
Friday 1 March 2013

New Music you just have to listen to! Part 1

It feels like I've not written anything on here for ages...but it feels at the moment that I have just been living out of a suitcase as I was on holiday over Christmas and New Year with my family in Lanzarote then a couple of weeks later I was off  to New York with my sisters and mum and now I've just come back from a weekend in Bristol on a girls weekend with my sisters...and now I've just managed to sit down and I thought that I'd do a little bit of a catch up post.

A couple of months ago before Christmas I was on Youtube and part of their "You Might Like" section on their website it suggested Imagine Dragons and the acoustic version of "It's Time" and instantly I became a fan and then as I went on to listen to other songs by them I loved their song "Radioactive" and the video for the song instantly became my favourite music video because of the obvious muppet underground fight club and how it looked really good fun to film with there being a Gladiator style Caesar that rules who lives and who falls into the Sweeney Todd style pitt below.


but now I've just thought about it it makes me think that it's a plush toy style Gladiator where the local people come and watch a big more aggressive toy go against other fighters and like in Gladiator when Russell Crowe's character Maximus and his group have their first big fight in the Colosseum and they are having to relive the fight between Horace at Carthadge and their not expected to win but they do.

However over the weekend in Bristol I was supposed to see The Dead Famous at the Thekla but due to a complete and utter mix up with the times when they were suppose to be on I completely missed them which really made me depressed...but I luckily was cheered up by how I found out that Imagine Dragons were going to be at the 02 Academy Bristol on the 2nd April...this is definitly a band whose music that is well worth having a listen to and if your like me then here is the link to the 02 Academy in bristol:

And if you are like me and are already loving the music and want to see what the other tracks of theirs are like then you should go to Amazon and preorder the album "Night Visions" is going to be out on 1st April 2013, I'm so excited for this I can't wait when my pre-booked copy of the album comes out. 



As I'm a big fan of Elissa  Franceshi and You Me At Six I was really excited to see that there was finally a official video for my favorite song on her album "Rocks and Tears" along with "Salt" which features her brother Josh Franceshchi who is the lead singer of You Me At Six and "Flirt" and "Elliot" and "Into the Light", and I have to say congratulations to her for getting 119% on her PledgeMusic page for her next album Salt...if you haven't heard of her music yet you definitely need to, if you want you can still go over to her PledgeMusic page where you can still sign up to get her new album or you can get other really cool things. I can't wait for this album when it comes out.

I have to say that before I went on holiday over Christmas and New Year I just had to make this album one of the many albums of music that I uploaded onto my sisters Ipad so that I didn't go mad with boredom or drive my parents mental with constantly listening to Youtube while I was away...anyhew I absolutely love this song and as I am a massive fan of You Me At Six as well I also uploaded their albums as well but I have to say that I may have driven my sisters a little bit up the wall with how I constantly was listening to You Me At Six "Sinners Never Sleep" and my favorite songs from "Take Off Your Colours" "Sweet Feet", "Kiss and Tell" among others along with "Stay" which I heard in the background of a Made In Chelsea episode...and since then I have become a fan of this song.

A couple of days before I went to New York I saw on Rollingstone Magazine's website the videos for Rihanna's "Stay" and Drake's "From The Bottom"...I don't usually listen to Drakes music to be honest...I just thought that in this explicit version when he says "Fucker" it sounds a bit like the band in Old School that sings at Frank the Tank's wedding that sing the Bonny Tyler song " I Need You Tonight" and that sings "I fucking need you tonight".


I also saw before I went to New York "Thrift Shop" which along with Bingo Players ft. Far East Movement was the two big songs that were played in La Bagatelle a really amazingly cool restaurant in the meat packing district that you have to go to if you go to New York, it's got a vibe of a french bistro inside with white walls and period features and all of the food menu is french food like all different types of crepes, eggs/ouefs etc, but come 2:00 in the afternoon the restaurant becomes something else like a superhero...and becomes a nightclub atmosphere with a dj coming on, the lights go down and a laser show on the walls waiters dancing up and down the room, people start dancing on tables, someone behind the bar has a big smoke machine that goes off every five minuites with the sound of a whistle or a truck honking...but me and my sister and mum should have thought something was going to happen as when we first went in there were tables with lots of big groups of people all ordering big magnum's of Moet & Chandon Champaign, big magnums of Rose or white wine so something was going to go down.

And I really think that the music video for Bingo Players is really funny...but I really think this music video is really funny and it really has taught me that you just don't fuck with the ducks in the park or else!

I saw Thrift shop before I went on this trip and I still think to this day that the fur coat that he wears at the start of the video is fantastic...and this is at the moment one of mine and my sisters favourite songs that whenever it's on either on a music channel or on the radio we just have to turn this up full blast and dance to it as why on earth would you not dance to it? This along with this video of Taylor Swift and a goat are without a doubt the songs you should youtube whenever you are feeling poorly or down as they so easily put a smile on your face.

Also Yolo "You Only Live Once" along with other Lonely Island songs like "Jizz In My Pants", "Dick In A Box" and "Mother Fucker" should also be on your list of songs to make you feel better along with Fenech -Soler who I am a massive fan of, Pink ft. Nate Ruess "Just Give Me a Reason" which I absoultly love from the moment I first heard it back when me and my sisters bought it for our mum's birthday back last December...I have to be honest though and say that apart from the singles she's had out already and this song and the eminem song "Here Comes the Weekend" the filler songs on the album I don't really like as much as these songs and I think that maybe it was this Nate Ruess song that carried her album to the grammy nomination that she got for this album "The Truth About Love" I know this may sound harsh but this is just my opninion so it doesn't matter if you don't agree with me. this along with Bon Iver's "Skinny Love", "Towers" and "Calgary" which in my opinion is much more cheerier than the Birdy version but I still can't get over how she was just 13 when she first did that song, along with Imagine Dragons songs and the new Strokes song,-which I've put the link for this below-, and hopefully you will become as addicted to them as I am, or if you ever have a little bit of time to spare then these are just some of the tracks that I think that you definitly need to listen to.



I put "One More Summer" on here from No Doubt's new album Push and Shove because I love it but I also wanted to put on here what I think is an awesome idea for the music could be set after an alien attack from the Joss Whedon CG alien whale's that were in The Avengers Assemble movie but a dead one could be in the background and it's out in the desert and a girl with dirt all over her could be walking out in front of a crowd of people who are jumping around and having a party because of this and then in the middle of this video No Doubt could be on a stage performing the song.

I'm not weird I promise! I just really wanted to write this on here as I love this idea.

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