
Monday 26 March 2018


I heard yesterday on the radio that Danny Boyle has now been confirmed to take up the directors chair and fill in the rather large hole that will be left by Sam Mendes when directing the next Bond movie...this will definitely be different in tone to the Sam Mendes Bond films.

I am a massive fan of James Bond films but I have to say that when I first heard about this I thought I wonder what this is going to be like, will it carry on from the last film with all intricate plot twists like how all the baddies James Bond had faced down so far were intricately linked to a group called S.P.E.C.T.R.E and that the head of this was Franz Oberhauser who was supposed to have died in a avalanche with his father but was still alive, will this next film have the big scale action sequences like in " Quantum Of Solace" there is the car chase at the start of the film that ends up with M being shot at by one of Quantum's men and Mr.White getting away during his interrogation and this ending up with Bond shooting the assassin in a glass ceiling building whilst getting his foot stuck in some ropes, then in "SPECTRE" there was the massive day of the dead shoot out where a whole building collapsed and James Bond ended up fighting on a helicopter in the opening credits of the movie, in "Skyfall" there is also in the opening credits of the film the scene where James Bond finds and an agent shot with the bad guy gone with a computer disk that contains all the names of MI:5 agents around the world and this goes from a car chase to a chase onto a moving train and then ends up on the top of the train and ends up with James Bond being shot...and then in "Casino Royal" there is the massive action sequence where James Bond has to stop a terrorist plot from happening on the world's largest airplane SkyFleet that ends up with him being arrested by the airport police and the actual guy who is dressed in an airport security uniform blowing up.

But come to think of this Danny Boyle can do big scale as the London Olympics shows.

But I also have to say that with Metro Newspaper USA's website and MI:6's website (the most visited unofficial home of James Bond) saying that John Hodge who Danny Boyle had worked with previously on "Trainspotting", "T2 Trainspotting", "A Life Less Ordinary" is expanding an idea both he and Danny Boyle had for 007 into a script, with Danny Boyle going on to say that:

"We've got an idea, John Hodge, the screenwriter, and I have got this idea, and John is writing it at the moment. And it all depends on how it turns out..."

that my heart sank at this news because I really had hoped that this next James Bond film wouldn't be another "Trainspotting" because I don't think this would be right for a James Bond film...I know I know that the style and tone of this next film will be different as has been with all the James Bond films whenever there has been a new actor at the helm or when there's been a new director but Sam Mendes in my opinion left this brilliantly to carry on in the same vein as the last one.

But this might take a while as Danny Boyle did also tell Metro USA that:

" I am working on a Richard Curtis script at the moment. We hope to start shooting that in 6-7 weeks Then Bond will would be right at the end of the year. But we are working on both right now".

So this could potentially push back everything...even the release date.

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