
Monday 27 October 2014

OMG! Hold the bus...Elliot Minor have a new song...they've not fallen into oblivion!

I do realise that this headline does seem a bit dramatic but this for me and probably every other Elliot Minor fan is BIG news and it is sooo exciting that you just have to listen to this and if you're as excited about this you just have to download the new single "All My Life" which this may seem very geeky but as soon as I heard this news for me it acted like a bat signal and I of course downloaded this and played it on repeat being the giant fan of both Dan Hetherton's (sorry about the spelling if I've spelt it wrong) band's which include Elliot Minor and "The Dead Famous" that I am, and of course I felt that the world needed to know about this.

I have to say I really like the intro to this song, the way it builds up and this may sound a bit ponsy but it sounds a bit triumphant like "Yeah We're Back Guys!" and I have now that I've just thought about it this song as well as the black and white video does make me smile because being a giant fan of Elliot Minor I'm really happy that there is new music from them...and if your like me why not go see them at the Camden Underworld Pub, Camden, London on the 31st October celebrating Halloween,-it really makes me sad to think that I won't be able to go to this gig as I've got another Halloween party to go to on the same night, but anyhew I digress- and I have to say though that it does make me feel a little sad to hear when the track finishes though.
Oh well thank god for the repeat button! 

Stop the Press:Fall Out Boy new video for Centuries!

You may or may  not have seen this new music video from Fall Out Boy for their new single "Centuries" and as I am a massive fan of this band I was very excited to see this video when I came back from my holidays and I have to say that this is a must see for all fans of this band, but if you are a fan of new music or their kind of music then you have to see this music video.

 If your like me and always listen to this new song of "Centuries" and are like I know how this song goes that they sample but don't know the name of the track and it then get's stuck in your head for ages after, then fear no more I have finally found the song that is sampled in this new Fall Out Boy track, it Suzanne Vega and "Tom's Diner" and here is the music video in case your interested in listening to this song.

This might sound a bit biased as I am a fan of the band but I love this video,- if you've seen this video and are like me and think you recognise the guy at the end of the video but don't know his name it is Rick Ross (in case you don't know he is a rapper and owns a record label) which makes me think "is the next single of Fall Out Boys' going to feature Rick Ross?", as well as all their songs ever since I heard their first single "Sugar We're Goin' Down", and if you've read this blog before then you'll already know that I absolutely loved their new album "Save Rock 'n' Roll" as well as the last track on this album on the album "Save Rock 'n' Roll ft. Elton John" being one of my favourite songs from this album as well as "Just One Yesterday ft. Foxes", "Miss Missing You", "Young Volcanoes", "The Phoenix" this song last song included and "My Songs Know What You Did in the Dark (Light 'Em Up)" being for me stand out songs from this album. 
The high quality/ filmic quality to all the music videos from "The Young Blood Chronicles" definitely looks like it has been carried on in  this new music video,-I say filmic as this new music video looks a little bit like the film "Gladiator" (one of my favourite films) meaning that it looks very dramatic (especially when Patrick gets spun into the air in slow mo) and very dramatic which some people have been saying in the comments section of Fall Out Boy's Youtube channel that this brilliantly sums up the essence of the song.
I just think though that why not do a Gladiator style music video as this film is so brilliant!
I also think that this music video is so awesome that this should definitely be awarded best music video of 2014/15 as I have to say there seems to be a lot of music videos floating around at the moment that aren't really necessary and that boarder on offensive not naming any names but Nicky Minajs' "Anaconda" music video springs to mind as well as Maroon 5's "Animals" music video.  

Thursday 23 October 2014

News just in Bradley Cooper fans!

Breaking News film fans: Bradley Cooper will be treading the boards and he will be playing the infamous role of The Elephant Man Joseph Merrick in a revival of a play written by Bernard Pomerance that was premiered at the Booth Theatre in 1979.

According to Yahoo! News via sky news this play "...which emphasises Joseph Merrick's humanity,-even adding a love interest to the story- and his civility despite his appearance that traces Merrick's journey from being an absurd circus freak to a curiosity of London's high society..."

was a play that the actor wasn't acquainted with until later when he was studying at the Actors Studio Drama School in New York, saying that:

"...It wasn't until grad school where we had to choose a thesis and I came across Bernard Pomerance's play..."

This though isn't the first time that Bradley Cooper has played the role having played Joseph Merrick back in 2012 for a short run at the Williamstown Theatre Festival.

He will be starring in a 14 week run of this revival starting with previews on 7th November.

In case your wondering how will they give the elephant man his elephantmaniness i.e his disfigurement, well apparently according to this article the actor will not use prosthetics he will opt instead:

" imply disfigurement through facial expression and twisted posture..."

Wednesday 22 October 2014

Gwen Stefani New Song Alert!

I saw this today on Facebook and as I am a massive fan of all things No Doubt and Gwen Stefani I just had to put this up here:

Here is the video to her new single "Baby Don't Lie", this to me sounds very dancy, like you could just stick this on and have a good old dance to it or even put it on for when your sitting around the pool on holiday, but I do have to say that this video is a bit shit but it's probably only the initial video where if the single gets lots of interest, mainly money then there will hopefully be another better video as the whole thing looks quite bad like the computerised dancing stick men they look really bad as if  the team behind this video couldn't afford to hire an animation expert to make these stick men look like their not stick men.

Also I have to say though that the one legged hop dancing at the end by the dancers behind Gwen looks funny but I do have to be honest and say that as it's Gwen Stefani and she is looking as stylish and as sharp as ever I'll forgive her for this, but this does sound promising for the album that she has said before now that she is working on as well as a new album with No Doubt.

Now I really can't wait to hear other songs from this album!

Alexander Wang and H & there's an interesting collaboration!

Yes, Yes I know that I haven't written anything on here for a while now but my trusty old Sony Vaio who has been through thick and thin with me has finally packed up and there were too many viruses that it kept getting so I had to trade it in for something a little newer... a HP Pavillion which is awesome and it has a little added bonus which I am absolutely loving beatsaudio sound system making all the songs I listen to on here sound that bit sharper, and thank goodness I got this when I did as I had been computer surfing which I strongly recommend no one ever does if they are like me and find themselves in dire need of a laptop as their old one has packed up on them, this I can tell you was definitely not fun to do as all the other laptops that I was using had touchscreen and I absolutely hate it!

In case your wondering what I'm talking about when I say computer surfing I mean like sofa surfing when you don't have a place to stay I was using other peoples laptops when they weren't on theirs.

Anyhew...let's get back to the point, you may or may not know by now that H & M have done a new collaboration with fashion designer Alexander Wang and this new collection will be released on November 6th.

According to #5 Mag the football player Rio Ferdinand's magazine the collection features a variety of items including sunglasses, heavy duty jackets, socks and sweaters, and from the campaign pictures of this new collection that I've seen on Glamour's website it takes on a very sporty theme with lots of greys and blacks being used in this collection.

According to Glamour magazine's website Alexander Wang said that he was "honoured to be part of H & M's designer collaborations", and that "the work with their team is an exciting, fun process".

I have to say though that some of these items included in this collaboration do look a bit intense and maybe a little bit chavvy, like these:

The 10 things to buy from Alexander Wang x H&M    Raquel Zimmermann
I'm not sure if chavvy is the right word for these but these are massive these sunglasses and to be honest who is going to buy these sunglasses that are on what looks like you've got the sunglasses on a chain and unless you were a formula one driver who in all the pre and post interviews I have seen wear massive sunglasses or a celebrity who is going to buy these but then again I have just thought that maybe these glasses on a chain do look young, and maybe that the older gent wouldn't necessarily go for these if they were shopping about for sunglasses so maybe this collection is aimed at the young audience.
I just thought that me saying this may make me sound old even though I'm only 23 going on 24! But I do have to say though that these sunglasses are a bit flashy though and not really my cup of tea.

The pictures on the above left and mainly the jacket on the model (Raquel Zimmermann) below looks a bit intense. And I definitely think that this model has been photoshoped as her waist looks impossibly tiny! but then again she is a model!

Anyhew this collection isn't even out yet and celebrities such as rihanna have been out and about giving the paparazzi and the public a little sneak peak of just some of the things to come. Here are just some of the other items in the collection:

The 10 things to buy from Alexander Wang x H&M  The 10 things to buy from Alexander Wang x H&M  The 10 things to buy from Alexander Wang x H&M  The 10 things to buy from Alexander Wang x H&M  The 10 things to buy from Alexander Wang x H&M  The 10 things to buy from Alexander Wang x H&M  The 10 things to buy from Alexander Wang x H&M  The 10 things to buy from Alexander Wang x H&M  The 10 things to buy from Alexander Wang x H&M 

This does definitely achieve the sporty look that Alexander Wang was going for, but hopefully this and the fact RiRi wore some of these will drive up sales as let's face it it is probably the reason why Alexander Wang wanted to do this as everytime it seems that some fashion house big or small or some kind of celebrity collaborates or puts their name to H & M clothing it sells out in seconds and it gets seen all over the news that hundreds of thousands of people queue outside of the Oxford Street store just to get a look at this new collection of clothes as they all want to own it.

And this is exactly what the designer wants to do as he has said that "this will be a great way for a wider audience to experience elements of the Alexander Wang brand and lifestyle".

Also I just thought that it's not a bad idea to have these clothes out around that time of year as then is when everyone starts to think about Christmas and what ideas would make perfect gift ideas for the family.