
Monday 22 September 2014

I've finally found it! Peugeot 108 song: Lykkie Li: Gunshot

I've seen this advert on the TV for weeks and it has been driving me nuts because I have been getting the song that's featured in it stuck in my head for almost the same amount of time:

The other day I finally found it with a little help from Youtube, in casee your wondering the song is by Lykee Li it's called "Gunshot", here is the video for it:


This song is on her new album "I Never Learn" which was released on April 30th this year, I've just seen it today and think that to be honest it's a little crap maybe a little bit artsy/indie/cool with how there is just a girl in what I think is a nice looking long suede I think mac style coat with white makeup and heavy eye makeup on either trying to dance or convulse like she's been shot repeatedly but in a car park  being pushed by tramps and then for some unknown reason then convulsing or dancing the same way amongst a group of girls dancing around like Nikki Minaj or twirking.

I just don't get it! To me it just is crap, if they wanted it to be artsy what I thoeught could have been a cool idea was that at the end of the video when the dancer is crumpled up in a heap at the end the dancer could have had a trickle of liquid looking like blood coming out of her onto the car park tarmac and on her sprawled out hand,-but this is just my opinion anyway, very artsy!-

Anyhew not only have I found out what this song that I think is very good and very catchy is but I was surfing the internet looking at mind does tend to wander when it really shouldn't! but I was looking at a really cool clothes website that me and my sisters have been buying from for a while now &OtherStories and lo and behold on the homepage of this website there is a new clothes co-lab that this clothes shop has done with Lykee Li...I have to say although I wasn't blown away by some of the clothes from this collection I did really like some of the gold rings that are in this collection.

The clothes from this shop are amazing, they are really good quality as well as being so comfy!

Here is the full collection of Lykee Li's Co-Lab with &Other Stories:

Here is the website for you to see all their really cool clothes, accessories and other bits and pips for you to fall in love with...and to also give handy little tips to your family members as it is coming up to Christmas after all!

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