
Sunday 6 February 2011

I hear congratulations are in order as Catherine Jenkins is going to marry her boyfiend Gethin Jones next year, and I also hear according to the papers that JB from JLS  and his girlfriend Chloe are set to marry as  they havemanaged to catch her wearing a ring on her wedding finger while out in Miami with JB on holiday, but I suppose it wasn't really a holiday where they could be on their own as Aston Merrygold and the tall one from the band were also their.

However, I was upset to hear that not only did we (Manchester United FC) loose to Wolverhampton Wonderers loose last night after we were winning but Top Gear managed to anger all Mexicans including our star player at the moment Javier Hernandez or as he is more aptly known as 'Little Pea', but what they said which I quite rightly agree was an offensive description of Mexico as a country has or might come back to bite them on the bum as a Mexico student is planning to sue Top Gear as a direct result of their comments for £1million.

And like a weight around their neck Liverpool thankfully let Fernando Torres go to Chelsea for a ridiculouse amount of money, but then again he was playing like he really didn't want to be at the club which must have been why he was brought in the first place as Gerrard and Carragher constantly have that expression etched on their faces. Lucky for them though they won their first game without Torres on their team, and Chelsea lost which is a nice change.

However, De Matteo has lost his job which is a shame. However, for Andy Grey it's not been a good week Again as the papers have found another female victim of his, but this time it isn't a fellow colleague he made sexist remarks this time it was a 17 year old girl. Apparently though this time Grey was drunk, out of order and when the girl in question was too embarresed and uncomfortable to answer his question he just kept on going with his questions. Sounds like to me he's still not sure just when to stop talking.

I can't imagine just what he thought he was doing asking her what she was like in bed, saying to her "are you one of those girls that makes love to boys or do you just like to f**k them".  I can't imagine what he would have done if she had answered him because by all accounts he was too drunk to do anything about her reply.

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