
Monday 22 September 2014

I've finally found it! Peugeot 108 song: Lykkie Li: Gunshot

I've seen this advert on the TV for weeks and it has been driving me nuts because I have been getting the song that's featured in it stuck in my head for almost the same amount of time:

The other day I finally found it with a little help from Youtube, in casee your wondering the song is by Lykee Li it's called "Gunshot", here is the video for it:


This song is on her new album "I Never Learn" which was released on April 30th this year, I've just seen it today and think that to be honest it's a little crap maybe a little bit artsy/indie/cool with how there is just a girl in what I think is a nice looking long suede I think mac style coat with white makeup and heavy eye makeup on either trying to dance or convulse like she's been shot repeatedly but in a car park  being pushed by tramps and then for some unknown reason then convulsing or dancing the same way amongst a group of girls dancing around like Nikki Minaj or twirking.

I just don't get it! To me it just is crap, if they wanted it to be artsy what I thoeught could have been a cool idea was that at the end of the video when the dancer is crumpled up in a heap at the end the dancer could have had a trickle of liquid looking like blood coming out of her onto the car park tarmac and on her sprawled out hand,-but this is just my opinion anyway, very artsy!-

Anyhew not only have I found out what this song that I think is very good and very catchy is but I was surfing the internet looking at mind does tend to wander when it really shouldn't! but I was looking at a really cool clothes website that me and my sisters have been buying from for a while now &OtherStories and lo and behold on the homepage of this website there is a new clothes co-lab that this clothes shop has done with Lykee Li...I have to say although I wasn't blown away by some of the clothes from this collection I did really like some of the gold rings that are in this collection.

The clothes from this shop are amazing, they are really good quality as well as being so comfy!

Here is the full collection of Lykee Li's Co-Lab with &Other Stories:

Here is the website for you to see all their really cool clothes, accessories and other bits and pips for you to fall in love with...and to also give handy little tips to your family members as it is coming up to Christmas after all!

Friday 19 September 2014

Roza Khamitova scarves and pashmina's you just have to look at!

I heard of this designer a couple of weeks ago but I've just gotten around to putting a post on here about her fabulous scarves and pashmina's that I've fallen in love with as I think that they are fantastic and I can't believe that no one is stocking these fantastic products and even more hard to believe is these products have been specifically designed to be used multiple times and as multiple different pieces of clothing 1. as a scarf, 2. as a pasmina, and 3. as a sarong and 4. as a cover for when your out having a nice sit out somewhere when you suddenly feel a little bit chilly but don't want to put on a cardigan or a heavy jumper because it'll only take up room in your handbag or you'll just be stuck with having to carry it around all day before you have to actually use it.

So you could say that these scarves are a real space saver!

These have been fantastically designed by Khazikstani born Melbourne based designer Roza Khamitova. These silk handmade scarves give the illusion that you are wearing wings:

  Blue Wings scarf, Hand painted printed Wings and feathers, stunning unique and useful, perfect gift   

These come in a variety of colours and animals but mainly wings play a big part in this collection of scarves and covers.

All of these can be seen on her etsy store online here at:

I can't believe that no one has ever thought to make this sort of product before as it seems to me to be a brilliant idea as I can't tell you how many times I've been about and had to put a cardigan on when the sun has gone down and I've felt a bit chilly but lo and behold the cardigan has warmed me up but then I have to take it off as I was too warm but then again I go somewhere else and I feel freezing again in a matter of seconds. Argh! And I just hate the heaviness in my bag or feeling like when I've not had to use the cardigan that what was the point of bringing out the cardigan when I've not used it at all.

It looks like these are going to be the perfect answer to my problems!

Review: The Criterion Restaurant/The Batman restaurant to you and me!

I apologise to all of you in my last post but one I promised that I would do a review of this restaurant review and then I go and do a post about Gwen Stefani...but I'm on it now so you didn't have to wait long to wait for this.

For everyone from movie fans to lovers of food you just have to go to this restaurant 224 Piccadilly you just have to go!

You may or may not have heard of this restaurant before because they like to remain a bit of a hidden gem off the tourist beaten track so to speak and they're not very much into blanket marketing,but as I write this I have just thought that by putting a blog post on here about it that this is getting the restaurant's name out there so many more people will know about it and where it is, but this is such an amazing restaurant that it needs to be talked about not just because it is just one of the restaurants in London used as a location in the Batman films,-the other if your guessing is the restaurant in the gherkin in London,this was used in "Batman Begins" when Bruce Wayne goes to dinner with two models that go swimming in the fountain and then he bumps into Rachel played in this movie by Katie Holmes- so this is strictly a need to know classified piece of information that you definitly need to know about.

Thanks to the handy little movie locations website that I mentioned in my earlier post on here I found this restaurant as I was really wanting to see where this was as I was planning my dad's birthday one year and I thought that as he loves the other movie that this was chosen to be in "A Good Year" I thought why not take him there. Anyway this definitely did not disappoint on giving you the WOW! factor, I mean right from when you walk through the revolving doors into the actual restaurant your blown away with how amazing it is, all of its architecture is neo-byzantine but what really blew me away when I first visited it was the gold shimmering Egyptian style mosaic on the huge ceiling and the very very thirst quenching non-alcoholic pina colada's (these are a must have if you ever visit it) they are just soooo creamy coconuty flavor and really do make you feel like your on holiday.

And even though the main restaurant serves amazingly scrumshus food that is served to a very high standard with very good sometimes too good a presentation if you ask me (to be honest when some of the food came I really didn't want to eat it just in case I ruined how nice the presentation was) but it has such a relaxed atmosphere that you could if you wanted to either sit all day in the bar area and just have drinks or could have nibbles, or if you were in the restaurant area and felt so full by the end of your meal you felt like you didn't want to leave just yet then you can.

Here is the website for further information and for the all important photo gallery that you need to check out:

When I first heard about this restaurant I thought that it wasn't heard about that maybe because it was a celebrity haunt because it definitely looks and feels like one just like L'Avenue Resteraunt in Paris, France but I haven't heard of anyone who is a celebrity going here...but they do seem to be choosing The Chiltern Firehouse Resteraunt of late,-the latest celebrities to be spotted there are the actor Aaron Taylor Johnson and his wife-.

Hold The Phone!: Gwen Stefani and Pharrel Williams are working on a new album!

You may or may not have heard this piece of news yet but I thought that I should put it up here as you may or may not know by now reading this blog that I am a huge fan of Gwen Stefani and No Doubt so as you can imagine when I first heard this news it was the most exciting news I'd heard all day.

According to MTV USA and Gwen Stefani's Facebook page she has been back in the studio with her co-host on The Voice USA Pharrel "The Hat" Williams. I have to say that although Pharrel Williams has prompted a revival of the felt hat and I've been as well as my sisters we've been dying to get our hands on one that actually looks like the Vivienne Westwood hat but is more available on the highstreet.

Anyhew...according to MTV USA Gwen Stefani is going to be going into the studio both on her own to do a solo album but also she has said she will be also recording a No Doubt album...and there is no stopping her there apparently as looking at her Facebook page and this piece of news she has been a very busy bunny with doing her clothes line L.A.M.B Spring 2015 Collection that was at New York Fashion Show this year, working on The Voice USA, working on her shoe collection and working with Dr. Dre...that's a lot!

When interviewed at New York Fashion Show by MTV USA she said that she was going into the studio with Pharrel that night after the fashion show and that she was writing and that she was going to be seeing what came along her way, she had been recording a few things.

When asked about these recordings by MTV USA Pharrel Williams said that:

"When I tell you she's killing it, it's another level. Gwen is somewhere else...."

"All I know is what I feel and what I'm convicted by and I can tell you that Gwen is on something else right now".

This is a big complement and I think with Pharrel Williams with his recent hit making history with "Happy" and his work on Ed Sheeran's "Sing" and "Marilyn Monroe" and "Come get it Bea" featuring Miley Cyrus and his other work in the music industry I'd think when he says something like this that it means that these albums are cross your fingers going to be really good.

Can't wait to hear both when these are finished and raring to get released.

Ever saw a film and wished you knew where the locations were?...well fear not your answers have finally been answered!

This is part of me still catching up on blogging about things that I haven't yet done, I just had to put this up on here as I've been meaning to for ages but haven't yet got around to doing it.

Last year I luckily got the chance to go on holiday to Venice with my family,- one of the many places in the world that I'd love to go to visit-, and as we were looking for a hotel and I got the idea to see if I could see if we could get a room at the Daniellie Hotel that is referenced in the film"Only You" as a "lifestyles hotel",-what can I say I am a film buff, and realise that "a lifestyle" hotel is yes a bit pricey but this hotel is amazingly beautiful and architecturally stunning and right on St.Mark's square right in the heart of Venice and Venice is such an amazing place you just have to holiday in Venice in style, and if your not familiar with the film "Only You" it stars Robert Downey Jnr. and Billy Zane it's all about a girl grows up having done a ouija board when she was little and believes she's going to marry a man named Damon Bradley but she never finds him and it's only until she gets a phone call one day from a friend of her now fiance called Damon Bradley saying that he wasn't going to make the wedding because he is in Italy so she goes with her best friend all round Italy to find him and meets Robert Downey Jnr. and Billy Zane on the way, it is a bit of a sappy movie but it's nice to put on when it's a rainy afternoon, when there's nothing to watch on TV or if your feeling under the weather-,  to go stay in as this definitly ticks the "do Venice in style" box, I also got the idea as I am a fan of the Angelina Jolie and Johnny Depp film "The Tourist", to find out what the list of names of hotels that were listed in the film by the character Reginald Shaw,-this if you are not familiar with the film is the bad guy who likes to surround himself with Russian bad guys, he when he first hears from one of his stooges whilst flying in his private jet on holiday that the girlfriend of Alexander Pierce an ex-private banker of his that stole some of  Reginald Shaw's money and has been of course hunted by Reginald Shaw because he obviously wants the money back and also to kill Alexander Price-, and to maybe visit them whilst me and my family were there in Venice, so luckily I found via Google this amazing website:

and found out what the locations were so that me and my family could maybe visit them while we were there. Thanks to this website I managed to find this list and much much more, for instance I with the help of this website managed to find out what I think is the coolest piece of news ever that if your like me you definitly want to keep this under your hat or very close to your chest...the actual locations of where Christopher Nolan's Batman trilogy of films were filmed in particular the amazing restaurant locations such as the Criterion Restaurant in Piccadily is the restaurant in "Batman:The Dark Knight" where Bruce Wayne has dinner with the premier ballerina, Harvey Dent and Rachel Dawes and this is also the same location that was used in Ridley Scott's film "A Good Year",-Please read the post I'm going to do next on here for a review of this restaurant-, also I found on here the very interesting information of where Frank's house,-from the film "The Transporter" which I think is a really amazing house that is really a shame to blow up and destroy,- is...this information I found out though was a bit disappointing I have to say as like I said before I think that it is a really nice house, but unfortunately according to this website the house was just a front i.e a front was just built and the garage to this was specifically built on top of a plinth like surface on top of a swimming pool in Cassis France and the internal film shots were done in a film studio somewhere else.