
Thursday 5 July 2018


You may or may not have heard Muse: Drones World Tour will be for one night only shown in cinemas on July 12th 2018...I know I know I should have definitely put this up on here a hell of a lot sooner as I am one of the biggest fans of this band but I have honestly been waylayed with other things and like all great things this has just been put on the back burner.

God damn it! I've just seen that even if I wanted to see this in cinemas I couldn't go as I am on holiday anyway! So deflating to hear this even after some cinemas near where I live will be showing this.

This according to's website will give fans a 360 degree audio/visual sensory experience, this is also said to feature never before seen visual effects such as autonomous drones flying across the audience and giant projections interacting with band members live on stage, and exclusive insight from the band in the introduction.

It is also said on this same website that Muse have created an unforgettable fan experience that demands to be seen on the big screen...about time too! I think as all their live performances that I have managed to see from Glastonbury that gets aired on TV is amazing, really enjoyable, really big and all the special effects and stage management needs to be seen to be believed that this is what they did for their live performance.

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