
Monday 3 November 2014

I don't know why but they're is another Terminator film coming to a cinema screen near you!

No your eyes are not deceiving you there is another Terminator film going to be released for your viewing pleasure...,-well if you can call it viewing pleasure-.

You may or may not have already heard but Arnold Schwarzenegger (sorry about the spelling if it's wrong) is back in another Terminator film and according to this film Terminator: Genisys when interviewing the actor Jai Courtney who will be playing the role of Kyle Reese in this film which is just the first in a planned two sequels for this Terminator film which will be shot back to back according to Collider, one of these is said to be released in 2017 the other in 2018, with the shooting of these two films starting in 2016, this film is going to be a reset for the franchise that in an earlier interview with the actor said that he would really love to see this film as an R rated film but

"...didn't think in this day and age it is much more likely to be a PG-13..."

I've seen one or two of these films but and I heard how badly the last film that featured Christian Bale went down so why on earth make another one of these films...they had their day in the sun didn't they? and how/why on earth cast Arnold Scharzenegger as how is he meant to be taken seriously after the roles in films he has had recently done such as "The Expendables" which is just a cast of old ageded action stars who need to do another film for money purposes but it just is comedy, take "Escape Plan" which was with Sylvester Stallone who has had so much plastic surgery you can't really tell what he's saying or his face looks like it's melting for example...but I've just thought that the Expendables being written and directed by Sylvester Stallone has really become a big money family friendly franchise, so I'm thinking that Paramount Pictures (who will be distributing this film) with making two sequels that are going to be filmed back to back that this will hopefully generate lots of interest in either people who have seen the last Terminator films and want to see this film to see what its like,-but have seen the Terminator with Christian Bale in and want to erase this from their minds but want to see how the story of the new film will follow on in the grand scheme of Terminator,- or newbies to the whole Terminator film thing, and this will hopefully be translated into lots of numbers of people spending money at the cinema and hopefully if this film is ok then this interest by fans of the Termiator film will call for a franchise,-the power of fans is never to be underrated as just look at Veronica Mars which via Kickstarter the fans got it made into a film,- which in this day and age is big money, take a look at Fast and Furious as well as The Expendables, Batman etc etc... I just don't know.

Case and point is how the actor said in an interview with that:

"...if someone hasn't seen the first two Terminator films they wouldn't be completely lost when watching Genesys..."

Not a lot has been said about the full plot of this new film that has been described as a reset not a reboot by Jai Courtney in this same interview, but what I have managed to get so far is that according to Entertainment Weekly is that:

The year is 2029, the Future War is raging and a group of human rebels have the evil artificial intelligence system Skynet on the ropes. John Connor ( who will be played by Jason Clarke who was recently in Dawn Of  The Plant of the Apes)  is the leader of the resistance, and Kyle Reese (who will be played by Jai Courtney) is his loyal soldier raised in the ruins of post apocalyptic California."

Also according to story of Reese being sent back to 1984 by John Connor to save his mother from a Terminator programmed to kill her so that John Connor will never be born that still stays the same, but this time Sarah Connor is very different to the one in the previous films, Emilia Clarke will be playing this younger Sarah Connor, this time Sarah Connor will be seen as an antisocial recluse who knows her way round weapons as the story is that at the age of 9 she was orphaned by a Terminator killing her mother and has ever since been raised by Arnold Schwarzenegger's Terminator that she calls "Pops" who is trained to guard rather than to kill.

And not only this but in an interview with, Emilia Clarke said that their will be a twist in the story as "..story is driven in a very different direction by how Sarah Connor fundamentally rejects that destiny..." as she went on to say " Since she was 9 years old, she has been told everything that was supposed to happen". So she's a little bit rebellious!

So this will be very different to how audiences have seen Sarah Connor before, this film will be coming to the UK in 3rd July 2015.

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