
Friday 19 September 2014

Hold The Phone!: Gwen Stefani and Pharrel Williams are working on a new album!

You may or may not have heard this piece of news yet but I thought that I should put it up here as you may or may not know by now reading this blog that I am a huge fan of Gwen Stefani and No Doubt so as you can imagine when I first heard this news it was the most exciting news I'd heard all day.

According to MTV USA and Gwen Stefani's Facebook page she has been back in the studio with her co-host on The Voice USA Pharrel "The Hat" Williams. I have to say that although Pharrel Williams has prompted a revival of the felt hat and I've been as well as my sisters we've been dying to get our hands on one that actually looks like the Vivienne Westwood hat but is more available on the highstreet.

Anyhew...according to MTV USA Gwen Stefani is going to be going into the studio both on her own to do a solo album but also she has said she will be also recording a No Doubt album...and there is no stopping her there apparently as looking at her Facebook page and this piece of news she has been a very busy bunny with doing her clothes line L.A.M.B Spring 2015 Collection that was at New York Fashion Show this year, working on The Voice USA, working on her shoe collection and working with Dr. Dre...that's a lot!

When interviewed at New York Fashion Show by MTV USA she said that she was going into the studio with Pharrel that night after the fashion show and that she was writing and that she was going to be seeing what came along her way, she had been recording a few things.

When asked about these recordings by MTV USA Pharrel Williams said that:

"When I tell you she's killing it, it's another level. Gwen is somewhere else...."

"All I know is what I feel and what I'm convicted by and I can tell you that Gwen is on something else right now".

This is a big complement and I think with Pharrel Williams with his recent hit making history with "Happy" and his work on Ed Sheeran's "Sing" and "Marilyn Monroe" and "Come get it Bea" featuring Miley Cyrus and his other work in the music industry I'd think when he says something like this that it means that these albums are cross your fingers going to be really good.

Can't wait to hear both when these are finished and raring to get released.

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