
Thursday 23 October 2014

News just in Bradley Cooper fans!

Breaking News film fans: Bradley Cooper will be treading the boards and he will be playing the infamous role of The Elephant Man Joseph Merrick in a revival of a play written by Bernard Pomerance that was premiered at the Booth Theatre in 1979.

According to Yahoo! News via sky news this play "...which emphasises Joseph Merrick's humanity,-even adding a love interest to the story- and his civility despite his appearance that traces Merrick's journey from being an absurd circus freak to a curiosity of London's high society..."

was a play that the actor wasn't acquainted with until later when he was studying at the Actors Studio Drama School in New York, saying that:

"...It wasn't until grad school where we had to choose a thesis and I came across Bernard Pomerance's play..."

This though isn't the first time that Bradley Cooper has played the role having played Joseph Merrick back in 2012 for a short run at the Williamstown Theatre Festival.

He will be starring in a 14 week run of this revival starting with previews on 7th November.

In case your wondering how will they give the elephant man his elephantmaniness i.e his disfigurement, well apparently according to this article the actor will not use prosthetics he will opt instead:

" imply disfigurement through facial expression and twisted posture..."

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