
Tuesday 24 July 2018


I just saw this on's website yesterday and I was going to put it up on here but I have to be honest that my computer had been conking out on me...I don't think it's dealing at all well with this heat or it could just could be a sign that it's showing it's age!.

Anyhew… as it's San Diego Comic Con Entertainment Weekly and a whole host of other websites and journalists along with thousands of droves of fans got to get a whole host of insider scoops on many of the films and TV shows coming out like "Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grinderwald", here's the trailer for this if you didn't manage to get a ticket to this event:

And the NEW! "Aquaman" film that will star Jason Momoa who you may or may not recognise from "Game Of Thrones", "Bullet To The Head" he played the mercenary that had a fight scene at the end of this movie with Sylvester Stallone with an axe, "Justice League" etc etc... and this will also star Amber Heard which you can imagine took all the headlines for obvious reasons,-this film having it's panel in Hall H 20 minutes after the panel of "Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes Of Grinderwald" where her ex Johnny Depp was on this panel and not only did she divorce Johnny Depp but she did file for a restraining order against him then dropped this as well as sighting in the divorce papers that he had hit her on one occasion and threw a phone at her a little bit awkward that meeting must have been-, as well as fans getting excited this was finally going to have a trailer, if you haven't seen the trailer for this here is the link to watch:

I have also just found on Majestic Entertainment's YouTube channel the Comic Con panel for "Aquaman" with Jason Momoa, Amber Heard and Nicole Kiddman that if you are like me and you didn't get to see this here is the link to watch this below:

And also fans got a treat when "Venom" also got it's own panel in Hall H which included the director Reuben Fleischer, the star of the show Tom Hardy and Riz Ahmed who will play Carlton Drake head of the Life Foundation where Tom Hardy's character Eddie Brock gets attacked by another symbiote and then becomes "Venom"...and not only were fans treated to seeing new footage of this upcoming movie which the director Reuben Fleischer said he apologised for and said that this footage still looked raw and unfinished but these fans were treated to a signing of "Venom" posters with Tom Hardy as well as according to Entertainment Weekly's website an inside scoop that not only is Carlton Drake looking like the villain of the piece in this movie but that there will be another symbiote that faces off with "Venom" that can jump from person to person called "Riot" and that this symbiote is revealed to be none other than Carlton Drake, but Reuben Fleischer also went on to tease fans at this panel that "Riot" may not be the only villain to pop up in this film.

He went on to say:

"We're definitely planning a huge world around this "Venom" story..."

He also said according to Entertainment Weekly's website that:

" We want to be able to satisfy our own desires and the desires of fans to explore all the beloved characters in this universe..."

If you are like me and didn't get to go to this years San Diego Comic Con here is the "Venom" panel via Majestic Entertainment News' YouTube channel link below:

Also according to Entertainment Weekly's website fans were shown footage not only of this trailer but they got to have a better look at what "Venom's" powers will be, not only will he be able to form weapons out of his hands but he can also form a head that stretches out from Eddie Brock's chest so he can have an actual conversation with Eddie if needs be...that to me sounds cool and something I'd want to watch.

Also fans were shown footage of "Venom" facing off with a bad guy whilst licking his lips saying:

"Eyes, lungs, many snacks, so little time..."

Looking at this trailer I think you better start nervous laughing because I don't think you want to start asking whether this is a joke or not. If you haven't seen the trailer for this film here is the link to watch this via below:

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