
Wednesday 28 March 2018

NEW! "Solo: A Star Wars Story" Release Date For The UK!

I had just logged into Facebook when I saw this and just had to immediately jump on here and blog about this. There is a NEW! UK release date for "Solo: A Star Wars Story" May 24th...this is more as Digital Spy's website puts it:

" line with some other territories like Australia, Russia and Brazil..."

Yes! finally something us folks in the UK can see in cinemas before the US...sorry USA people reading this but you do tend to get films released over there before any other "territory".

But also according to Digital Spy's website even with the trailer, Ron Howard directing and this movie being a "Star Wars" film there seems to be a distinct lack of excitement for "Solo: A Star Wars Story"... well as a massive fan of "Star Wars" I'm betting I can tell why people are being so hesitant about whether or not to buy tickets for this movie... this being this film is suppose to be an origins story of how Hans Solo became Hans Solo and usually when I've watched origin story films they can tend to be and point "X: Men Origins: Wolverine" Jesus! that took an hour off my life and I don't think I'm going to get that back any time soon! so these can be a bit hit and miss no matter who is sat in the directors chair.

If you haven't seen this trailer yet here is the link for you to have a little gander at it on

But I have just read an article on The Telegraph's website that won't do any favours for the marketing of "Solo: A Star Wars Story" and if anything will probably make prospective audiences of this movie even more nervous to see how this movie will turn out on the big screen.

As this article on The Telegraph's website says that "an insider on this film" has told's website that:

"In March an acting coach was brought on to help the 28-year-old (Alden Ehrenreich) into character..."

This anonymous "source" went on to say that:

"LucasFilm wanted something very specific: copying someone else- Alden's not a bad actor just not good enough..."

"You could see his acting became more relaxed. He became more Harrison-like. The coach helped!"

Ouch! with this being an "anonymous source" this sounds like people even me that's blogging about this even now should take this with a pinch of salt as this sounds really critical of a young actor so this could just be someone on the movie really wanted the part but got a lesser role instead of this young actor...sour grapes or they are just trying to stir up trouble for the film...either way I thought as this is a film about the young Hans Solo this film is suppose to of cast a young actor! has this anonymous source forgotten this!

Anyhew...this sounds like Lucas Film to me might be on shaky ground with this film if this is what has happened as you can't really copy Harrison Ford's acting all you should be able to do is have some of Hans Solo's mannerisms to make audiences think that this young actor can really pull it off playing this iconic Star Wars character.

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