
Sunday 6 February 2011

Just to continue on from my last post on here, I think that Tom Hardy being cast as Baine- (the villain from the George Clooney Batman films with Chris O'Donnel as Robin and Uma Therman as Poison Ivy and her sidekick Baine, with Arnold Schwarzernegger as Ice Man)- in the Batman film as the new villian is in my opinion really good casting but I think aside from having to work out A LOT in the gym, it is pretty much an easy role to play as Baine doesn't really say much.

Also, I hear that Amanda Seyfried has been cast as Little Red Rding Hood in the new film but not sure why the filmmakers felt a need to add scenes into the film where Riding Hood is having some kissing scenes with a mysterious man, I guess I missed that when I first heard the story of Little Red Riding Hood as a little girl!

The STAR Newspaper has come up with the best non story of the week in my opinion. Kristian Stewart has turned down a really good movie role so she doesn't make her boyfriend jelouse, what a laugh. I don't think she would be worried about making R-Patz jelouse as he's about to do a movie where he sleeps with a load of pretty girls to get up the ladder of business in Paris. And in all probability the real reason she turned down the role was probably because she wasn't offered as much money to play the role  as she wanted, or as she is at the moment negotiating terms of a contract to star in Snow White and The Huntsman with Julia Roberts the start date of filming probably clash with this other film.

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