
Thursday 28 March 2013

Teenage Ninja Turtles

It looks like after a movie about these heroes in a half shell (just couldn't resist saying this) has been on the shelf for ages that it recently seems to be really picking up a pace.

Recently it was reported by Deadline Hollywood that Megan Fox was cast to play the female lead in what they say is:

"...suppose to be a more sophisticated Avatar-like approach..."

 I didn't watch this film for ages because of everybody who had watched it making fun of it saying that it was full of smurfs as everybody in this film was blue...but after all the hype died down I watched it and I thought that it was incrwdible how everything was really lifelike and based on everyday things like the one Avatar clan that rode horses, the birds that choose you to ride and the other things in the movie, but the whole thing just looks fantastic and not that blue...the only thing that is funny though in the movie is the unobtainium that is suppose to be the thing that their looking for so they can study it and live on Pandorum because Earth is supposedly dying.

But I just thought that this took ages to do so will it take ages for this to get done and will we the audience have to wait  ages to finally see Michelangelo, Donatello, Raphael and Leonardo?
Anyway according to Deadline Hollywood there has been some new cast members added,  Alan Ritchson who will also star in The Hunger Games: Catching Fire will play Raphael, Peter Ploszek he'll play Leonardo, Noel Fisher who was recently in The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part II as one of the Russians that were plotting their revenge on the Vulturie (he was the one with bright white hair) will play Michelangelo and Jeremy Howard will play Donatello for Paramount Pictures who are viewing this new reboot as a franchise.

Shredder hasn't been cast yet but Deadline expect this to be done soon, and this film is penciled in for June 6th 2014. 


Saturday 23 March 2013

Exclusive: Justin Timberlake Mirrors video!

I was perusing Entertainment Weekly's website and this came up and I just couldn't resist putting it up here for your perusal and comments to see what you think of it. I also wanted to say a huge congratulations to Elissa Franceschi for becoming the single of the week on Radio 1 with "Salt" and for getting the unbelivable amount of 100+% of fans pledging on her PledgeMusic page for her to do her next album.

I always thought that the world needed to hear her music and when they heard any of her tracks people would instantly love her music! Well done to her brother Josh Franceshi from You Me At Six for giving this track to them at Radio 1...the boy done good! If like me and you didn't get to hear this amazing song then you can tune into Radio 1 at 9pm on Thursday...this I'll definitly be tuning in for!

Anyhew...I realise I'm going off topic and I have to admit that when I first heard "Mirrors" by Mr. JT I didn't really like it I thought it was a bit mushy and that it went on a bit. But now that I've seen the new music video I do think that it may be just a tad soppy,- (I realise now that I've just read this that this may make me sound a bit heartless but I do have to say that I listened yesterday to Mr.JT's 20/20 on Deezer yesterday and I do have to say that the sound of his new music is very different)...but I can't really be too harsh on Justin Timberlake as I do have to say that it's still really catchy like his other songs and I do find myself wanting to get up and dance to this song be it that it'll never be up to Mr. JT's standard

And although this is a bit of a soppy story with it being about a couple through the years it is a nice story...and the elderly couple are doing some sort of slow synchronized blades of glory dance at the beginning of the video which looks a bit weird, but I have to say that I think that I think that he is showing off with his dancing at the end of the video really isn't needed but also I don't thing it's really needed to have a dancer who could move like a pussy cat doll with her acrobatic flexing and keeping doing this but also showing off how she is so anorexic with how you can see her ribs really isn't needed I don't think.

This might make me sound a little bit ponsy and snobby but to me this music sounds a bit more chilled more mature r'n'b from him...could reflect where he is in life...this could just be me though reading too much into this though.

I have to say though that I haven't used Deezer before and I really don't know why but now that I've started to used it I love it as I thought that it really was a fantastic free service to listen to tracks that I wasn't really sure that I wanted to buy via Itunes or Amazon.

If you want to have a little perusal over to Deezer and a little gander at what this album sounds like here is the link below:

Also I did hear thanks to that the first half of the 20/20 Experience was released on March 18th and Justin Timberlake announced at the album launch for this that he had to:

"...clear up the rumours. This whole thing about this only being the first true. There is another half. I'm not giving you a release date..."

However, Questlove a roots drummer who wrote on a hip-hop website in response to a negative review of this new album before saying that:

"...spoiler alert.'20/20 Volume 2' comes out in Nov (10 songs now...10 songs later=20 vision)".  

Finally 30 Seconds to Mars has landed a new song!


Tem uma questão fora de nosso controle que está impedindo o álbum/single de ficar disponível para venda no iTunes. Tudo será resolvido tão cedo quanto possível. Se você quiser comprar o CD real poderá fazê-lo! Acesse

Album Cover: Isonicotinic Acid Ethyl Ester © Damien Hirst and Science Ltd. All rights reserved, DACS 2013
As I am an avid fan of 30 Seconds to Mars and I have been desperatly wanting to hear like so many other 30 Seconds to Mars fans and I was really excited when I read on their Facebook page that you pre-order their New Album LOVE LUST FAITH AND Dreams from Itunes on the 21st May.

If you've not had chance to have a listen to "Up In The Air" the first single from the new album then here is the link below:

I love this song it sounds really good and a bit different to their last album "This is War", and I really like the synth sounds on this track and does to me sounds less pumping than their other tracks but still love the guitars on the track, but I still have to say that my favorite track of 30 Seconds To Mars though has to be "Hurricane", love the music video done by Jared Leto.

But I might be a little biased in saying this but although this may not be my favourite track of theirs I still like to listen to it and think that Jared Leto's voice is amazing and that this track going into Space is amazing and a really cool idea. It's definitly worth a listen as are all of their other tracks and I urge you if you haven't you should really listen to all of their other tracks and go out and buy their other albums.

Their music will definitly change your life...this I realise might just be me as when I first heard "A Beautiful Lie" I instantly was a fan and ever since loved bands that give you a reason to listen to them.

I've just see the teaser video for the video to up in the air and I love it, I know it's only a teaser but it definitly makes me think of their song "This is A Call to Arms" from "This is War" album and I love all the different animals involved in it...can't wait for when it finally comes out!

Damien Hirst and Science Ltd. have done the cover art for the new album...this is much like the Brits award that he designed.

Thursday 14 March 2013

WTF! Veronica Mars gets a movie!

I know that MTV USA posted this news story yesterday but I just saw it today and my eyes are now popping wide open in disbelief at this.

This may make me sound a tad sad but I saw a couple of episodes of this when E4 used to show this and I don't know why or how you would want do this movie. I just thought that although this maybe exciting for the fans who showed that there clearly is a lot of love for this as through a Kickstart campaign which according to MTV USA is well known for helping out indie filmmakers get their films off the ground the fans of this show managed to raise more than $2 million in four hours...impressive!

But I just thought that when I saw this there was the whodunnit murder while they were at high school of Vernonica Mars's best friend played by Amanda Seyfried and all the exciting twists and turns this took but it just ended up as an accident, then there was the whodunnit of the school bus crash that ended with the bus falling into the sea in their last year at high school and then there was the whodunnit of rapes on campus leaving girls with bits of hair me this just sounds like it could be a Hercule Poirot murder mystery that could end up as one of the many 5 afternoon films.

But now that I think about it as I love Hercule Poirot murder mysteries it might be interesting if there were a film with him.

All I can say though is the story has to be really good to make it a worthwhile thing to have made it as Rob Thomas who made the series originally has managed with this to get Warner Bros. to back this now and it's said that production for this is going to start this summer and it's penciled in for a release date of early 2014.

Must Listen Alert...Calling All Paramore Fans! New Paramore Song!

I just got back from an amazing Italian extravaganza holiday and I saw this amazing news story on MTV USA that I just had to post, and as I am a huge fan of Paramore and am a big fan of Hayley Williams (the lead singer of Paramore if you didn't know already)

"Still Into You" is going to be the second single off the album that I can't wait to be released on April 8th...this is available to pre-order over at so I'd advice if you haven't pre-booked your copy of this go over to Amazon and do it NOW!

Anyhew...according to MTV USA this song is very personal as it is about Hayley Williams's longterm relationship with music producer Chad Gilbert and it also according to MTV USA falls into Paramore's new mantra of starting "a new journey not only as a band but as a movement".

So I think it's fair to say that this new album will sound a bit different from their other albums.

I have to admit that when I read:

"...their latest single sees them covering new song territory..."

That I was a bit worried that this wasn't going to sound like a Paramore track and that it was going to sound completely different to the other Paramore tracks that I love but although this sounds a bit poppy with keyboards I like it.

And I have to say that this might just be me but I thought it was really funny the shadow puppet ducks...I guess now I know what a singing duck looks like!

Tuesday 5 March 2013

New Music Part 2

I was looking at my emails the other day and I got this update saying Sam Duckworth from Get Cape. Wear Cape. Fly was going to release an album from PledgeMusic and I have to say that as I bought The Chronicles Of A Bohemian Teenager after I heard I-Spy as I loved that song when I first heard it and this album became one of my favourite albums as I really like all the songs on this news made me very curiopus and I just had to read it.

According to Sam Duckworth's PledgeMusic page he's set to release his new album "Amazing Grace" and you can listen to the song "Only A Fool". I quite like it, the first time I heard it I thought that this record sounds very chilled laid back a bit like Get Cape. Wear Cape. Fly's songs and it transported me to the beach and I just thought that although it says on the PledgeMusic page that it's a work in progress I think that he should keep it exactly like it already is...but now that I think about it this must give Stevie Wolf a run for his money as his new album is exactly like this with chilled out beats that instantly transport you to the beach.


I have put Oh Dear Vegas! on here as part of this new music post as I absolutly love this band and get really frustrated that this band along with other fantastic new bands like: Stevie Wolf (he has a new album out now that is available to download from bandcamp), The Dead Famous, Intraverse, The Begbies, Genna Marabese, Mads Langer, Elissa Franceschi etc to name a few that aren't being played on Radio 1 where they ought to be played so that the world can hear them as Oh Dear Vegas! NEED  to be played and heard by everyone!

I don't understand it why doesn't Radio 1 play tunes like these rather than heavily advertising Laura Mvula tracks as this may offend fans of her but to me her "In my garden" was really boring and for me I don't think this is a great song nor is "The Moon" track as this was being played before Radio 1 Hew Stephan's interview Pheonix and I thought this was equally boring and didn't really make me want to run out and buy her album and I thought that it would really annoy me to have bought this album and sat and listen to it in my bedroom I would think that it would just give me depression and make me think that I had made a really bad judgement call in buying it and I think I would want to forget pretty quickly that I ever bought it as this to me seems a big waste of money to buy.

Anyhew....if you haven't already heard of them you need to listen to them and then get the EP Oh Dear Vegas! I've put on here some of the tracks from their EP, but I've not put too many on here as every song on the album is for me really addictive and you'll fall in love with all the songs on the EP as when I first heard "Show her" I loved it and bought the EP from there and I have to be honest when this came through my door I was acting like a kid at Christmas jumping up and down being really excited, and I may have worn out my copy of this as I cannot stop playing it! It's utterly addictive!

So is their new song "She Devil" it has to me got a real dubstep sound to it's introduction but it's still got an incredible dance beat to it that has had me having to Youtube this song every time I'm on Youtube.

I also just had to put on here Pheonix who I am a HUGE fan of since I heard 1901 are releasing a NEW! album Bankrupt which as of now I have pre-ordered as I  listened to Hew Stephan's talking to the band last night on Radio 1 and they played some of their tracks from the new album and I have to say...although as a fan of the band I may be a little biased in saying this but I really like the background music of "Entertainement" as it sounds like (to me) a merrygo round going very fast and I really like the chilled vibe that "Cloroforme" with the electronic drum beat on this...I do have to say though that I was very suprised that the piece of music that is in the background that I was getting annoyed to hear while they were talking to Hew was a song off this new album because I first thought when I heard it that it definitly sounded like a track that was in Drive the movie but I just thought that if it wasn't in the film this song should definitely be in a follow up/sequel to Drive as this was amazing and is one of my favorite films.

If you didn't hear this last night here is the link to it:

If you haven't heard of any music from this band yet Why On Earth Not? but anyway here are some tracks from their last album that you just have to go out right now and get yourself a copy as this is amazing and will easily become your must have album before you go on holiday/will definitly make you think your on holiday, also this album "Wolfgang Amadeus Pheonix" was voted by RollingStone Magazine as one of the coolest albums:


Friday 1 March 2013

New Music you just have to listen to! Part 1

It feels like I've not written anything on here for ages...but it feels at the moment that I have just been living out of a suitcase as I was on holiday over Christmas and New Year with my family in Lanzarote then a couple of weeks later I was off  to New York with my sisters and mum and now I've just come back from a weekend in Bristol on a girls weekend with my sisters...and now I've just managed to sit down and I thought that I'd do a little bit of a catch up post.

A couple of months ago before Christmas I was on Youtube and part of their "You Might Like" section on their website it suggested Imagine Dragons and the acoustic version of "It's Time" and instantly I became a fan and then as I went on to listen to other songs by them I loved their song "Radioactive" and the video for the song instantly became my favourite music video because of the obvious muppet underground fight club and how it looked really good fun to film with there being a Gladiator style Caesar that rules who lives and who falls into the Sweeney Todd style pitt below.


but now I've just thought about it it makes me think that it's a plush toy style Gladiator where the local people come and watch a big more aggressive toy go against other fighters and like in Gladiator when Russell Crowe's character Maximus and his group have their first big fight in the Colosseum and they are having to relive the fight between Horace at Carthadge and their not expected to win but they do.

However over the weekend in Bristol I was supposed to see The Dead Famous at the Thekla but due to a complete and utter mix up with the times when they were suppose to be on I completely missed them which really made me depressed...but I luckily was cheered up by how I found out that Imagine Dragons were going to be at the 02 Academy Bristol on the 2nd April...this is definitly a band whose music that is well worth having a listen to and if your like me then here is the link to the 02 Academy in bristol:

And if you are like me and are already loving the music and want to see what the other tracks of theirs are like then you should go to Amazon and preorder the album "Night Visions" is going to be out on 1st April 2013, I'm so excited for this I can't wait when my pre-booked copy of the album comes out. 



As I'm a big fan of Elissa  Franceshi and You Me At Six I was really excited to see that there was finally a official video for my favorite song on her album "Rocks and Tears" along with "Salt" which features her brother Josh Franceshchi who is the lead singer of You Me At Six and "Flirt" and "Elliot" and "Into the Light", and I have to say congratulations to her for getting 119% on her PledgeMusic page for her next album Salt...if you haven't heard of her music yet you definitely need to, if you want you can still go over to her PledgeMusic page where you can still sign up to get her new album or you can get other really cool things. I can't wait for this album when it comes out.

I have to say that before I went on holiday over Christmas and New Year I just had to make this album one of the many albums of music that I uploaded onto my sisters Ipad so that I didn't go mad with boredom or drive my parents mental with constantly listening to Youtube while I was away...anyhew I absolutely love this song and as I am a massive fan of You Me At Six as well I also uploaded their albums as well but I have to say that I may have driven my sisters a little bit up the wall with how I constantly was listening to You Me At Six "Sinners Never Sleep" and my favorite songs from "Take Off Your Colours" "Sweet Feet", "Kiss and Tell" among others along with "Stay" which I heard in the background of a Made In Chelsea episode...and since then I have become a fan of this song.

A couple of days before I went to New York I saw on Rollingstone Magazine's website the videos for Rihanna's "Stay" and Drake's "From The Bottom"...I don't usually listen to Drakes music to be honest...I just thought that in this explicit version when he says "Fucker" it sounds a bit like the band in Old School that sings at Frank the Tank's wedding that sing the Bonny Tyler song " I Need You Tonight" and that sings "I fucking need you tonight".


I also saw before I went to New York "Thrift Shop" which along with Bingo Players ft. Far East Movement was the two big songs that were played in La Bagatelle a really amazingly cool restaurant in the meat packing district that you have to go to if you go to New York, it's got a vibe of a french bistro inside with white walls and period features and all of the food menu is french food like all different types of crepes, eggs/ouefs etc, but come 2:00 in the afternoon the restaurant becomes something else like a superhero...and becomes a nightclub atmosphere with a dj coming on, the lights go down and a laser show on the walls waiters dancing up and down the room, people start dancing on tables, someone behind the bar has a big smoke machine that goes off every five minuites with the sound of a whistle or a truck honking...but me and my sister and mum should have thought something was going to happen as when we first went in there were tables with lots of big groups of people all ordering big magnum's of Moet & Chandon Champaign, big magnums of Rose or white wine so something was going to go down.

And I really think that the music video for Bingo Players is really funny...but I really think this music video is really funny and it really has taught me that you just don't fuck with the ducks in the park or else!

I saw Thrift shop before I went on this trip and I still think to this day that the fur coat that he wears at the start of the video is fantastic...and this is at the moment one of mine and my sisters favourite songs that whenever it's on either on a music channel or on the radio we just have to turn this up full blast and dance to it as why on earth would you not dance to it? This along with this video of Taylor Swift and a goat are without a doubt the songs you should youtube whenever you are feeling poorly or down as they so easily put a smile on your face.

Also Yolo "You Only Live Once" along with other Lonely Island songs like "Jizz In My Pants", "Dick In A Box" and "Mother Fucker" should also be on your list of songs to make you feel better along with Fenech -Soler who I am a massive fan of, Pink ft. Nate Ruess "Just Give Me a Reason" which I absoultly love from the moment I first heard it back when me and my sisters bought it for our mum's birthday back last December...I have to be honest though and say that apart from the singles she's had out already and this song and the eminem song "Here Comes the Weekend" the filler songs on the album I don't really like as much as these songs and I think that maybe it was this Nate Ruess song that carried her album to the grammy nomination that she got for this album "The Truth About Love" I know this may sound harsh but this is just my opninion so it doesn't matter if you don't agree with me. this along with Bon Iver's "Skinny Love", "Towers" and "Calgary" which in my opinion is much more cheerier than the Birdy version but I still can't get over how she was just 13 when she first did that song, along with Imagine Dragons songs and the new Strokes song,-which I've put the link for this below-, and hopefully you will become as addicted to them as I am, or if you ever have a little bit of time to spare then these are just some of the tracks that I think that you definitly need to listen to.



I put "One More Summer" on here from No Doubt's new album Push and Shove because I love it but I also wanted to put on here what I think is an awesome idea for the music could be set after an alien attack from the Joss Whedon CG alien whale's that were in The Avengers Assemble movie but a dead one could be in the background and it's out in the desert and a girl with dirt all over her could be walking out in front of a crowd of people who are jumping around and having a party because of this and then in the middle of this video No Doubt could be on a stage performing the song.

I'm not weird I promise! I just really wanted to write this on here as I love this idea.

Ron Burgundy finally gets an award!

I was reading on MTV's website the other day that finally Ron Burgundy is getting an award...well Will Ferrel will be awarded The Inaugeral Comidic Genius Award at the MTV Movie Awards 2013 in Los Angeles  on April 14th.

But I also read the other day on Empire's website that James Marsden who played Scott Summers with the lasers coming out of his eyes in X:men Last Stand will be in Anchorman 2:The Legend Continues...but according to Deadline Hollywood he'll apear in this as a a rival anchor and first thought was "What! is Wes Mantooth not coming back"

And with no word on what the plot is and that everybody else is coming back Brick, Brian, Champ and some newbies added to the mix with Empire online reporting that Dylan Baker (who you may or may not have seen in The Road To Perdition as the accountant that works for the mob boss Mr. Rooney who when it all goes down between Daniel Craig's character who plays Mr. Rooney's son Connor who shoots Tom Hank's son and wife after Tom Hanks' eldest son Michael Jnr. gets curious one night and wants to know what his father does for a living so he sneaks into the back of his dad's car and witnesses Connor killing somebody else who works for his father and as a result Mr. Rooney hides his son with the help of this accountant and another mob boss Mr. Nitty)

And Meagan Good...according to Deadline Hollywood Meagan Good will play Ron Burgundy's new boss which I can only imagine will mindbottle and blow Burgundy's and the Channel 4 News Team's minds...but I just thought this will probably give Brian Fantana played by Paul Rudd another chance to musk up preferably with black beard's delight/London gentleman but not sex panther as that smelt worse than the time the racoon got stuck in the copy machine.

But also apparently Kristen Wiig from Bridesmaids will be in it as a love interest for Brick.

I still say though that you should definitly bring the mothers in it and Dorothy Mantooth as well as another fight scene between all the other newtworks...just thought that for either the movie or as a DVD featurette there should be a thing between the new nemesis and Ron's mother, she took him for a lovely seafood dinner and never called him again that's why he is always angry with Ron.

But this is just maybe me that's thought about this...anyhew I can't wait to see this on December 20th 2013 when it comes out here in the UK so IMDb says.

Robin Hood gets spiced up!

I was just reading on Deadline New York's website that Dreamworks have just closed on a six figured deal to make yet another film about Robin Hood....but this time it won't be about the main man himself...and fingers crossed it won't star Russel Crowe struggling to do a Nottinghamshire accent that turns out to sound more like a cross between Scottish and Irish with some Nottinghamshire phrases thrown in every now and then .

No offense Russel Crowe fans...I am a big fan of him myself ever since I saw him in my all time favourite movie Gladiator I have to admit that the accent wasn't his strong point as I sat there in the cinema with my dad when it came out, and we were just sat there looking at each other and kept whispering to each other "Is it just me or is he speaking Irish".

Anyhew...Deadline says that the new pitch Merry Men that Dreamworks have gone in for was hatched in house at Original Film with Elizabeth Buraglio supervising for Origin Films, the concept is that Merry Men will be centered around at Friar Tuck, Will Scarlet, Maid Marian and little John and will be more a high concept revenge angled film more in line says Deadline with Ocean's Eleven and The Dirty Dozen....I just couldn't resist but somebody had to say it this time it'll be more revenge in tights than Robin Hood In Tights.

Neal Moritz will produce Merry Men through Original Film, Brad Inglesby has written the script for this along with Scott Waugh directing, and through Bandito Bros. Scott Waugh will also produce Merry Men and Tony Ascher will executive produce.