
Thursday 2 March 2017

Stop the press there could be a Kill Bill Vol.3!

You may or may not have heard these reported rumblings but I'm catching up so please don't sue me.

I was perusing the internet yesterday and I saw a headline about there being a possible Kill Bill Vol. 3 and as I am a big fan of these films I have to say that my interest was piqued and I just had to stop what I was doing at that very moment and read this article...even if it was just to see if this was a real thing and not just something that a fan of the films has made via YouTube...and thankfully this was real so of course I just had to put it up on here.

But as I was reading this article on's website I did take note of the date when the article was published,-September 15th 2015,- and realised that I was very late to this party...but I also thought that if there has been rumblings of something this big then why hasn't there been more said about it like why isn't it all over the radio news or on any entertainment news on TV shows because it's all over the internet...surely even the possibility of there being a Kill Bill Vol. 3 this qualifies as big news...well that's just my opinion!

Anyhew...according to's website in an interview Quentin Tarantino gave to Nerd Core Movement he said in response to fans being enthusiastic for him to do a third film that he would be more than willing to direct the third instalment of the franchise.

And according to this same article Tarantino also said that it will be a "never say never", but according to an article on's website Tarantino said:

" I felt I said what I had to say"

Well if you ask me everything is pretty much said and done in these films as if your like me and have seen these films then you already know what happens but if you don't then I'll fill in the blanks:

Kill Bill Vol. 1 Beatrix Kiddo/The Bride is found thought to be dead in a wedding chapel in El Paso, Texas and she only gets the name "The Bride" because of how the police find her in a wedding dress heavily pregnant with her face all bloodied and bruised including a bullet in the head, but then she spits on the policeman who finds her and she lies in a coma in hospital without the baby, then Elle Driver,-a member of the Deadly Viper Death Squad- comes into the hospital dressed in white, changes into a nurses outfit and goes into "The Brides" hospital room and fills up a syringe and is ready to inject it into "The Bride" but then after a call from Bill is told to stop and come home...then four years later "The Bride" wakes up to realise there is no baby and that there is a piece of metal in her head and then it all comes back to her what happened how she was ready to get married and four members of the Deadly Viper Death Squad and Bill beat her up and then Bill put a bullet in her head after she told him he was the father, and then she decides to get revenge on the people who did this to her but first she would need help from Hatori Hanzo who trained Bill and used to make samurai swords but has since retired and now lives in Okinawa, Japan and owns a sushi restaurant. Then she decides the first person to get revenge on is Oren Ishii a half Chinese, half Japanese assassin who takes over and becomes head of the Japanese mob underworld, and she also decides to get revenge on Sophie Fatale a French, half Japanese former protégée of Bill's but is mainly a lawyer to Oren because she recognises Sophie's phone ringtone from when she was beaten up and remembers her being there but not taking part in her being beaten up...she then cuts off Sophie's arm and has a show down with Oren's bodyguards called "The Crazy 88" as well as Oren's personal bodyguard 17yrs old psychotic GoGo at The House Of Blue Leaves club in Tokyo. The Bride then kills everyone including Oren Ishii but puts Sophie Fatale in the trunk/boot of a car and throws her out until she rolls into the road outside a hospital but tells her to tell Bill that she has told "The Bride" everything she knows about The Deadly Viper Death Squad, and that she wants Bill to know she knows everything. Then she goes on to find and kill another member of The Deadly Viper Death Squad Vernita Green who now lives in Pasadena and has a child Nikki or Nikkita and is also now married to a local doctor.

But what "The Bride" doesn't know is that her baby is still alive and that Bill has taken her and is raising her.

Kill Bill Vol. 2: After this "The Bride" then moves on to Bill's brother Budd who is also a member of the Deadly Viper Death Squad and he lives out in the desert in a trailer, but when she gets to his trailer she sees a light under the door but when opening the door sees that its only a dressed up dummy and then gets shot in the chest with a rifle full of rock salt and he then sedates her, he then calls up Elle Driver from the first film who is also a member of the Deadly Viper Death Squad and she agrees with Budd to buy "The Bride/Beatrix Kiddo's" Hattori Hanzo sword for $1m, then he puts her in the back of his truck and then he and a friend take her to a burial plot where he ties her hands up and threatens to either burn out her eyes with pepper spray or give her a flashlight if she keeps trying to kick him. Then she decides to go with the flashlight and then both Budd and his friend put her in a coffin and bury her under a false name "Pauline Schultz", Budd then goes back to his trailer to wait for Elle Driver to show up with the money and when she arrives with a suitcase full of money he tells her everything whilst Elle writes it down so she can tell Bill, but unbeknownst to them "Beatrix Kiddo" has been lying in the coffin manages to get her boots off that have a flick knife in and manages to then cut through the cable ties tying her hands together, remembering how whilst she was with Bill before she joined the Deadly Viper Death Squad he took her to be trained in martial arts by Pai Mei who enjoyed tormenting her because she was American, couldn't speak Cantonese, was a women and was blonde, but whilst she was being trained she remembers that on a daily basis Pai Mei wanted her to be able to break through a piece of wood with only her fist and so she uses that to break through the wood coffin and to go through all the layers of soil and dirt to get to the surface of the grave, then when she's finally out of the coffin she goes to a diner and orders a glass of water from there then goes to get her sword back and to kill Budd but before she does that Elle Driver kills Budd by putting a deadly black mamba snake in amongst the suitcase with all the money in and it bites him which leaves him in agonising pain whilst killing him slowly. "Beatrix" then comes in has a showdown with Elle Driver leaving her screaming and falling around the trailer with no eyes instead of one as she told Beatrix that she poisoned Pei Mei's fish heads and told him he was a stupid old fool.

Beatrix then goes to Mexico to find an old friend of Bill's to see if he knows where he is and from there she finds Bill living in a hotel with B.B their daughter in the middle of a game where Beatrix then play acts that B.B has shot her, Beatrix then watches a film with B.B before she falls asleep and then her and Bill talk but not before Bill shoots her in the knee with a truth serum drug so he can ask her some questions because he believes she is incapable of telling the truth when it comes to them. She then answers all of his questions and whilst outside the apartment she does "The Five Point Palm Exploding Heart Technique" that Pai Mei taught her but she didn't tell Bill she knew how to because Pei Mei never teaches any of his students it,-this is called this because there are supposedly five pressure points on and around the heart and once touched a person can only make it five steps before they fall down dead-, and then Bill walks five steps away from Beatrix and falls down dead. She then takes B.B to a nearby hotel to go off to live a life with her. But she has to lock herself into the bathroom first and leaves B.B to watch cartoons for a bit as one of the side effects to the truth serum drug is extreme euphoria so she just is lying on the bathroom floor laughing and crying at the same time and just ends up whispering "Thank you Bill".

So as you can see everything is pretty much said and done with "The Bride", but according to's article Quentin Tarentino did say that:

"I'm not committing to it, but I wouldn't be surprised if The Bride made one more appearance before the whole thing is said and done".

so now that this has been said I don't think that we the fans and audience can rule this out as a possibility of happening especially when Quentin Tarentino has also teased that:

"I am talking to Uma (Thurman) about it just a little bit"

and according to's website this is always a topic whenever they meet particularly the possible storyline.

With's article noting that Tarantino himself  said that this third film's story could revolve possibly around Vernita Green's daughter and the possibility of her being the next antagonist and eventually getting revenge on Beatrix Kiddo for killing her mother in front of her when she was little.

And it has also been noted in this article on's website that in an interview with MTV Uma Thurman has said that she would always want to play Beatrix again in Kill Bill 3 but it would be Tarantino who would determine if there will be a third instalment.

But along with this Quentin Tarantino has also said in this article of's that there is:

"Some of the stuff  that I'd written that never made it into the movie that maybe I could use."

So if you ask me it sounds like with Kill Bill Vol.3 being a topic of conversation between Quentin Tarantino and Uma Thurman whenever they meet up that there is a want to do a third film but no definite ideas of what would happen in it just maybe ideas or how this would be done.

I do realise that this is a rather long post but I just couldn't resist not putting this up on here...and please stick with this. I'm sorry for how long this post is.

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