
Wednesday 3 February 2016

Well someone had to do it...Marlon Wayans has made a spoof version of "50 Shades Of Grey"

You may or may not have seen this yet but there is finally a spoof version of "50 Shades Of Grey" called "50 Shades Of Black", this for me at least had to be done and thanks to Marlon Wayans who wrote and stars in this film according to and Rick Alvarez who also wrote this movie.

Here is the link to the page where you can watch the trailer for this film in case you haven't seen it yet:

This to me looks like it's going to be funny and that it deserves you giving it at least a try as the original film of "50 Shades Of Grey" was in my opinion just begging to have a spoof film of itself made. 

I say this because after me and my sisters gave into the mass wave of everyone talking about how they'd seen it and the actual film being marketed as "very steamy" especially with getting singers such as Beyoncé, The Weekend and Ellie Goulding to perform sexy sounding songs for this film which when me and my sisters saw it had more moments where we could imagine seeing something happening that would bring big laughs more than there being moments where you actually thought this is a bit of what it's said on the tin.

One of the big laughs has to be for me the main fact that Beyoncé, The Weekend and Ellie Goulding have written songs or rather in Beyoncé 's case covered her own song "Crazy In Love",- which to me sounds more just like a slowed down heavy breathing cover version of her own song,- and that these were the only sexy bits of the movie as the actual movie is more awkward than trying to be a "steamy film about S&M"... and that these were the only sexy bits of the movie and unlike all radio stations including my local radio station Spire FM saying girls will be dragging their boyfriends to see the movie as well as mothers will be dragging their husbands to see this movie if I was in that position I would definitely give the film a miss all over again and just change the fact I have this now on DVD and every moment just seemed like to me a head scratching moment one scene that springs to mind is the scene in "50 Shades Of Grey" where Anastasia wants to try out being hit with a paddle and afterwards she tells Christian "don't ever do that again".

But according to this film of Marlon Wayans' has only scored a 14 per cent rating on Rotten Tomatoes and has many more critics including its own film critic Alonso Duraldo writing that:

"But we still wind up with a slapdash movie that's more unbearable than the heavy-breathing best-seller and it's emotionally timid screen adaption, even though the dreadful "50 Shades Of Black" has the audacity to think it's earned the right to mock the slightly-less dreadful "50 Shades Of Grey" phenomenon".

Ouch...that seems a bit harsh to me to say about a spoof film that is all about comedy which another critic has seemed to have forgotten saying:

"And it is prone to too obvious gags, including ones made by everyone, including your mother, who once texted you that she once read the book."

This seems also to me a bit harsh to say as the reason spoofs work as well as comedies is they hit you right in the face with the most obvious jokes to make you laugh out loud...and usually there are some subtler jokes interwoven into them but for the most part it's the obvious jokes that really make you laugh as audiences watching the film can probably see what the joke is for themselves but don't want to say it out loud and these comedy films just say "Hey I'm just saying what we're all thinking".

Anyhew...I get that some people are going to think this is funny and some aren't but these critics when they're writing their critiques of the film even they have to admit that some of the scenes they describe sound just a tad funny like:

"...(there's a 'torture' scene where Christian reads to Hannah from the book)..."


"...Black's mother Claire's (Jane Seymour) mistakenly tasing of Hannah ends with her claiming she's 'standing her ground'

This could just be me that finds this last bit a tad funny, but now that I think about it as I write this I think "why would someone's mother be 'standing their ground' by tasering someone?"...unless this film was trying to suggest that their was more going on between mother and son...but I guess that's a whole other thing.

This film is out on 11th March in the UK and if your in another country and want to know when it's released just go to's website and click on the release date it says underneath the title of the film and it will show you the release date for other you'll just have to wait until then to see just how this stacks up and just how funny this spoof film really is.

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