
Friday 25 February 2011

MGM Buyout deal

MGM have gone from bad to worse in the financial meltdown that their in already, as not only have they already filed for bankrupcy but the filming for "Bond 23" has been put back to later than previously planned because two big hitters that could save the company Lions Gate and a billionaire Carl Icahn.

The plan at the moment to boost distribution by Spyglass Entertainment is to release a bond film every second year. So this new bond will be released in November 2010. However, Spyglass are still looking for an equal money partner for this new bond so as to share all the production costs. But Spyglass at the moment wants to own 50% of Bond 23. These preposed big hitters that it wants to share production costs are:
  •                                           Sony and Paramount

Aston Martin Variage

This is the new sports car soft top from Aston Martin and to me this looks beautiful! This is being unveiled by Aston Martin before the Geneva Motor Show. If I had enogh money I would certainly make sure I had enogh to get me one of these. And it looks just as good from the back as it does the front. For anymore bond info go to the official bond MI6 pages.

Sunday 20 February 2011

There's a new buffy the vampire slayer on the way!

I could hardly beleve my ears when I heard two years ago that someone was remaking the buffy the vampire slayer movie. It is apparently going to be a lot more grittier,adult and action packed. The story will have to be a lot better or completly different for people to go and see the film, as I remember the film was more comical than watchable.

Thursday 17 February 2011

I need to share with you my company SciCheck Ltd.'s newly distribution of MOR Cosmetics from Australia. All these products are stunningly beautiful from each individual scent right down to their packaging which if I don't say so myself is wonderfully gothic looking with it being inspired from old Elizabethan/Georgan wallpaper. All these products fit right in to the concepts of the theme that they did for last christmas which was Wonderlandia, which is the Tim Burton Alice in Wonderland Tea Party theme. Also as they are also gothic in their style it can be fair to say that each of these products does look like they have come out of one of Tim Burton film.

Thank god I've found a haircare product that makes my hair feel light, not weighed down and makes it really really blonde. SACHAJUAN Professional Haircare I tried it after my company started to distribute it in the UK and Europe. The funny thing is it makes my hair look and feel great but it's totally different to all the other haircare products that I buy from boots or superdrug so that my hair still looks my natural colour and dosen't go greasy too easy. The difference as been such a godsend, it also makes me feel like I've just been to a hairdressers. I really think that if anything you go and buy these haircare products from, even if you don't plan on using it as a forever haircare product just get some to test and you will fall in love with this product immediatly and never wish you bought anything else from boots or superdrug AGAIN!.

Thursday 10 February 2011

Top Ten Stupid Things I Have Heard This Week

1. Justin Bieber gets his own rags to riches film in 3D
2. Kelly Brooke rents a house over the road from her ex boyfriend Jason Stathan
3. Kerry Katona is dating Jeff Brazier
4. Daniel Craig starring a western movie with aliens-hope it doesn't turn out to be another Valley of Gwangi
5. Jordan thinking it's okay to change the locks on her ex husband Alex Reid and then being told by her lawyers that that isn't actually legal.
6. Steven Spielburg making a film with Quinn from Glee and Alex Pettyfer (all grown up) in the same as Twilight but instead of werewolves and vampires there's aliens.
7. Lots of books in WHSmith that have been written about tall, dark, mysterious boys falling for girls-Twilight rehaches, but with different titles like "Fallen Angel".
8. Jamie Foxx's new song where he's pushed out the window of his apartment in the video by his pchotic girlfriend and ends up singing for 20 mins how he's not with her. If I was him I'd be glad I'm not with her!.
9. Gnomeo and Juliet- Jason Statham being the voice for one of the characters as well as Ozzy Osbourne playing the part of the dumb deer (that can't have been too hard as he can hardly speak now after all the drugs)
10. My favourite stupid piece of news has to be- Mark and Kurt from the Only Way is Essex doing a photoshoot for gay magazine Attitude! I bet that's going to haunt them for the rest of their lives, even Danny Dyer who believes in Aliens recoils at the picture of him on his Attitude photoshoot.
Oh My God! I was out shopping yesterday with my sisters in Dorchester and as I went into WHSmith I couldn't believe my eyes, there was another Bourne book. If it's anything like the first book then it'll be amazing to read, and if it's as amazing as I hope there could be fingers crossed another film deal to be done.

Sunday 6 February 2011

I hear congratulations are in order as Catherine Jenkins is going to marry her boyfiend Gethin Jones next year, and I also hear according to the papers that JB from JLS  and his girlfriend Chloe are set to marry as  they havemanaged to catch her wearing a ring on her wedding finger while out in Miami with JB on holiday, but I suppose it wasn't really a holiday where they could be on their own as Aston Merrygold and the tall one from the band were also their.

However, I was upset to hear that not only did we (Manchester United FC) loose to Wolverhampton Wonderers loose last night after we were winning but Top Gear managed to anger all Mexicans including our star player at the moment Javier Hernandez or as he is more aptly known as 'Little Pea', but what they said which I quite rightly agree was an offensive description of Mexico as a country has or might come back to bite them on the bum as a Mexico student is planning to sue Top Gear as a direct result of their comments for £1million.

And like a weight around their neck Liverpool thankfully let Fernando Torres go to Chelsea for a ridiculouse amount of money, but then again he was playing like he really didn't want to be at the club which must have been why he was brought in the first place as Gerrard and Carragher constantly have that expression etched on their faces. Lucky for them though they won their first game without Torres on their team, and Chelsea lost which is a nice change.

However, De Matteo has lost his job which is a shame. However, for Andy Grey it's not been a good week Again as the papers have found another female victim of his, but this time it isn't a fellow colleague he made sexist remarks this time it was a 17 year old girl. Apparently though this time Grey was drunk, out of order and when the girl in question was too embarresed and uncomfortable to answer his question he just kept on going with his questions. Sounds like to me he's still not sure just when to stop talking.

I can't imagine just what he thought he was doing asking her what she was like in bed, saying to her "are you one of those girls that makes love to boys or do you just like to f**k them".  I can't imagine what he would have done if she had answered him because by all accounts he was too drunk to do anything about her reply.
Just to continue on from my last post on here, I think that Tom Hardy being cast as Baine- (the villain from the George Clooney Batman films with Chris O'Donnel as Robin and Uma Therman as Poison Ivy and her sidekick Baine, with Arnold Schwarzernegger as Ice Man)- in the Batman film as the new villian is in my opinion really good casting but I think aside from having to work out A LOT in the gym, it is pretty much an easy role to play as Baine doesn't really say much.

Also, I hear that Amanda Seyfried has been cast as Little Red Rding Hood in the new film but not sure why the filmmakers felt a need to add scenes into the film where Riding Hood is having some kissing scenes with a mysterious man, I guess I missed that when I first heard the story of Little Red Riding Hood as a little girl!

The STAR Newspaper has come up with the best non story of the week in my opinion. Kristian Stewart has turned down a really good movie role so she doesn't make her boyfriend jelouse, what a laugh. I don't think she would be worried about making R-Patz jelouse as he's about to do a movie where he sleeps with a load of pretty girls to get up the ladder of business in Paris. And in all probability the real reason she turned down the role was probably because she wasn't offered as much money to play the role  as she wanted, or as she is at the moment negotiating terms of a contract to star in Snow White and The Huntsman with Julia Roberts the start date of filming probably clash with this other film.

Thursday 3 February 2011

Must Know Batman News from Empire Magazine!

OMG! Just read on empire magazine online that Tom Hardy from Inception is going to be a villian in the new Dark Knight Rises film that's out in July 2012, . And Chris Evans from Cellular with Kim Basinger,  is going to play Captain America in the new Captain Ammerica. This sounds like two very amazing pieces of news that'll actually get me to buy a copy of empire this week.

I don''t really know why I haven't bought empire magazine before but it'll probably be a lot better than when I last bought Q Magazine and NME Magazine before I had to go up Scotland on a business trip. It seems like Empire Magazine journalists like what they're writing about. HaHa!

The Official Trailer of the Green Lantern with Ryan Reynolds. I think it's just me but Ryan Reynolds looks good in green. LOL!

Wednesday 2 February 2011

If anyone has heard og MOR Cosmetics and loves the smell of the products or the look of them, my company SciCheck Ltd. distributes these products and we'll be at the Saachi Gallery in London at the upcoming trade fair to show these products, so feel free to have a wonder down and maybe get a look at these fabulous products from Australia.

Or if you haven't heard of these fab new products from Down Under, then have no fear they are perfect for anyone who loves quite unique cosmetic products. These have lots of unique and fantastics scents for any person, they come in a range of fabulously unique wrapping that is inspired by victorian wallpaper, and each scent has a uniquely individual apothecary scent that indulges the scences. Not only do these products come in just hand creams, lotions or hand wash but they also have recently launched their Essentials range that not only looks great but again has new and innovative fragrances.

Also, SACHAJUAN will be well represented by our company at this trade fair. This is a very unique, fresh, innovative and excitingly new hairstyling range from Stockholm in Sweden. These products have been designed to look as if these styling products are apothecary jars, thus this fits with their companies ethos of making the brand look clean and fresh but at the same time giving the impression of simplicity. This simplicity is true with how all their products including their styling products have simple everyday function to them, but this is what makes both these products so stand alone in today's market because there is nothing on the market that looks like these products do.