
Thursday 13 November 2014

There will be a sequel to "The Mortal Instruments:City Of Bones" film

You may or may not have heard this but there will be a sequel to "The Mortal Bones: City Of Bones", another series of books that were turned into films in order to fill the rather sizable whole left by The Twilight Saga.

This didn't do so well at the box office so I'm told but as I've seen this film and although it was a mumble fest it did have a really good twist at the end that left you thinking long after is that real what happened or was it just a lie the baddies told so they could get Clary played by Lilly Collins and Jace Wheelan played by Jamie Campbell Bower to do what they want them to do for them.

If your not familiar with the film allow me to fill in the blanks for you:

Clary played by Lilly Collins has grown up her whole life believing her mother is an artist that is funded by some mystical entity that also buys her paintings, and that her father was killed during the war when she was very little and that her mother's best friend works at a pawn shop and when she was very little he occasionally would pick her up from school, and she doesn't see that her best friend Simon is in love with her. But then on her 16th birthday she suddenly starts drawing and seeing a symbol on everything in a kind of a trance where she just draws it and doesn't know she's doing it and everywhere that unbeknownst to her is an angelic symbol and a sign that she is a ShadowHunter like her mother was and Luke are.

She then starts seeing this mysterious boy Jace when no one else can which leads her to think she's going crazy but she's not, then she learns that she is involved in a search for The Cup Of Everlasting Life, and that this involves ShadowHunters like her mother who were created when Knights Templer brought an angel down from heaven to protect earth from all evils to give a select few skills that could help defeat vampires, werewolves and the possessed (these can be anybody) give them the ultimate power, but the thing is you can only become one of these if your born from a shadowhunter or if you drink from the cup but the only thing with doing the latter is not a lot tend to survive hence why there isn't so much around.

And Clary gets dragged into this when her mother gets kidnapped as she and Luke were the last people to see the cup as they had to steal it away from a power hungry shadowhunter called Valentine that originally wanted to use the cup in order to make more shadowhunters, but before this he had gone insane with wanting to get more power i.e he had started to find a way to summon demons to earth that turns out to be Clary's real father but right at the end he says that not only did he father her but he also fathered her love interest Jace.

I was thinking how do they solve this surely they don't do this by doing a Jeremy Kyle style DNA test so I bought from Amazon the rest of the five book series to try and find out because it might be quicker to find the answer out that way because who knows when or if there will be another film.

And just like that I found out that there will be a sequel that already has the two lead actors signed on to reprise their roles for the next movie "Mortal Instruments: City Of Ashes", with it being suggested that Sigourney Weaver join the cast for the new movie.

Constatin Films will be going through this last film to see if they can find out what went wrong with the last film doing so badly at the box office, so that the sequel which had already started production in line after the last film but had the brakes put on it after the underperformance at the box office.

Production has been said in a post by The Hollywood Reporter on the 23rd of October last year to be restarting in 2014 but no official date on this has yet been known and it has also been said by the Hollywood Reporter that Constantin Films believes that one of the reasons this first film underperformed was because of:

"The reader's of Mortal Instruments are older than you might think...That may have been one issue in our marketing, that we focused too much on a very young audience segment".

Apart from this not much else is known on the next film in this franchise.

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