
Monday 30 July 2018


I was just checking my e-mail inbox the other day and I saw this piece of exciting news come through on an e-mail from Amazon.

A release date for "Solo: A Star Wars Story" has now finally been released...drum roll please!:

Monday 24th September 2018

And finally after what feels like ages waiting to know when the release date of "Deadpool 2" would be I finally got an e-mail from Amazon saying this would be released on:

Monday 17th September

Tuesday 24 July 2018


I just saw this on's website yesterday and I was going to put it up on here but I have to be honest that my computer had been conking out on me...I don't think it's dealing at all well with this heat or it could just could be a sign that it's showing it's age!.

Anyhew… as it's San Diego Comic Con Entertainment Weekly and a whole host of other websites and journalists along with thousands of droves of fans got to get a whole host of insider scoops on many of the films and TV shows coming out like "Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grinderwald", here's the trailer for this if you didn't manage to get a ticket to this event:

And the NEW! "Aquaman" film that will star Jason Momoa who you may or may not recognise from "Game Of Thrones", "Bullet To The Head" he played the mercenary that had a fight scene at the end of this movie with Sylvester Stallone with an axe, "Justice League" etc etc... and this will also star Amber Heard which you can imagine took all the headlines for obvious reasons,-this film having it's panel in Hall H 20 minutes after the panel of "Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes Of Grinderwald" where her ex Johnny Depp was on this panel and not only did she divorce Johnny Depp but she did file for a restraining order against him then dropped this as well as sighting in the divorce papers that he had hit her on one occasion and threw a phone at her a little bit awkward that meeting must have been-, as well as fans getting excited this was finally going to have a trailer, if you haven't seen the trailer for this here is the link to watch:

I have also just found on Majestic Entertainment's YouTube channel the Comic Con panel for "Aquaman" with Jason Momoa, Amber Heard and Nicole Kiddman that if you are like me and you didn't get to see this here is the link to watch this below:

And also fans got a treat when "Venom" also got it's own panel in Hall H which included the director Reuben Fleischer, the star of the show Tom Hardy and Riz Ahmed who will play Carlton Drake head of the Life Foundation where Tom Hardy's character Eddie Brock gets attacked by another symbiote and then becomes "Venom"...and not only were fans treated to seeing new footage of this upcoming movie which the director Reuben Fleischer said he apologised for and said that this footage still looked raw and unfinished but these fans were treated to a signing of "Venom" posters with Tom Hardy as well as according to Entertainment Weekly's website an inside scoop that not only is Carlton Drake looking like the villain of the piece in this movie but that there will be another symbiote that faces off with "Venom" that can jump from person to person called "Riot" and that this symbiote is revealed to be none other than Carlton Drake, but Reuben Fleischer also went on to tease fans at this panel that "Riot" may not be the only villain to pop up in this film.

He went on to say:

"We're definitely planning a huge world around this "Venom" story..."

He also said according to Entertainment Weekly's website that:

" We want to be able to satisfy our own desires and the desires of fans to explore all the beloved characters in this universe..."

If you are like me and didn't get to go to this years San Diego Comic Con here is the "Venom" panel via Majestic Entertainment News' YouTube channel link below:

Also according to Entertainment Weekly's website fans were shown footage not only of this trailer but they got to have a better look at what "Venom's" powers will be, not only will he be able to form weapons out of his hands but he can also form a head that stretches out from Eddie Brock's chest so he can have an actual conversation with Eddie if needs be...that to me sounds cool and something I'd want to watch.

Also fans were shown footage of "Venom" facing off with a bad guy whilst licking his lips saying:

"Eyes, lungs, many snacks, so little time..."

Looking at this trailer I think you better start nervous laughing because I don't think you want to start asking whether this is a joke or not. If you haven't seen the trailer for this film here is the link to watch this via below:

Monday 23 July 2018


I saw the other day on Twitter that there was news of a NEW! MUSE Single going to be released and that the music video would follow and as I am a huuuuuuuuge fan of this band this did really make my day...I was soooo excited I really couldn't wait to hear and see this new stuff from the band.

So when the NEW! music video for "Something Human" was released I just had to stop everything I was doing right at that moment, jump on my computer and go to to see what this looked like...and if you haven't seen this NEW! music video yet I urge you to do the same right now and stop what your doing and watch the link below:

I have to admit that this song to me doesn't really sound like it goes with the electronic sound that makes this song a MUSE sounds more like Matt Bellamy ( the lead singer of MUSE) went away wrote this song just using a acoustic guitar and nothing else and then the electronic sound was put on after as an after thought...but I think that this track could have sounded better if it was just left as an acoustic version and that there was maybe no need to put all the electronic synth sounds on the track...even if it was to make this sound like a MUSE song.

But that's just my opinion on the subject.

Anyhew… in an interview Matt Bellamy and Chris from the band did recently with KROQ 106.7 FM on the Steve and Bean Radio Show over in the USA they finally announced that there would be an album coming out....THANK GOD! Is all I can say because even though it was said in an interview with that was published on their website last year I think that there were plans afoot that the band would release a couple of singles then an album this to me has seemed like an aaaaaage to be released even with the insane touring MUSE do around the world and the "For One Night Only DRONES LIVE" film,-which I can't believe has no plan to be released on DVD-.

If you haven't heard the interview with MUSE on the Kevin and Bean show on KROQ here is the link below:

Wednesday 18 July 2018


According to an interview with Tom Hardy and the director of "Venom" Reuben Fleischer with Entertainment Weekly there are many reasons why Tom Hardy wanted to do this comic book film apparently according to this interview one of those reasons was Tom Hardy's son Louis was a big fan of the character, and according to Tom Hardy himself:

"As far as Marvel characters, I have to say that for me, Venom looks the coolest..."

He goes on to say that:

"That sounds a bit shallow! But I appreciate that he has a kind of brazen swagger and a zero foxtrot attitude".

Tom Hardy also goes onto say why he was drawn to this comic book movie was because:

"There's a tragic clown element, which I find funny and is harmonious with some of the work that I like to do"...

"There's something funny about the circumstances of having a gift but it's a tragic gift. It's a superpower you don't really want, but at the same time, you love it. It makes you feel special . He's a reluctant hero and an anti-hero."

This may make me sound cynical but this sounds like to me the PR machine putting on a cute spin for the masses and that the real reason for doing this role was because superhero movies at the moment seem to be a bit of a trend right now at the box office and many of them turn out incredible amounts of money take for example "Thor" this earned a lot at the box office, gathered a huge following of fans and had a sequel and also got put into the "Avengers" movies and there's already been 4 of these and they churned out a lot of money at the box office and have a huge following, and these sorts of movies do seem to have bigger budgets to do things like CGI, GreenScreen etc etc.

And as this "Venom" movie is separate from Marvel Universe and looking at the trailer this may be Sony's attempt at a their own big budget big money at the box office film franchise. But that's just my opinion on the subject.

Also according to this same article the duality of the role is what fascinated Tom Hardy, and a key part of developing each character was finding their two separate voice as Tom Hardy goes on to say in this interview that:

"It's like Ren and Stimpy, you know?.../"

"They have different sounds. I always saw Venom as sounding like a James Brown lounge lizard, and Eddie Brock is a kind of …",-switching then in this same interview to an aw-shucks American accent-:

"I don't know, an everyday kind of guy. But he's inherited this massive ego, this beast."

The end result sound like a hero with bit of a grey area when it comes to morals as it sounds like to me Eddie Brock is reacting how anybody else would if this happened to them that he's panicking, doesn't know what this thing is and probably wants to find out what the hell it is and if there is any way to get it out of him whereas Venom wants to stay and like he says in the trailer to Eddie "We can do whatever we want" so it sounds like he wants to do whatever he wants even if it means causing chaos and violence...thus the grey area of all the bad things that happen are Venom's doing not Eddie Brock and by the looks of the trailer if Eddie Brock is in trouble Venom sometimes helps out.

Reuben Fleischer the director explains in this interview in forming this body horror of having to share your body with an alien:

"We talked a lot about a werewolf and what it was when you get infected or bit by a werewolf..."

He goes on to say that:

"Usually a human gets imbued with powers or an alien comes from outer space and has to figure out how to live on our Earth..."

"...but this is really about a relationship between two people who have to work together to create this hybrid symbiotic relationship."

According to's website "Venom" will be released in UK cinemas on October 5th, and if you live outside the UK just click on the underlined release date on "Venom" page on's website and it will redirect you to a list of other countries this movie will be released in and when.

Tuesday 17 July 2018


I just saw this the other day and I thought that I better put this up on here...even if it frustrates me that there's more news on this Tom Hardy production than on when the next series of "Taboo" will be released as all I've heard so far is there will be another series but no release date on this...yet but I'm sure that like this film there will be more news coming along soon.

Anyhew...Entertainment Weekly have put up on their website some new images that if your like me and have seen the trailer for this then you've probably have seen these images already, if not here is the link to see this trailer if you haven't already seen "Venom":

And if you haven't seen these images yet here they are below:



I saw this piece of news before I went on holiday and today I thought as I was back off holiday I might put it up on here seeing as I didn't get a chance to before.

According to's website Universal Pictures has planned a "Fast and Furious" spin-off film starring Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson playing his character from these "Fast and Furious" movies " Luke Hobbs" and Jason Statham also playing his character from these same films "Deckard Shaw" and you probably already guessed by now what this spin-off is going to be called...drum roll please!..."Hobbs and Shaw".

I just thought whilst writing this that the title of this film sounds a bit like a 60's, 70's television police drama like "Cagney and Lacey"... but having seen many of the "Fast and Furious" films I'm guessing that this will probably have a lot more insane stunts/ action sequences just like these movies do.

Anyhew...according to this same article on's website and also on's website Idris Elba who you may or may not recognise from BBC One's drama "Luther", you may or may not recognise him also from the film "The Take",- which had to have it's name changed from "Bastille Day"- as it is about a police conspiracy that involves the French police's RAPID response team and goes all the way up to the French minister of intelligence where the RAPID unit plan to get a girl called Zoe to plant a bomb in an abandoned building as the first step in causing chaos and stealing millions of euros from the French National Reserve Bank on Bastille Day, but a pickpocket gets caught in the middle of this as he steals Zoe's bag and the bomb blows up somewhere it's not suppose to and then he has to help Idris Elba who is working for the CIA to clear his name but to also find out who is behind the bomb plot plus he has to help keep Zoe alive as the French RAPID team keeps trying to track her down and kill her. You may or may not also recognise him from the film "Takers" where he is head of a crew of thieves that own a nightclub and one of the crew "Ghost" gets shot and goes to prison, then after "Ghost" gets released he turns up at another crew members house played by Paul Walker and says he has a job for them and whilst everyone else is reluctant to do the job because it involves a bank that is highly protected as it's in the centre of New York Idris Elba's character agrees to do it as he's friends with him but he feels its the least they can do to pay him back for going to jail whilst they were free but they later find out that they have been lied to by "Ghost" and that he set them up to get killed by a group of Russians who were also set up to do the same job...and of course I can't go on mentioning other things you may or may not have seen Idris Elba in without mentioning "Macklemore and Ryan Lewis' Dance Off" music video...if you haven't seen this then here is the YouTube link to this video below:

is in the final stages of negotiations to play the villain of this spin off film that will be according to's website directed by David Leitch who has also directed "Deadpool 2", and the script has been written by "Fast and Furious" architect Chris Morgan and also according to this same article on's website production for this spin-off movie will start this fall/autumn if your like me and live in the UK.

This according to's website is supposedly pencilled in for 26th July 2019.

Also according to's website another update on "Hobbs and Shaw" is that audiences will see Deckard Shaw's sister who will be played by Vanessa Kirby who also just happens to be an MI5 it looks like if your in the Shaw family your either like Deckard Shaw and his brother badass villains or your just badass and that you can probably take care of yourself in a fight...but then again their is Helen Mirran's character Magdelene,-their mum- who tried in "The Fate Of The Furious" to put on a cockney accent and tried to look like the Barbara Windsor head of the family type character.

Thursday 5 July 2018


You may or may not have heard Muse: Drones World Tour will be for one night only shown in cinemas on July 12th 2018...I know I know I should have definitely put this up on here a hell of a lot sooner as I am one of the biggest fans of this band but I have honestly been waylayed with other things and like all great things this has just been put on the back burner.

God damn it! I've just seen that even if I wanted to see this in cinemas I couldn't go as I am on holiday anyway! So deflating to hear this even after some cinemas near where I live will be showing this.

This according to's website will give fans a 360 degree audio/visual sensory experience, this is also said to feature never before seen visual effects such as autonomous drones flying across the audience and giant projections interacting with band members live on stage, and exclusive insight from the band in the introduction.

It is also said on this same website that Muse have created an unforgettable fan experience that demands to be seen on the big screen...about time too! I think as all their live performances that I have managed to see from Glastonbury that gets aired on TV is amazing, really enjoyable, really big and all the special effects and stage management needs to be seen to be believed that this is what they did for their live performance.


I have just read this on The Hollywood Reporter's website that production for this looooooong awaited sequel "Top Gun: Maverick" is now underway and that Miles Teller who you may or may not recognise from other films such as "Whiplash", "Fantastic Four" the rebooted version who played Reed Richards, "Divergent" he played Peter who didn't like Shailene Woodlley's character Beatrice Prior very much and kept referring to has as "stiff ", has been cast as Tom Cruise's character's Maverick's best friend Goose's son.

According to The Hollywood Reporter's website this will be a reunion of sorts as Tom Cruise will reprise his role as Pete "Maverick" Mitchell and so will Val Kilmer to reprise his role as Maverick's formal rival The Iceman, German composer Harold Faltermeyer who composed the memorable synth score will also be returning to this sequel, Jerry Bruckheimer who produced the original "Top Gun" film will be back to produce this sequel along with Tom Cruise and Skydance Media's David Ellison who will also produce this film.

According also to The Hollywood Reporter's website and The Independent Online this film will see "Maverick" set in the present day and will see Maverick in more of a mentor role to the newest generation of fighter pilots having to deal with drone technology that is threatening their old style of flying and making it obsolete.

Also according to The Hollywood Reporter's website Joseph Kosinski who directed "Oblivion" will direct this sequel that has been pencilled in for release on July 12th 2019...but anything can happen as anybody who has been waiting like I have for the new "Mission Impossible: Fallout" will already know that everything got put on hold on the production of this film as Tom Cruise broke his ankle.



You may or may not have already heard but I saw this the other day on Twitter and I have to say that I wasn't and still am not sure of what to make of this news...

According to's website Jared Leto has now confirmed that he will be playing "Morbius: The Livng Vampire" for Sony's Spider-Man spinoff film which if your like me and haven't heard of this character before, I'll help fill in the gaps with a little assistance from Wikipedia of course...according to this website Morbius was Dr. Michael Morbius PhD, MD, after a failed biochemical experiment to cure him of his rare blood disorder he was imbued with vampiric superhuman and physical traits which saw him in the comic books, TV shows and video games his struggle with his human-vampire persona, his insatiable lust for human blood, his subsequent efforts to cure his condition and his inevitable stint as a nightmarish and brutal vigilante.

Also according to this same website this new film of Sony Movies will be a "horror, action story" but
as Jared Leto has posted a picture on his Instagram page of the cover of Marvel's 2012 NOW! series of "Morbius: The Living Vampire" by Joe Keatinge and Richard Elson to confirm this project is in fact in development is seeming to suggest that as Sony's film will explore this character's anti-hero side instead of a villain it is entirely possible with this that this new movie was inspired by this book series which saw Morbius escape from prison and seek redemption in the crime ridden streets of Brownsville.

There is no release date for this film yet but Daniel Espinosa will direct this from a screenplay written by Burk Sharplass and Matt Sazama.


I apologise for not being on here for a while now but I've just been soooo wrapped up in this World Cup that seems to be moving so fast and furiously, (sorry for the pun but I just couldn't resist!) and anything seems to be happening like Spain, Argentina, Portugal and Germany going out of the competition... big shocker! and Uruguay looking soooo good! and Edison Cavani scoring those two amazing goals!

Anyhew...enough about the football otherwise I'll be here all day and before I know it this blog post will have turned from an interesting post about The Sopranos TV show getting a prequel movie into a post about football!...but I have just realised just now that this kinda already sounds like this post has turned into a little bit about the football sorry if you were trying to avoid it but the tournament has just been THAT exciting!

Anyhew...I've not been idle whilst I've been away yesterday whilst I was on Twitter I heard that The Sopranos is getting its own movie...this according to Den Of Geek's website will be a prequel.

According to and Alan Taylor who directed "Thor: The Dark World" will direct and David Chase has written the script for this prequel that according to both of these websites has been titled "The Many Saints Of Newark", this also according to these websites will be set during in 1960's Newark, New Jersey when race riots between African-Americans and Italian-Americans were at their worst.

Also according to this film will show several of the Soprano key characters from the TV show as well as showing younger versions of some of these characters.

But I can't help hoping that this prequel will have the ducks in that Tony Soprano got obsessed with that landed in his families swimming pool and when they flew away he got depressed and started having to go see a psychologist for.

According to's website David Chase will produce this prequel along with Lawrence Konner also co-writing on this project with New Line Cinema overseeing and funding this project according to's website.

Also according to Chase Films' Nicole Lambert will serve as executive producer. It isn't known yet when this will be released yet.