
Friday 17 March 2017

A Matrix Reboot...has the world gone potty?!

I saw this headline the other day on The Hollywood Reporter's website and I couldn't believe with the news of a "Gladiator 2" why would you want to make another one of this amazing set of films you don't mess with a classic everybody knows that...but I do understand why filmmakers would want to either make another one of these films or a reboot of these films because they made lots and lots of money the first time around making it.

According to The Hollywood Reporter's website Warner Bros. sees a model for "The Matrix" like Disney and Lucas Film have done with "Star Wars", so this could mean that there could be a prequel that features younger versions of Neo and co.

But also according to The Hollywood Reporter's website this idea hasn't got everybody on board at the studio as according to this article on it's website some at Warner Bros. consider this title among it's most sacrosanct titles such as "Cassablanca", and according to this same article on The Hollywood Reporter's website it was Joel Silver who produced the original trilogy of films that first approached Warner Bros. with the idea of mining "The Matrix" for a potential new film, but as he gave up all his interests in all his films to Warner Bros. for $30m in 2012  he gave away any big decisions or ideas regarding this film a long time ago so if anyone has ideas of this magnitude to do with this film title it should be either Warner Bros. or the Wachoski's not him, and he has a strained relationship with the Wachowski's along with being know for having budget control issues so Warner Bros. are ordinarily said to be wary of giving him any meaningful role should there be another film of this...and according to The Hollywood Reporter's website the Wachowski's are said to hold much more meaning to fans than the producer.

But despite not everyone being on board at the film studios with this idea Warner Bros. are in the early stages according to The Hollywood Reporter's website of developing a rebooted "The Matrix" and their in talks with Zack Penn to write this rebooted version.

And also according to The Hollywood Reporter's sources there is potential interest in casting Michael B. Jordan before this reboot gets underway.

But you never know in Hollywood so if this casting doesn't happen then The Hollywood Reporter's website says that it is more than likely that Warner Bros. will look elsewhere to attract an A-lister and a younger cast as at this point nothing else is known about who would direct this rebooted version of "The Matrix" as its not yet known how big, small or what if any role the Wachowski's would have with Warner Bros. or this new rebooted version of "the Matrix", but Warner Bros. would at least expect a blessing from the to Wachowski sisters.

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