
Friday 4 May 2012

Gadgets that even 007 would want!

As a nod to Empire Magazine's James Bond 50th Anniversary issue I have decided to do a couple of posts as a kind of tribute to the fantastically great James Bond film franchise.

Since seeing 'Dr.No' I have been more than hooked on this franchise of films and if your not hooked on these films why on earth not? It has the suave sophisticated Conduit Cut Tailored Suite that was first cut and designed by Savile Row tailors Anthony Sinclair for none other than Sean Connery the very first James Bond and in my opinion the best Bond and they even designed for Sean Connery the midnight blue Barathea woven evening suit that he wore in 'Dr. No', the drop dead gorgeous Aston Martin cars that Bond drives with the exception of 'Tomorrow Never Dies' where the filmmakers changed cars and used BMW but the desired affect wasn't there, and I don't think that it went with the look that the filmmakers were trying to go for with creating the character of James Bond, the fantastic action sequences with all the amazing gadgets that Q has created like my favourite in 'Never Say Never' Q created the small helicopter called 'Nelly', and more importantly I don't think I can write about James Bond without mentioning how good the villains were in particular Blowfeld and that eponymous swivel round in a black leather chair with that fluffy white cat as well as Gold Finger and that famous line of 'No, Mr. Bond I expect you to die'. 

I do have to say that since seeing the Aston Martin cars in the James Bond first film I have been totally and utterly in love with these cars and these cars for me are my dream car to own. seems that it's not just me that gets utterly swept up in everything to do with James Bond as it seems that Britain does too as thinking back to when Sean Connery decided to stop playing James Bond the rumour mill went wild with suggesting who would play the next James Bond, and this seems to be true even now as the rumour mill still seems to be suggesting that if Daniel Craig decides this one day that either Clive Owen (who's name has been thrown into the hat over and over again) or it could be Tom Hardy...but I think as a diehard Bond fan I would say not to listen to these rumours as Daniel Craig hasn't decided to stop playing James Bond yet so until he does no one should be deciding or suggesting anything yet!

And I just thought that it's not just this that the rumour mill goes wild also has been going wild on who will get to sing on the opening credits as these credits have also become eponymous with the James Bond films as for example before 'Quantum Of Solace' came out everyone seemed to be suggesting that the late Amy Winehouse was going to do it but as all of you know Jack White and Alicia Keys did this and I have to say that this was a fantastic song that I now have thanks to that film on my Ipod because I loved it so much! And even now there were rumblings that Adele was going to sing this next one but then she got ill.

I have to say though at the moment I am loving the blog and I think you Bond fans as well as everybody else should be reading this as there is everything on here from gadgets that even Q would think were fantastic, to fashion and style and I think the most important of all is the 'Ask The Agony Uncle' section where you get to ask those burning questions on what is the correct etiquette or way to handle those awkward social for example I went to my local HMV to pick up 'Mission Impossible:Ghost Protocol' DVD on Monday and the girl behind the cash desk started saying 'have you seen Mission Impossible 4? I thought it was really funny', now knowing me I probably would have handled this scenario very badly and just come out and said 'Well yes that's why I'm buying this on DVD'.

But really what do you say in this kind of situation or many more awkward situations that I find myself in on a daily basis.

So as an avid follower of fashion as well as being a fan of these films and seeing when I am out and about seeing gadgets and gizmos that are impractical and inevitably I have to be be told by either my parents or whoever I am with at the time that that thing that I really want is either ridiculous, impractical or it looks stupid.  I saw these and thought that these gadgets were quite cool but these could be seen as quite Bond-y gadgets...such as Ravi Ratan designed sterling  silver cufflinks with 2GB storage flashdrive USB stick that has the ability to create it's own hotspot so as well as looking cool they could come in handy for either uploading or downloading some sensitive documents...or you could just get these so as to indulge your inner child and pretend you yourself are James Bond.
The first picture is a diamond shaped light-bulb that has been designed by Eric Therma  and I do , but if have to say that I think that this although The Agony Uncle from has labelled this as impractical it does look cool, I wouldn't mind it being my light-bulb and it definitely livens up the ordinary light-bulb and its quite a good talking point over a martini shaken not stirred or even a vesper (sorry for the pun but I couldn't resist this but the best Vesper if you want to try these then go and take a poddle on down to 'Lounge Lover' cocktail bar in Soho).

Another one of these gadgets that has on another of its many of its posts is an amazing en&is ceramic bugle that is hand-fired and seated on a timber tripod-and I just thought these different coloured bugles (comes in white, black and gold), look a bit Swedish in design as they look very sleek, very modern but very retro and funky-.

These bugles are designed to use either an Iphone or Ipod Touch's loudspeaker and amplifies the the sound without the aid of electricity...very good for having pool parties, when your in your bedroom getting ready for going out or even when your in the kitchen and your listening to music when your cooking, as well as looking after the environment without using electricity while still going back to English heritage roots which I do have to say that every time I see one of these in a film I always think they look really nice be it very old worldly and very traditional.

Ok so these don't look very James Bond but they are very cool!

I have posted a picture of Doomed skull shot these you might be thinking 'Why would you want these?' well these are very different and well I think a little bit quirky and I do have to admit that they are really novelty items... and I really don't think these could qualify as being Bond-y as I think of the same argument of the BMW cars being used over Aston Martins, if you saw Daniel Craig using these shot glasses to barrel back some of whiskey instead of a crystal sophisticated classic looking tumblers to drink his drinks then you'd be thinking ' Gosh, Bond has really let himself go with taking shots instead of sipping away on a nice cool drink'.

But you could use these for this unusually shaped vodka bottle that has been made and founded by none other than acting legend Dan Ackroyd and Jon Alexander:

But I was seeing this bottle and I thought even though this would bottle would get a few heads turning and asking 'Where did you get that from' which is how all good conversations are started, I was thinking 'How on earth do you get your hands around that to pick it up?'

But This latest gadget the ' 6 Pack Donkey Bike Bag' is definitly a Bond-y gadget as you may or may not already know but this time the makers of 'SkyFall' have managed to strike up a sponsorship deal with Heineken this will mean that somewhere in this film Daniel Craig will have to crack a bottle of this open instead of partaking in his usual tipples of Vespers, Vodka Martinis or Brandy, and as you can guess this has already got some avid Bond fans backs up...but I do have to say that I have to be one of these people that doesn't think this is a very good idea as I don't know how your going to make James Bond look suave, sophisticated, debonnair and all the things that we associate with James Bond whilst Daniel Craig is swigging away on one of these.

But it could come in handy if he did want to take this while he was on the run or during an action sequence.


Old-World New Technology: The Ceramic iPhone Gramophone 



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