game but I liked it and thought it was okay anyway but that's just me,- I have to say that this looks pretty cool especially the dragon with red eyes and smoke and light show to make it look like audiences are in a cave.

As you can probably get from this, and according also to Paramount made this all a really cool interactive audience experience with turning Hall H into a real-ish tavern with showing first look images of the cast members Chris Pine, Michelle Rodriguez, Justice Smith, Rege-Jean Page, Sophia Lillis, Chloe Coleman and Hugh Grant (which you can see in Steven Weintraub Twitter coverage of the "Dungeons and Dragrons: Honour Among Thieves" San Diego ComicCon panel which if you scroll down on this link on's page below):

Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves Images: Chris Pine & Regé-Jean Page (

that I've pretty much geeked out on this and now that I've read these various articles have to say I'm a little bit jealous that I couldn't get to go to this...just a little thing that I've seen in the making sure everything works stage of this post just make sure when clicking this link WAIT FOR EVERTHING TO UPLOAD PROPERLY!

Oh well....from these first look images it clearly lays out what kind of character each cast members will be playing in this movie with it looking like Chris Pine's character is definitely a bard as he is seen in these first look images with a lute, and in Michelle Rodriguez's first look images her character is clearly a badass axe wielding barbarian, Rege-Jean Page's first look images show him in armour and for those who play the games looking like a fitting paladin according to's article, Justice Smith's first look images look like his character is a sorcerer and it looks like from the first look images of Sophia Lillis's character that she will be playing a druid and lastly it looks like the first look images of Hugh Grant's character he will be playing the aristocratic and wealthy Forge Fletcher who is supposedly the main villain of this movie.

And if you weren't completely sure how these characters all are suppose to interact with each other during this panel Paramount showed a trailer for this, which you can see below:

Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves - Official Trailer | Comic Con 2022 - YouTube

So this as you can imagine has got me already excited to see this when this finally gets released (fingers crossed) on March 3rd 2023 in the UK according to (if this is not the country you are in please click the link below):

Dungeons & Dragons (2023) - Release Info - IMDb

And if your still not sure what the story for "Dungeons and Dragons: Honour Among Thieves" is then according to's website the setup for this film is:

"A charming thief and a band of unlikely thieves and a band of unlikely adventurers undertake an epic heist to retrieve a lost relic, but things go dangerously awry when they run afoul of the wrong people."

This is directed by John Francis Daley and Jonathon Goldstein and with the screenplay also written by Jonathon Goldstein and John Francis Daley using characters and other creatures that are in the board game "Dungeons and Dragons" that was written by Dave Arneson and E. Gary Gygax. 

Wednesday 2 March 2022


 I'm just going to pre-warn you that the dreaded tendonitis has struck in my right hand so please bare with if this either seems to be a bit long or takes a bit of time to put up on here than the other posts up on here.

God your never going to believe what's just happened but as soon as I'm healed in one hand from tendonitis, it's struck in the other hand. This is just typical of me and goes to show you how clumsy I am! I apologise if you have heard any of the tracks I've mentioned below but I have been listening to these a lot whilst recovering and they're also really good to listen to in the midst of COVID-19 and you just need to be transported away from not knowing what the hell to do as the government seems to change the rules as and when.

Anyway I thought I might give you readers a break from reading about "Dungeons and Dragons" and give you a well deserved respite with listening to some new-ish by now tracks that I know your going to love as much as I love them and I know you'll definitely be playing these tracks on repeat.

Cheat Codes Space Primates(With GASHI)  "Memory"

Cheat Codes, Space Primates (with GASHI) - Memory [Official Lyric Video] - YouTube

This if you are like me and are a fan of this band then you'll probably already have played to death their album "Hellraisers Part I" which has chilled out dance beats as opposed to "Hellraisers Part II" which is with acts like Travis Barker from Blink 182, Tyson Ritter from the band All American Rejects, Tinashe, Grey etc etc. But if you haven't heard any of their music where the hell have you been?...anyways here is just a taster of the chilled out beats from "Hellraisers Part 1" if you haven't heard any of them yet:

Cheat Codes x Bryce Vine - Stay [Official Music Video] - YouTube

Cheat Codes - Lean On Me (feat. Tinashe) [Official Music Video] - YouTube

Cheat Codes - Do It All Over (feat. Marc E. Bassy) [Official Video] - YouTube

Here is just a taster of "Hellraisers Part II" for you to listen to if you haven't heard any of these singles before or if you have and just want to listen to them again:

Cheat Codes ft Travis Barker & Tove Styrke All Things $ Can Do by as - YouTube

Cheat Codes - Hurricane (feat. Tyson Ritter & Grey) [Official Music Video] - YouTube

Cheat Codes - Dummy ft Oli Sykes of Bring Me The Horizon - YouTube

Anyways...this NEW ISH! song from this band is according to the bands Facebook profile the first single from "Hellraisers Part III", which I can't wait to hear more from and when this is going to get released because me being me I have been thinking to myself "there's a part 1 and a part 2 so there's got to be a third part?" you could say that I'm a little impatient but I did have a feeling that maybe this third part would have more dance beats like there other dance beats like: "Sex ft Kriss Kross Amsterdam", "Feels Great ft Fetty Wap", "Thinking Bout You Lately ft Daniel Bloom". 

Chainsmokers "High"

The Chainsmokers - High (Official Video) - YouTube

YEEEEES! They're back! I know you may or may have heard this NEW! single already but I already love this song and I have to say that I have been hitting the repeat button on hard as I'm loving the chilled out dance beats on this track.  

Ylissa (Elissa Franceschi) "Summer Time"

Summertime - Ylissa (music video) - YouTube

Ylissa "Do you Remember"

Do You Remember? - YouTube

I absolutely love Elissa Franceschi and if you didn't know she is Josh Franceschi's from the band "You Me At Six" sister. If you haven't listened to her music before or if you haven't heard any of her albums before I urge you to stop what you are doing right now and head on over to either her channel Ylissa where you can find some of her NEW! songs or you can find under Elissa Franceschi her other singles and I did see the other day on website that you can buy all of these albums in two different bundles which I urge you to do if you haven't already and listen to them. 

 Byron - YouTube 

Kygo "Love Me Now"

Kygo - Love Me Now (Official Video) ft. Zoe Wees - YouTube

Kygo ft X Ambassadors "Underniable"

Kygo - Undeniable (Lyric Video) ft. X Ambassadors - YouTube

This is Kygo's NEW! single ft DNCE-Dancing Feet

Kygo - Dancing Feet (Official Video) ft. DNCE - YouTube

Charlie Puth "Light Switch"

Charlie Puth - Light Switch [Official Music Video] - YouTube

Mads Langer "Monsters In My Mind"

Mads Langer - Monsters In My Mind - YouTube

This guy is amazing and if you haven't heard any of his albums or songs I urge you to stop doing what you are doing right now and listen and download his singles and albums because his songs are so epic sounding especially this song, and I have to admit that this song does make me smile and just want to press that repeat button.

Mads Langer "Hanging With You"

Mads Langer - Hanging With You (live) - YouTube

I have put this Live version on here because even though I love this song I feel that this version feels more holiday-y (if that is even a word) and it makes me want to dance around to.

Mads Langer "Lightening"

Mads Langer - Lightning - YouTube

 Mads Langer "White Noise"

Mads Langer - White Noise - YouTube

All these songs sound great and are now available to download on Amazon and other platforms but if your like me and want to know when or if there's going to be an album I've just checked on Amazon and there will be an album released on October 1st 2021 "Where Oceans Meet".

Muse "Won't Stand Down"

Muse - WON'T STAND DOWN (Official Video) - YouTube

Duke Sims "Wasting No Time"

Duke Sims - Wasting No Time - YouTube

If you haven't heard this album I suggest that you download this now "Superhighway" as this is amazing and I can't stop playing this and if you haven't heard his band Shinobi Ninja yet you have to listen to their music as it's amazing and like Flume, Mads Langer, Ylissa this music just has to be listened to and now that I'm thinking about this I have no idea why Duke Sims's music, Mads Langer's, Ylissa, Shinobi Ninja's, Duke Sims or Flume's music isn't played more on the radio as this could just be me but hearing just one song from these artists and I was hooked, I heard "New Movement" from Duke Sims' album and I just had to download this album. 

And I know that after listening to this album and all the other tracks from this blog post will make you feel the same way.

Flume Ft MAY-A "Say Nothing"

Flume feat. MAY-A - Say Nothing (Official Music Video) - YouTube

I was really excited to hear Flume had NEW! music out and as soon as I heard I just had to jump on over to and have a little listen to this song and I was hooked, I love the chilled out dance beats of this song and if your like me and wondering if there is an album in the works I've just looked on Amazon and yes there is an album and one you can already pre-order now "Palaces" this will be released on 20th May 2022 so save this date for your diary if you haven't already saved it.

Simple Plan- Ruin My Life feat. Deryck Whibley (Official Music Video) - YouTube

I know I've already put a lot of songs up here already but I just had to put this up on here as I cannot stop listening to it since this was released, I think I may have pressed the repeat button on so many times playing this as well as some of Simple Plan's other songs like "Welcome To My Life", "Your Love Is Just A Lie" and many more that I think that my whole family keeps giving me looks of exhaustion like "Not Again!" because after listening to this I inevitably search on for Sum 41 songs like "Fatlip", "In Too Deep" and "Still Better".

Monday 7 February 2022


 This is a continuation from the last post but I just thought I should probably break up the posts as there was a lot of info for you to read in that last post so I didn't want to bog anyone down or confuse any readers with yet more info on this or more importantly bore you to death.

I was just reading on's website that as part of Entertainment One's $4 billion acquisition of the toy maker giant Hasbro former HBO President of Programming Michael Lombardo who has now been named President of Global Television for eOne is now looking to build up eOne's slate by making potential multiple series' and movies based on some of Hasbro's own IP like the scripted series based on the board game "Risk" that will be developed as part of a first look deal with eOne by "House Of Cards" creator Beau Willimon, an animated series that's based on "Clue" that's currently in works over at Fox Studios, a scripted series that's in development at Netflix based on the game "Magic: The Gathering" that will star Brandon Routh, a holiday special "Play D-oh Squished" that will be hosted by Sarah Hyland that will be developed over at Amazon's IMDb TV, and the unscripted series that will be based on "Mouse Trap" being developed at Fox Studios and the other unscripted series based on "Guess Who?" that will be developed at NBC.

In this same vein as trying to build up eOne's slate Michael Lombardo has secured "Red Notice" director Rawson Marshall Thurber to spearhead eOne's "Dungeons and Dragons" television series that could bring with it a whole host of A-list names as this first series is set to be an anchor for potential other series' and spin-offs as Michael Lombardo has said that "We don't want it to just be one show, so we are building out, developing out a multi-pronged approach for television, a number of scripted shows and unscripted, and we hope to be taking this out to the marketplace early next year". thinks that as Rawson Marshall Thurber made one of Netflix's most popular films "Red Notice" which stars Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, Gal Gadot and Ryan Reynolds and has managed to secure the three superstars as well as Thurber for two more films in the franchise that Netflix may be the frontrunner in streaming this and bringing this NEW! series and many more and possible spin-off series' to the masses who might be a little bit wary given the current pandemic to go back to cinemas and are choosing to stream content on various platforms at home such as Netflix, Amazon Prime, IMDb TV, Shudder etc etc.


I just saw this on the internet and I just had to put this up on here...but I know I'm late to the party on this because you may or may not already know that there was going to be a NEW! film adaption of this world famous multiple player fantasy board game.

But today whilst I was on's website there was a headline that as I liked the last "Dungeons and Dragons" film despite there being mixed reactions from critics, which starred Jeremy Irons as Profion the leader of the Red Dragons who wants to take control of the throne and wants to overthrow the queen played by Thora Birch who is leader of the Gold Dragons who is locked in a war with the Red Dragons, and there were mages (wizards in training) a quest to help the Queen, a friend of the lead character Ridley Freeborn who was played by Justin Whalin called Snails who was played by Marlon Wayans dies but it looks like at the end of the film with stones piled on top of one another at his memorial shaking that he might get risen from the grave somehow...sorry if your reading this and this seems a bit shaky on details but I haven't seen this movie in a while and it get's me very frustrated when I can't seem to find this film either on Amazon Prime or on DVD format because this film is great to watch like "Eragon" when there's nothing to watch on TV.

Anyhew...according to's website this movie that will star Chris Pine who you may or may not recognise from films like "This Means War", "Wonder Woman", "Wonder Women 1984", Michelle Rodriguez who you may or may not recognise from the "Fast and Furious" film franchise who plays the character Letty, Hugh Grant who you may or may not recognise from the film "The Gentleman", Rege-Jean Page who you may or may not recognise from "Bridgerton", and Justice Smith who you may or may recognise from "Detective Pikachu" is pencilled in for a March 3rd 2023 release date with the movie already marked on's website as in post production having filming ending in August we'll just have to keep our fingers crossed that this makes it to a screen near you.

Also according to this isn't the only adaption of the hugely successful role playing game as the creator behind the "John Wick" franchise Dereck Kolstad is going to helm a series that according to an interview with's website and Dereck Kolstad " I want to do a tinier sliver of that world. And it's been a joy". Dereck Kolstad went on to say in this same interview with that:

"...I don't want to suddenly throw on screen and say 'Here's the buffet'. You'd much rather keep the story intimate. When you think of our favourite movies, I'd rather do the First Blood version. It's a guy in the woods being hunted. And it's very small, but you allude to the other things through conversation. You have your USS Indianapolis (in JAWS), you see something in the background. You hear a name that 3% of the audience is like "Ho ho! I think we're going to see him soon".  

In this same interview Dereck Koldstad has been playing around with the idea that the first season will likely have six to ten episodes and that he likes the Disney+ approach to series' like "The Mandalorian" where " doesn't have to be a certain number of pages or certain number of format length..." and that the first and second episodes are more planned out within the Season 1 arc with him saying that "Here's the first episode, and I think any episode is the second most important because it's the second episode that get's it's talons in you. Everyone will watch the pilot , but are you going to stick with it?".

Dereck Kolstad also said that he wasn't sure yet what the title of this series would be yet or what characters he'd get to include in the series because of the many legal meetings he's had to have because of the shifting rights issue with the movie version of "Dungeons and Dragons" that will also be produced by Paramount Pictures, but what he did say about one possible detail about where this series would be set is that he said he "...go deeper and deeper into the Underdark..." people who are familiar with the game will know the Underdark is a setting within the mythology of the game, a series of connected, underground, globally spanning tunnels and bridges that is often home to more nefarious, shadier, magically intimidating characters that will be familiar to any Dungeon sounds like to me this series could see "The Witcher" style dark epic scenery with just as fantastical monsters in it like orcs, trolls, mages etc etc. 

Or this could just be me as there is no further details available at this time but one thing did seem to suggest was that as Paramount Pictures was producing this series as well as the film there could be a possible link between this series and film.

Tuesday 1 February 2022


I was reading this the other day on the internet and I still don't know what to make of this as according to The Hollywood Reporter's website that the director of "Spiderman: No Way Home" has joined the creative team behind this reboot of the "Final Destination" film franchise that will be a HBO original release that is simply called "Final Destination 6" at the moment.

Jon Watt's will also according to's website will be producing as well as writing the story for this reboot, along with Guy Busick, Lori Evans Taylor also writing this "Final Fantasy 6". Also according to's website Richard Brener and Dave Neustadter will be executive producing. Craig Perry and Sheila Hanahan Taylor will produce this project.

Also according to The Hollywood Reporter's website also joining this creative team is Dianne Mcgunigle and Jon Watt's wife and manager as a producer.

I didn't know what to make of this as the last time I checked there has been 5 "Final Destination" films and by now everybody knows the story/ premise of these movies,-which is if your not sure I'll fill in the blanks for you, someone gets a premonition that during some kind of situation like in one film a girl gets a premonition that there's going to be a massive pile up on a major road that will kill a load of people and she stalls her car on the on ramp of the same road stopping people going on the road but one by one they all die as death doesn't like to be cheated, then there's a guy who get's a premonition before he boards a flight that people are going to die so stops getting on the plane and guess what happens to these people that get off the plane they start dying one by one, and then there's someone getting a premonition before they get on a rollercoaster etc etc,- so how on earth can you reboot this franchise as surely there are only so many times you can make a film using the story where death doesn't like to be cheated before it get's boring and predictable what's going to happen and even though The Hollywood Reporter's website says that the first movie grossed $112 million worldwide and trying to throw new writers into the mix in order to reboot this film franchise still won't work because it just looks like New Line Cinema and HBO Max are just trying to make money off of this already successful film franchise because their maybe wanting to do a horror film but are stuck for ideas for an original horror movie because how can you do a reboot of this storyline that's fresh and original that will bring new audiences as well as already fans of this film to want to watch this film especially now during the pandemic as people really don't want to travel to the cinema or anywhere I imagine if they don't have to, so if it's just going to be a rehash of other "Final Destination" films people will definitely not want to go to go to the see that as they'll feel that they've been cheated out of money to buy tickets and popcorn or whatever people eat at the cinema just to walk out of that screening feeling like they shouldn't have bothered and that it maybe would have been better to watch this at home on a streaming service.

So let's hope this new story for this "Final Destination 6" movie doesn't disappoint as according to's website says that a group of first responders escape death's grasp, they start to be killed by increasingly unlikely and killer mishaps...let's guess these mishaps mean people will die one by one in gruesome ways like in the one of the "Final Destination" films for example two girls got mysteriously trapped whilst in a tanning bed, a star athlete got his head chopped off whilst weightlifting in the gym, another "Final Destination" film had someone that didn't believe that death was slowly killing the group off with his own nail gun whilst stacking shelves at the local hardware store.

There's not a release date for this yet so I'll update this post when I find out more.



Monday 31 January 2022


OMG! I can't believe this when I first read this on's website as me and my sisters absolutely loved and completely binged on this TV series when it first aired on TV in the UK so I just had to put this up on here. 

You may or may not have already heard this but there is going to be a NEW! limited series of "Justified" that is going to be based on another Elmore Leonard crime novel "City Primeval: High Noon" that is going to be aired on FX Entertainment network...and more exciting than this Timothy Olyphant who played the original Rayland Givens in the series of "Justified" will be reprising this role.

According to's website Timothy Olyphant will not only be reprising his role as Rayland Givens from this amazing series but he will executive produce this series with Michael Dinner set to direct this series according to's website.

Also according to's website Dave Andron will showrun as well as according to's website saying that Dave Adron will also be writing this NEW! series along with Michael Dinner. Graham Yost, Sarah Timberman, Chris Provenzano, Peter Leonard, Taylor Elmore, VJ Boyd and Carl Beverly will executive produce this series, but according to's website Chris Provenzano and Taylor Elmore will also write. Some episodes will be written as well by according to's website by Carl Beverly, VJ Boyd, Eisa Davis and Ingrid Escajeda with Walter Mosley serving as a consulting producer.

According to's website the official synopsis for this NEW! series is:

" Having left the hollers of Kentucky eight years ago, Rayland Givens now lives in Miami, a walking anachronism balancing his life as a U.S Marshal and a part time father to a 14 year old daughter. His hair is greyer, his hat is dirtier, and the road in front of him is suddenly a lot shorter than the road is behind. A chance encounter on a desolate Florida highway sends him to Detroit. There he crosses paths with Clement Mansell, aka The Oklahoma Wildman, a violent, sociopathic desperado who's already slipped passed through the fingers of Detroit's finest once and aims to do it again. Mansell's lawyer, formidable Motor City native Carolyn Wilder, has every intention of representing her client, even as she is caught in between cop and criminal, with her own game afoot as well. These three characters set out on a collision course in classic Elmore Leonard fashion, to see who makes it out of the City Primeval alive."

A premier date for this NEW! FX Entertainment network show has yet to be revealed so watch this space for more updates on this. 

Tuesday 18 January 2022


If your anything like me and have started reading Eric Van Lusterbader's NEW! book series after "The Jason Bourne" series of books that he co-wrote with Robert Ludlum or if you haven't gotten into this latest book series then I strongly suggest you start as where the hell have you been if you haven't read these books or why not? these are just as amazing, fast paced as the "Jason Bourne" books and just as action packed as these books.

I first started reading these books purely by accident but completely loved the first book as I was about to go on a family holiday and I'd forgotten to pack a book I was reading at the time so I went into the WHSmith's store that was in the departure lounge and found "The Bourne Enigma" and absolutely loved this book and just completely tore into this book and had to know if there was a second book to this...I think I may have annoyed everyone in my family with how much I would talk about this book and how I would read a bit of both "The Bourne Enigma" and " The Bourne Initiative" during the day and then read more at night and then talk about it the next day.

If you haven't read "The Bourne Enigma" I'll fill in the blanks for you, Jason Bourne is invited to Boris Karpov's wedding to a Ukrainian women who as Boris Karpov worked in Russian intelligence the Russian's don't trust her because of her being Ukrainian, but whilst Bourne is at the wedding Karpov tells Jason Bourne he needs to speak with him and that it is important, but before Karpov can tell Jason Bourne what he needs to tell him he ends up dead and his body is displayed in a way that makes the police think it was a religious ritualistic killing and immediately arrest Jason Bourne when they see him at the scene of the crime, but he talks the police into letting him go and finding out who actually did kill them and if he can't find them then the police could arrest him. Jason Bourne then finds out that this is the work of a known hitman Borz who is working with the Ukrainian, this leads to Jason Bourne having to track Borz down to Cairo and nearly dying from a poisoned dart in his hand but thankfully he has a friend Sara in the Egyptian intelligence who has also been tracking Borz down.

In "The Bourne Initiative" Jason Bourne's old friend Soraya Moore finds evidence of there being a international black weapons market online that sells everything from guns to chemical weapons and that there will be an online sale of an unknown weapon in a limited amount of days that will be unleashed on the world and to get into this market you need a encryption key which according to Moore's information involves Jason Bourne, but as she is a friend of Jason Bourne both her and Jason Bourne have no idea how this involves him. And more confusing for Jason Bourne an old "friend" of his contacts him out of the blue saying she can help and that this all somehow leads back to a known arms dealer/psychopath Kyrie who steals girls from villages and believes that if he tortures them and says spells that these girls will only be loyal to him no matter where they end up so,-he believes he is a witch doctor and imbued with the spirits of the gods,-anyway, Jason Bourne ends up having to kill his "friend" and Keyrie and destroying his whole camp as he it turns out is the one that's going to put on this black website's sale and that the website is run by the Russians and it ends with Jason Bourne and Sara watching his friend's sister dancing ballet as after he rescued both his friend and her sister from Keyrie's camp he set up a bank account for her as her little sister always wanted to be a ballet dancer in a big dance company and anonymously with Jason's help she achieved that.

And as you can imagine I Googled to see if there was going to be a third book in this series but annoyingly I found that the third book in this series was abandoned and that Eric Van Lusterbader had decided to stop writing the " The Jason Bourne" series of books and was going to start a new series of books so I naturally started reading this series of books which are just as amazing and you really need to read these if you haven't already.

The first two books in this NEW! series of books are called "The Nemesis Manifesto" and "The Kobalt Dossier" with a new heroine Evan Ryder.

If you haven't read "The Nemesis Manifesto" i'll fill in the blanks for you, Evan Ryder works for Ben Barnes who works for the Department Of Defence and has "his own shop" so to speak where he runs his own assignments for spies covertly and Evan Ryder is his best, and unfortunately this means lots of other countries want her dead, so she needs to find out who is coming after her and this leads her and another agent to find out about a underground well funded neo-Nazi group called Nemesis that captured and drugged her using experimental drugs and a Russian agent called Lukashenka before they escaped. It is then found out that this group is funded by people in high places included the secretary of the President of The United States and that he is really a spy working for the Russians and he has been recruiting other people and running a smear campaign against Ben Barnes saying he's been sending anti-semitic emails to people to stop him from investigating the group. But this ends with Evan Ryder and the other agent of Ben Barnes to blow up the compound of Nemesis.

"The Kobolt Dossier" is about how the Russians have their best spy who is  trying to kill her, but her identity is so secretive only one man in the Russian intelligence network knows her real identity and this somehow involves Evan Ryder, her sister who died in a car accident and her family. So of course Evan Ryder goes to investigate when the FBI find that her nieces and nephews have gone missing along with their father who later turns up dead and with his head buried in the garden with a message in his mouth so of course the FBI think Evan Ryder has something to do with this and this leads back to a cult called Omega who is led by a women who has gone mad and really believes in the Bible story in Genesis where the sins of man will be cleaned from the Earth in one giant flood and only the chosen will survive and Evan Ryder learns that this woman not only believes this but she has kidnapped Evan Ryder's niece and nephew to do experiments on them to make "a perfect person" ie a human who is free from corruption, greed, hate and illness and she believes this all involves the brain.

So if this hasn't wet your appetite to get in to this book series I don't know what will but if your already wanting more then you are in luck...there is another book on the way that if your anything like me you'll already pre-ordered this but if you haven't I urge you to do this now, this NEW! book is called "Omega Rules" and is suppose to be out on the 24th May this date for your diary. 

And if you haven't pre-ordered this book yet you can find this on WHSmith's website now.