
Wednesday 18 July 2018


According to an interview with Tom Hardy and the director of "Venom" Reuben Fleischer with Entertainment Weekly there are many reasons why Tom Hardy wanted to do this comic book film apparently according to this interview one of those reasons was Tom Hardy's son Louis was a big fan of the character, and according to Tom Hardy himself:

"As far as Marvel characters, I have to say that for me, Venom looks the coolest..."

He goes on to say that:

"That sounds a bit shallow! But I appreciate that he has a kind of brazen swagger and a zero foxtrot attitude".

Tom Hardy also goes onto say why he was drawn to this comic book movie was because:

"There's a tragic clown element, which I find funny and is harmonious with some of the work that I like to do"...

"There's something funny about the circumstances of having a gift but it's a tragic gift. It's a superpower you don't really want, but at the same time, you love it. It makes you feel special . He's a reluctant hero and an anti-hero."

This may make me sound cynical but this sounds like to me the PR machine putting on a cute spin for the masses and that the real reason for doing this role was because superhero movies at the moment seem to be a bit of a trend right now at the box office and many of them turn out incredible amounts of money take for example "Thor" this earned a lot at the box office, gathered a huge following of fans and had a sequel and also got put into the "Avengers" movies and there's already been 4 of these and they churned out a lot of money at the box office and have a huge following, and these sorts of movies do seem to have bigger budgets to do things like CGI, GreenScreen etc etc.

And as this "Venom" movie is separate from Marvel Universe and looking at the trailer this may be Sony's attempt at a their own big budget big money at the box office film franchise. But that's just my opinion on the subject.

Also according to this same article the duality of the role is what fascinated Tom Hardy, and a key part of developing each character was finding their two separate voice as Tom Hardy goes on to say in this interview that:

"It's like Ren and Stimpy, you know?.../"

"They have different sounds. I always saw Venom as sounding like a James Brown lounge lizard, and Eddie Brock is a kind of …",-switching then in this same interview to an aw-shucks American accent-:

"I don't know, an everyday kind of guy. But he's inherited this massive ego, this beast."

The end result sound like a hero with bit of a grey area when it comes to morals as it sounds like to me Eddie Brock is reacting how anybody else would if this happened to them that he's panicking, doesn't know what this thing is and probably wants to find out what the hell it is and if there is any way to get it out of him whereas Venom wants to stay and like he says in the trailer to Eddie "We can do whatever we want" so it sounds like he wants to do whatever he wants even if it means causing chaos and violence...thus the grey area of all the bad things that happen are Venom's doing not Eddie Brock and by the looks of the trailer if Eddie Brock is in trouble Venom sometimes helps out.

Reuben Fleischer the director explains in this interview in forming this body horror of having to share your body with an alien:

"We talked a lot about a werewolf and what it was when you get infected or bit by a werewolf..."

He goes on to say that:

"Usually a human gets imbued with powers or an alien comes from outer space and has to figure out how to live on our Earth..."

"...but this is really about a relationship between two people who have to work together to create this hybrid symbiotic relationship."

According to's website "Venom" will be released in UK cinemas on October 5th, and if you live outside the UK just click on the underlined release date on "Venom" page on's website and it will redirect you to a list of other countries this movie will be released in and when.

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