
Tuesday 5 March 2013

New Music Part 2

I was looking at my emails the other day and I got this update saying Sam Duckworth from Get Cape. Wear Cape. Fly was going to release an album from PledgeMusic and I have to say that as I bought The Chronicles Of A Bohemian Teenager after I heard I-Spy as I loved that song when I first heard it and this album became one of my favourite albums as I really like all the songs on this news made me very curiopus and I just had to read it.

According to Sam Duckworth's PledgeMusic page he's set to release his new album "Amazing Grace" and you can listen to the song "Only A Fool". I quite like it, the first time I heard it I thought that this record sounds very chilled laid back a bit like Get Cape. Wear Cape. Fly's songs and it transported me to the beach and I just thought that although it says on the PledgeMusic page that it's a work in progress I think that he should keep it exactly like it already is...but now that I think about it this must give Stevie Wolf a run for his money as his new album is exactly like this with chilled out beats that instantly transport you to the beach.


I have put Oh Dear Vegas! on here as part of this new music post as I absolutly love this band and get really frustrated that this band along with other fantastic new bands like: Stevie Wolf (he has a new album out now that is available to download from bandcamp), The Dead Famous, Intraverse, The Begbies, Genna Marabese, Mads Langer, Elissa Franceschi etc to name a few that aren't being played on Radio 1 where they ought to be played so that the world can hear them as Oh Dear Vegas! NEED  to be played and heard by everyone!

I don't understand it why doesn't Radio 1 play tunes like these rather than heavily advertising Laura Mvula tracks as this may offend fans of her but to me her "In my garden" was really boring and for me I don't think this is a great song nor is "The Moon" track as this was being played before Radio 1 Hew Stephan's interview Pheonix and I thought this was equally boring and didn't really make me want to run out and buy her album and I thought that it would really annoy me to have bought this album and sat and listen to it in my bedroom I would think that it would just give me depression and make me think that I had made a really bad judgement call in buying it and I think I would want to forget pretty quickly that I ever bought it as this to me seems a big waste of money to buy.

Anyhew....if you haven't already heard of them you need to listen to them and then get the EP Oh Dear Vegas! I've put on here some of the tracks from their EP, but I've not put too many on here as every song on the album is for me really addictive and you'll fall in love with all the songs on the EP as when I first heard "Show her" I loved it and bought the EP from there and I have to be honest when this came through my door I was acting like a kid at Christmas jumping up and down being really excited, and I may have worn out my copy of this as I cannot stop playing it! It's utterly addictive!

So is their new song "She Devil" it has to me got a real dubstep sound to it's introduction but it's still got an incredible dance beat to it that has had me having to Youtube this song every time I'm on Youtube.

I also just had to put on here Pheonix who I am a HUGE fan of since I heard 1901 are releasing a NEW! album Bankrupt which as of now I have pre-ordered as I  listened to Hew Stephan's talking to the band last night on Radio 1 and they played some of their tracks from the new album and I have to say...although as a fan of the band I may be a little biased in saying this but I really like the background music of "Entertainement" as it sounds like (to me) a merrygo round going very fast and I really like the chilled vibe that "Cloroforme" with the electronic drum beat on this...I do have to say though that I was very suprised that the piece of music that is in the background that I was getting annoyed to hear while they were talking to Hew was a song off this new album because I first thought when I heard it that it definitly sounded like a track that was in Drive the movie but I just thought that if it wasn't in the film this song should definitely be in a follow up/sequel to Drive as this was amazing and is one of my favorite films.

If you didn't hear this last night here is the link to it:

If you haven't heard of any music from this band yet Why On Earth Not? but anyway here are some tracks from their last album that you just have to go out right now and get yourself a copy as this is amazing and will easily become your must have album before you go on holiday/will definitly make you think your on holiday, also this album "Wolfgang Amadeus Pheonix" was voted by RollingStone Magazine as one of the coolest albums:


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