
Friday 19 September 2014

Ever saw a film and wished you knew where the locations were?...well fear not your answers have finally been answered!

This is part of me still catching up on blogging about things that I haven't yet done, I just had to put this up on here as I've been meaning to for ages but haven't yet got around to doing it.

Last year I luckily got the chance to go on holiday to Venice with my family,- one of the many places in the world that I'd love to go to visit-, and as we were looking for a hotel and I got the idea to see if I could see if we could get a room at the Daniellie Hotel that is referenced in the film"Only You" as a "lifestyles hotel",-what can I say I am a film buff, and realise that "a lifestyle" hotel is yes a bit pricey but this hotel is amazingly beautiful and architecturally stunning and right on St.Mark's square right in the heart of Venice and Venice is such an amazing place you just have to holiday in Venice in style, and if your not familiar with the film "Only You" it stars Robert Downey Jnr. and Billy Zane it's all about a girl grows up having done a ouija board when she was little and believes she's going to marry a man named Damon Bradley but she never finds him and it's only until she gets a phone call one day from a friend of her now fiance called Damon Bradley saying that he wasn't going to make the wedding because he is in Italy so she goes with her best friend all round Italy to find him and meets Robert Downey Jnr. and Billy Zane on the way, it is a bit of a sappy movie but it's nice to put on when it's a rainy afternoon, when there's nothing to watch on TV or if your feeling under the weather-,  to go stay in as this definitly ticks the "do Venice in style" box, I also got the idea as I am a fan of the Angelina Jolie and Johnny Depp film "The Tourist", to find out what the list of names of hotels that were listed in the film by the character Reginald Shaw,-this if you are not familiar with the film is the bad guy who likes to surround himself with Russian bad guys, he when he first hears from one of his stooges whilst flying in his private jet on holiday that the girlfriend of Alexander Pierce an ex-private banker of his that stole some of  Reginald Shaw's money and has been of course hunted by Reginald Shaw because he obviously wants the money back and also to kill Alexander Price-, and to maybe visit them whilst me and my family were there in Venice, so luckily I found via Google this amazing website:

and found out what the locations were so that me and my family could maybe visit them while we were there. Thanks to this website I managed to find this list and much much more, for instance I with the help of this website managed to find out what I think is the coolest piece of news ever that if your like me you definitly want to keep this under your hat or very close to your chest...the actual locations of where Christopher Nolan's Batman trilogy of films were filmed in particular the amazing restaurant locations such as the Criterion Restaurant in Piccadily is the restaurant in "Batman:The Dark Knight" where Bruce Wayne has dinner with the premier ballerina, Harvey Dent and Rachel Dawes and this is also the same location that was used in Ridley Scott's film "A Good Year",-Please read the post I'm going to do next on here for a review of this restaurant-, also I found on here the very interesting information of where Frank's house,-from the film "The Transporter" which I think is a really amazing house that is really a shame to blow up and destroy,- is...this information I found out though was a bit disappointing I have to say as like I said before I think that it is a really nice house, but unfortunately according to this website the house was just a front i.e a front was just built and the garage to this was specifically built on top of a plinth like surface on top of a swimming pool in Cassis France and the internal film shots were done in a film studio somewhere else.  

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