
Wednesday 28 March 2018

NEW! "Solo: A Star Wars Story" Release Date For The UK!

I had just logged into Facebook when I saw this and just had to immediately jump on here and blog about this. There is a NEW! UK release date for "Solo: A Star Wars Story" May 24th...this is more as Digital Spy's website puts it:

" line with some other territories like Australia, Russia and Brazil..."

Yes! finally something us folks in the UK can see in cinemas before the US...sorry USA people reading this but you do tend to get films released over there before any other "territory".

But also according to Digital Spy's website even with the trailer, Ron Howard directing and this movie being a "Star Wars" film there seems to be a distinct lack of excitement for "Solo: A Star Wars Story"... well as a massive fan of "Star Wars" I'm betting I can tell why people are being so hesitant about whether or not to buy tickets for this movie... this being this film is suppose to be an origins story of how Hans Solo became Hans Solo and usually when I've watched origin story films they can tend to be and point "X: Men Origins: Wolverine" Jesus! that took an hour off my life and I don't think I'm going to get that back any time soon! so these can be a bit hit and miss no matter who is sat in the directors chair.

If you haven't seen this trailer yet here is the link for you to have a little gander at it on

But I have just read an article on The Telegraph's website that won't do any favours for the marketing of "Solo: A Star Wars Story" and if anything will probably make prospective audiences of this movie even more nervous to see how this movie will turn out on the big screen.

As this article on The Telegraph's website says that "an insider on this film" has told's website that:

"In March an acting coach was brought on to help the 28-year-old (Alden Ehrenreich) into character..."

This anonymous "source" went on to say that:

"LucasFilm wanted something very specific: copying someone else- Alden's not a bad actor just not good enough..."

"You could see his acting became more relaxed. He became more Harrison-like. The coach helped!"

Ouch! with this being an "anonymous source" this sounds like people even me that's blogging about this even now should take this with a pinch of salt as this sounds really critical of a young actor so this could just be someone on the movie really wanted the part but got a lesser role instead of this young actor...sour grapes or they are just trying to stir up trouble for the film...either way I thought as this is a film about the young Hans Solo this film is suppose to of cast a young actor! has this anonymous source forgotten this!

Anyhew...this sounds like Lucas Film to me might be on shaky ground with this film if this is what has happened as you can't really copy Harrison Ford's acting all you should be able to do is have some of Hans Solo's mannerisms to make audiences think that this young actor can really pull it off playing this iconic Star Wars character.

Monday 26 March 2018


I heard yesterday on the radio that Danny Boyle has now been confirmed to take up the directors chair and fill in the rather large hole that will be left by Sam Mendes when directing the next Bond movie...this will definitely be different in tone to the Sam Mendes Bond films.

I am a massive fan of James Bond films but I have to say that when I first heard about this I thought I wonder what this is going to be like, will it carry on from the last film with all intricate plot twists like how all the baddies James Bond had faced down so far were intricately linked to a group called S.P.E.C.T.R.E and that the head of this was Franz Oberhauser who was supposed to have died in a avalanche with his father but was still alive, will this next film have the big scale action sequences like in " Quantum Of Solace" there is the car chase at the start of the film that ends up with M being shot at by one of Quantum's men and Mr.White getting away during his interrogation and this ending up with Bond shooting the assassin in a glass ceiling building whilst getting his foot stuck in some ropes, then in "SPECTRE" there was the massive day of the dead shoot out where a whole building collapsed and James Bond ended up fighting on a helicopter in the opening credits of the movie, in "Skyfall" there is also in the opening credits of the film the scene where James Bond finds and an agent shot with the bad guy gone with a computer disk that contains all the names of MI:5 agents around the world and this goes from a car chase to a chase onto a moving train and then ends up on the top of the train and ends up with James Bond being shot...and then in "Casino Royal" there is the massive action sequence where James Bond has to stop a terrorist plot from happening on the world's largest airplane SkyFleet that ends up with him being arrested by the airport police and the actual guy who is dressed in an airport security uniform blowing up.

But come to think of this Danny Boyle can do big scale as the London Olympics shows.

But I also have to say that with Metro Newspaper USA's website and MI:6's website (the most visited unofficial home of James Bond) saying that John Hodge who Danny Boyle had worked with previously on "Trainspotting", "T2 Trainspotting", "A Life Less Ordinary" is expanding an idea both he and Danny Boyle had for 007 into a script, with Danny Boyle going on to say that:

"We've got an idea, John Hodge, the screenwriter, and I have got this idea, and John is writing it at the moment. And it all depends on how it turns out..."

that my heart sank at this news because I really had hoped that this next James Bond film wouldn't be another "Trainspotting" because I don't think this would be right for a James Bond film...I know I know that the style and tone of this next film will be different as has been with all the James Bond films whenever there has been a new actor at the helm or when there's been a new director but Sam Mendes in my opinion left this brilliantly to carry on in the same vein as the last one.

But this might take a while as Danny Boyle did also tell Metro USA that:

" I am working on a Richard Curtis script at the moment. We hope to start shooting that in 6-7 weeks Then Bond will would be right at the end of the year. But we are working on both right now".

So this could potentially push back everything...even the release date.

Friday 23 March 2018


My sisters saw this a couple of days ago on the internet and just had to show me as we are all massive fans of some of Russell Crowe's films such as "LA Confidential", "Robin Hood", "A Good Year", "Virtuosity", "Gladiator" ",- I absolutely love this film and when my mum first hear of this she just said flat out "No!",- etc etc and I just had to have a look at what is going to be up for sale during this auction at Sotherby's Australia that's taking place on 7th April, here is the link below if you want to take a peak and I have to tell you that you definitely need to take a peak at some of these things in this "The Art Of Divorce" collection:

I have to say though that there's a lot of things that I can't even believe are in this private collection along with movie props from some of Russell Crowe's most notable films such as "Gladiator",-I just thought that if your going to sell movie memorabilia that you have it's got to be from this film,- "Master and Commander", "Cinderella Man" etc but there's even things like a signed one day international shirt from West Indies cricketing legend Brian Lara, Johnny Cash memorabilia, guitars that I have to say some of these I can't believe you'd get rid of as some of them are amazing!

There's even some artwork thrown in for some good measure and some very nice looking watches and jewellery.

Thursday 22 March 2018


I was just perusing Facebook and the second trailer for Deadpool 2 has just dropped and I just had to put this up on here.

Here is the link for you to have a little look at:

From the looks of this NEW! Trailer 2 Deadpool played by Ryan Reynolds takes on Cable played by Josh Brolin who is dead set on killing a child that seems to have powers of some kind and is looks like he is fully prepared to do anything even going toe-to-toe with Deadpool in order to get this kid...and it looks like Deadpool is ready to assemble his own team of badass's,-I think that's how you spell it but don't hate me if this is wrong-, that have as Deadpool says got to be morally flexible and young enough to carry their own franchise for at lest 10-12 years...that and this team being called "X-Force" being a "little bit derivative" are yet more taking the mick out of other superhero movies, comprising of Negasonic Teenage Warhead played by Brianna Hildebrand from the first "Deadpool" movie, Colossus also from the first "Deadpool" movie and Domino played by Zazie Beetz in order to beat Cable.

It also looks like Terry Crews will appear in this "Deadpool 2" sequel playing "Shatterstar" who will also feature as a member of X-Force.

Also coming back to reprise their roles from "Deadpool" is Morena Baccarin who played Vanessa, -Deadpool's girlfriend,- and TJ Miller who played "Weasel",-Wade Wilson's best friend in "Deadpool".

This film is directed by David Leitch and is pencilled in for release on May 16 in the UK but if you live outside of the UK you can go to's website and go to "Deadpool 2" page and underneath this there is an underlined release date click this and there will be a list of other countries and their release dates for this movie.

So we'll just have to see what this new "Deadpool 2" film is like with a new director at the helm and coming from the same studio that brought audiences "27 Dresses" and "The Devil Wears Prada".

Wednesday 14 March 2018


I was just perusing's website this morning and look at what I found on's website... the NEW! music film for Imagine Dragons latest single "Next To Me" and as I am a massive fan I just had to take a look at this.

If you haven't seen this NEW! music film yet for "Next To Me" you should definitely take a few minutes and have a little look at this to see what you think...and then why not go and download this song after you've seen this music fim. Here is the link to see this NEW! music video from Imagine Dragons:

This according to's website ended up as an 11 minute mini short technically this is more a music film rather than a music video...but all the same it's epic! and something that you just have to watch over and over again in my opinion as the first time I saw this I got so engrossed into the storyline of the music film.

According to Dan Reynolds (lead singer of the band) the director of this music film Mark Pellington who has directed other music videos such as Pearl Jams' "Jeremy" and U2s' "One":

" he was just the most impassioned director we've ever had reach out about a music video in the history of this band..."

He went on to say that Mark Pellington told him that:

"You have no options. I must do this music video..."

Mark Pellington told's website that:

" Whether it's "Jeremy" or "Gravedigger", certain songs you hear in your mind and it just starts to race with ideas and this was one of those".

This led to as described by Mark Pellington to's website a voluimous 11 page, abstract treatment in which he didn't try to censor his stream of consciousness flow of ideas,-as according to's website a typical treatment for a music video is 2-3 pages long script),- because as Mark Pellington described it to the lyrics dug into his bones on an emotional level.

Therefore leading to Mark Pellington writing a script which follows the story of Reynold which is played by the lead singer Dan Reynolds who is a desperate man who has fallen on hard times leading him to make one fatal mistake that lands him on death row, far away from the love of his life played by Dan Reynold's real life wife Aja Volkman.

Mark Pellington says that:

"The basic through line is of a man seeing all this before his execution, being forgiven and loved by his wife and nature and the end result being what he wanted- but also allowing himself to go to that dark scenario".

I have to say when I first saw this it did give me Gladiator vibes you know when Maximus will see his family in the afterlife...but this could just be me.

Now having finished this experience Dan Reynolds told that he has definitely been bitten by the acting bug again even though his previous experience with acting was some bit parts in middle school and a smattering of high school Shakespeare, and that he is looking at some screenplays that have been written by his real life wife Aja Volkman that the couple are thinking of turning into "homemade indie films"...sounds cool.

And just while I thought about it it's nice to hear Imagine Dragons "Friction" from the album "Smoke+Mirrors" on the NEW! "Mission Impossible: Fallout" trailer.

Tuesday 6 March 2018


I was perusing's website the other day and I saw that Muse had released a NEW! single and a NEW! music video for "Thought Contagion".

If you haven't seen this yet I suggest that you take a little look at it and see what you think below via the link:

As I am a HUUUUUUUUGE fan of MUSE I just had to have a listen to this as I loved their last single they released "Dig Down",which if you haven't seen this music video yet why the hell not it's MUSE for god's sake?!...anyhew here is the link below to have a little gander at and see what you think:

I have to be honest every time I hear this I keep thinking that this song is going to kick into "Madness" because this has a similar intro to "Madness".

I thought though with the release of these two singles that this would mean that possibly a NEW! album was on the way as I suppose any MUSE fan would assume but I read on that "Dig Down" was only going to be released as a one off single and Matt Bellamy went on to say to that:

"We're going to put out at least another three songs...or even more ahead of the new album coming out"

Matt Bellamy went on to say to

"Even though the overall album will be a long wait some of the songs are going to be available way ahead of that".

And I have to say that "Thought Contagion" does sound different to "Dig Down" but I guess that it's correct when Matt Bellamy told that:

"It's pretty epic and anthemic track"

I can imagine that fans going to MUSE concerts going crazy for this song and really shouting out/ really getting into this song especially in the mosh pits at their stadium concerts.

But who doesn't get really into any of their songs especially in the mosh pits at any of their concerts?

According to MUSE are working with Rich Costey who previously produced their other albums "Absolution" and "Black Holes and Revelations" I'm thinking as these albums were amazing that this next album is promising something special as those two albums were awesome!

Also according to this same article on's website MUSE will be releasing the "Origins Of Muse" this was described by Matt Bellamy as:

"...first two albums plus early demos and rare stuff etc..."

Dom Howard the bands drummer went on to say that:

"We're putting together a book with some remastered vinyl. We remastered the first two albums "Showbiz" and "Origin Of Symmetry". We're putting together a package with a lot of historical content. Bits and pieces like photographs, music and some really old demos. All sorts of old stuff that basically attempts to tell a story from where we started as a band when we were kids in school to "Origin Of Symmetry".