
Wednesday 26 November 2014

You might want to take a look at this...Jurassic World trailer: Going Back to "cinco mortes" (five deaths)

I've just seen this new trailer of Jurassic World's return to cinco mortes (five deaths),-if you are like me and have grown up with these films you will know that this is what the locals refer to the islands where these dinosaurs live in Costa Rica in "The Lost World: Jurassic Park", where Intergen labs that created Jurassic Park want to take a research team to Site B to study how these dinosaurs can survive without Licene (the drug in the original film that all of them were created using), but as the board members of Intergen Labs want Dr.Richard Hammond out, they put another team in so as to capture the dinosaurs so as to start Jutassic Park up again and then this causes all manner of problems in New York when they capture a baby T-Rex and it's mother-.

This  new film "Jurassic World" to me looks really good and the CGI looks really impressive, but now that I think abut it I am a bit disappointed that this trailer doesn't show any signature tension builders like there were in the other Jurassic Park films like in the first one there was the plastic cup of water that was sat on the dashboard of one of the cars that gets stuck in the T-Rex enclosure during a rainstorm and it little by little the water starts to move and then you see and hear the huge raw of the T-Rex as it starts to play with the other car that has the grandchildren of Dr.Richard Hammond in, then in the second film Jeff Goldblum's stowaway daughter gets stuck out in a rainstorm in a thing that means you can go high above the trees and at any time you can come down but then all of a sudden the trees around an RV/ mobile home the research team are in start to move as if something is approaching, but when he can't get through to the RV/mobile home on the phone and goes down to see what's happening someone has a baby T-Rex on an operating table drugged up as it has a broken leg and as you can imagine the mother is the thing approaching the RV/ mobile home and it just stands outside the window looking in but just heavily breathes on the window, and for me in the third film the signature tension builder is before the end of the film the professor from the first film has been forced back to the island by a divorced father and mother to look for their son who has gone missing on the island, they all have been running from a group of velocerapators as an assistant of the professor has stolen some eggs of theirs and they have been following them, the veloceraptors catch up to their group and corner them and they have to slowly crouch down while the veloceraptors decide who stole the eggs and the professor remembers he has built a mould of a velocerraptor that works like a duck caller as if you blow through it it makes a sound like a veloceraptor and they use it to make it sound like there is a veloceraptor in danger and that it needs help then the dinosaur group leave with the eggs before the professor and the other people are taken off the island by the USA navy.

This third film isn't as good as the other two but it's still watchable and the actress who played the annoying ex wife who's looking for her son Tia Leoni plays this part really well and in my opinion these other tension builders aren't as good as the water ripple from the first Jurassic Park.

However this impressive looking CGI that shows how in the future Jurassic Park has actually been made using dinosaurs and now some genetically made dinosaurs to keep up with how popular the Park has become as an attraction, but as you can imagine this genetically modified dinosaur that has had DNA of other dinosaurs spliced together in order to make it escapes causing all types of problems as it is super intelligent and a super appetite, hasn't appeased everyone.

According to The Independent some palaeontologists and some zoologists have taken to Twitter to show how disappointed they are at some aspects of this film not being very true to the history of dinosaurs, such as:

One said on Twitter:

"Basic message of #JurassicWorld is 'Screw you, science we don't need your stinking feathers!!This is alt-future-1993!!' #dinosaurs"


"#JurassicWorld Mega-mosasaur has palatal teeth (well done) but no forked tongue-tip as per the platynotan hypothesis...."


" From trailer, looks like #JurassicWorld's Big Bad has thumbs. A huge smart, carnivorous dinosaur with thumbs sounds like a GREAT idea".

The Mega-Mosasaur in case your wondering is the big fish like dinosaur that they use as a kind of killer whale attraction at a SeaLife Centre over in America but without the tips and tricks that they normally get the whales and dolphins to do that eats the great white shark...this though from the trailer I've seen doesn't look that bad as yes it shows the thing has teeth but it doesn't seem to show any forked tongue so I don't really understand this argument here.

The other arguments that these people raise though is that one this is a film where if you think about films in general they are not real, the things that films are made about therefore are works of fiction created by executive director Steven Spielberg and others using the idea "What if dinosaurs still existed what do you think would happen?", and this is set in the future so therefore this is a science fiction film and you want to include all sorts of dinosaurs but because we don't know a lot still about all dinosaurs and what they would look like CGI has been used so therefore some of these Computer Generated dinosaurs are going to look not really much like they would have looked like as you can only use so much data that we do know and for the rest of the unknown parts you just have to sort of make it up.

Second, in reference to the argument about the big bad dinosaur that causes all the trouble in the film is nonsensical to me as this is a supposedly genetically modified dinosaur that has other dinosaurs DNA spliced together to make it so it's of course going to have a few things it shouldn't have as this is the whole concept of the film as it shows you shouldn't mess with things you don't know what the outcome will be. And may I say again this is a film so they the film makers can do whatever they want to in order to create their film.

Ty Simpkins, Nick Robinson, Omar Sy, Vincent D'Onofrio, Irrfan Khan, Jake Johnson, Judy Greer, B.D. Wong, Katie McGrath and Lauren Lapkus appear alongside the hero of the piece Chris Pratt who is already on the island as a behavioural researcher looking at the veloceraptors and when a few issues crop up he's called in to help.
This will be in cinemas on June 12th 2015.

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