
Monday 8 February 2016

Hold the bus....Matt Damon's back in the 1st trailer for Jason Bourne!

Omg I am sooo excited to hear about this piece of news today and I couldn't wait to see it when I first saw it trending on Facebook.

If like me you're a massive fan of the "Jason Bourne" film franchise and haven't seen this first trailer yet as you don't live across the pond in USA, or you didn't stream the NFL Superbowl over the weekend here is the link to watch it over on Youtube: you can now see from this first look trailer of this new film where Matt Damon is back to reprise the role of Jason Bourne/David Webb, this looks like the long running plot line of Jason Bourne being a government trained assassin with amnesia has now come to an end and that this trailer seems to suggest that Jason Bourne remembers everything...well I had read an interview that Matt Damon did with GQ Magazine a while back saying that he felt that this amnesia storyline had run it's course and he also felt that he and the filmmakers had done everything they could with I did think that maybe for this film that the filmmakers would go a bit,-I hoped- away from this amnesia storyline, but if you ask me this is a bit sad to be done with such a long running storyline as this has been a pivotal part of what makes these films so good as the audience are made to feel like they are going at the same pace as the character is to find out why people are chasing him and who are these people chasing him.

But I suppose all things have to come to an end sometime.

I do realise as I type this that this sentiment does sound very morbid and may sound very down beat and may even sound as if it's saying that this film won't be as good without this long running storyline of the main character Jason Bourne having amnesia, nothing could be further from this I guess this just shows how the film has moved on from this old storyline and into a new era, and I guess the way that this new movie has got a new title as well "Jason Bourne" instead of the title for this film being like the other films in the franchise such as "The Bourne Identity", "The Bourne Supremacy" and "The Bourne Ultimatum" or even "The Bourne Legacy" shows again that this film has moved on from the storylines of old.

Further plot details on what this film will be about are still few and very far between except for how this movie will be set in a post- Edward Snowden world, and it has been said by Matt Damon himself that this new movie will reflect the financially risky times of today.

But this trailer does look like Jason Bourne is doing some confronting this time instead of packing a punch to others whether it be in the words of Empire Magazine "...laying out opponents with one punch..." or whether it be with ramming several vehicles down a main road with a van and creating a massive road block.

Also, from this trailer it sounds like to me that,-fingers crossed-, Julia Stilles may be back as Nikki Parsons who was in "The Bourne Supremacy" who was Treadstone's logistical co-ordianator and was part of Pamela Landy's team that went on the hunt for Jason Bourne in Berlin after operatives from the CIA were killed trying to find out about the Russian politician Vladimir Neski's death and it was all set up for her and the CIA to believe that Jason Bourne had killed these operatives, and she went on the run with Jason Bourne in the "The Bourne Ultimatum" and then she changed her appearance, her name and her routine in this film as Jason Bourne told her "He couldn't run with her because they'd be looking for her now" but audiences see her at the end of the film smiling sat in a cafĂ© somewhere at a news report that says the body of Jason Bourne hadn't been found.

But I have some questions though for the filmmaker's where is Aaron Cross in amongst this storyline?, or will this character actually be in this film? or has this character just been side lined for another film?...who knows.

But for now we'll just have to eagerly anticipate this film's release date of July 29th 2016.

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