
Wednesday 14 March 2018


I was just perusing's website this morning and look at what I found on's website... the NEW! music film for Imagine Dragons latest single "Next To Me" and as I am a massive fan I just had to take a look at this.

If you haven't seen this NEW! music film yet for "Next To Me" you should definitely take a few minutes and have a little look at this to see what you think...and then why not go and download this song after you've seen this music fim. Here is the link to see this NEW! music video from Imagine Dragons:

This according to's website ended up as an 11 minute mini short technically this is more a music film rather than a music video...but all the same it's epic! and something that you just have to watch over and over again in my opinion as the first time I saw this I got so engrossed into the storyline of the music film.

According to Dan Reynolds (lead singer of the band) the director of this music film Mark Pellington who has directed other music videos such as Pearl Jams' "Jeremy" and U2s' "One":

" he was just the most impassioned director we've ever had reach out about a music video in the history of this band..."

He went on to say that Mark Pellington told him that:

"You have no options. I must do this music video..."

Mark Pellington told's website that:

" Whether it's "Jeremy" or "Gravedigger", certain songs you hear in your mind and it just starts to race with ideas and this was one of those".

This led to as described by Mark Pellington to's website a voluimous 11 page, abstract treatment in which he didn't try to censor his stream of consciousness flow of ideas,-as according to's website a typical treatment for a music video is 2-3 pages long script),- because as Mark Pellington described it to the lyrics dug into his bones on an emotional level.

Therefore leading to Mark Pellington writing a script which follows the story of Reynold which is played by the lead singer Dan Reynolds who is a desperate man who has fallen on hard times leading him to make one fatal mistake that lands him on death row, far away from the love of his life played by Dan Reynold's real life wife Aja Volkman.

Mark Pellington says that:

"The basic through line is of a man seeing all this before his execution, being forgiven and loved by his wife and nature and the end result being what he wanted- but also allowing himself to go to that dark scenario".

I have to say when I first saw this it did give me Gladiator vibes you know when Maximus will see his family in the afterlife...but this could just be me.

Now having finished this experience Dan Reynolds told that he has definitely been bitten by the acting bug again even though his previous experience with acting was some bit parts in middle school and a smattering of high school Shakespeare, and that he is looking at some screenplays that have been written by his real life wife Aja Volkman that the couple are thinking of turning into "homemade indie films"...sounds cool.

And just while I thought about it it's nice to hear Imagine Dragons "Friction" from the album "Smoke+Mirrors" on the NEW! "Mission Impossible: Fallout" trailer.

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