
Thursday 5 June 2014

The hillbillies are back...Tucker and Dale vs. evil 2 is on it's way!

You may or may not have already heard this, but I heard this a couple of months ago and I must say that I was really excited about this when I first heard this because I think this film although it's said to be a cult favourite and that people say it really wasn't a favourite at the cinemas, I think it's not that bad a film and that the jokes in it are really funny...eventhough most of the jokes are either at Dale and Tucker and the way the college kids think they are hillbillies or at the ways that everybody dies. reported on the 25th March that Tyler Labine (Dale) Alan Tudyk (Tucker, and if you've seen it he played Pirate Pete in Dodgeball) producers had contacted them in an e-mail to say that:

"We have an outline, we're honing in on who we want to write it, we really want to make another one..."

As I'm a fan of the movie I thought "...hell yeah, why not make another one?", there's so much you could do with the second movie, now I think about this you could pick the story up to see how Dale and Tucker's holiday cabin in the woods is looking after they went up in the first movie to do some renovations on it as it was falling down, it could look like a really plush palace totally unrecognisable from the falling down cabin it once was but they've still kept a few hillbilly habits like they have a built in jetty off the back of the plush cabin that goes onto the lake and Dale, Tucker and Allison are out on the lake one day fishing in what looks like a bit beaten up fishing boat and Tucker and Dale are drinking a few beers but while that's happening the psycho killer Chad from the last film who couldn't accept that he had hillbilly in his family had come back and broken into the cabin...I've just realised that I may have thought a bit too much about what the story for this sequel for this film could be but they did leave the last film open to Chad not being dead after they thought they'd blown him up so there could be a really good funny story that includes this,-and I might be on a bit of a coffee high so I do apologise for this rambling-.

And it looks like as this email came from producers not directors that it wasn't just me that thought that there was a lot more you could do that would warrant a sequel, as are taking this a solid evidence that there will be a sequel.

Alan Tudyk and Tyler Labine have said that as they are fiercely protective of the property that they would never "...make a shitty sequel..." too right I think, and why would you ever think of making a sequel that wasn't as good or enjoyable as the last film?, but I have just thought though that many films I have seen are like that, they are trilogies or they have a series of films made including spin off films made but the only one in these are the first one and the other films in the trilogies or series of films including spin offs are either average or worst than the first one, but the only series of films that I think are consistent in quality and audience enjoyment or better the Christopher Nolan Batman series of films.

I haven't heard anything other than this but when I hear anything else and you can bet that there will  be more news to come on this I will be sure to let you guys hear this.

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