
Wednesday 18 June 2014

More Teenage Ninja Mutant Turtles news!

I saw this on Facebook this morning and as I am a fan of the Teenage Ninja Mutant Turtles and got very excited when I first saw the first trailer for this film and heard that there was going to be a film made, and that Michael Bay was going to produce this which made me think that the film studios were hoping that this could possibly spark a franchise as Michael Bay has already reignited the Transformers franchise with another film Transformers: Age of Extinction on it's way with Marky Mark Wahlberg starring in it that is coming to cinemas on 5th July 2015.

If you haven't seen the trailer for this film yet why the hell not...anyhew here is the trailer for those of you in this predicament:


This film does look like from this trailer like it will be an action packed family friendly film for everyone to enjoy not just the kids, but there is also this picture of the new reimagined Michael Bay styled first look at Shredder the arch nemesis of The Teenage Ninja Mutant Turtles who is also the alter ego of William Fichner (the guy who you may or may not recognise from "Batman: The Dark Knight" who works at the bank where all of Gotham's mobsters put their money but when it gets broken into by villain's working for The Joker he is the last baddy standing holding a rifle saying "Criminals in this town used to believe in something what do you believe in...!" when he gets shot in the shoulder by The Joker then has a smoke grenade put in his mouth before The Joker leaves the bank in a high school school bus) who plays the baddy of the piece.

To see the new Shredder go to the link below:

According to Empire Magazine this Shredder looks like:

"...coming off like the product of a torrid one-night stand between the Witch-king of Angmar and a garden centre..."

To me this Shredder does look like a Transformer but then again Michael Bay is producing so this look doesn't really surprise me as all the Tranformers and the computer effects from the other Transformer films that I've seen look really good.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is out in the UK on 17th October 2014.

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