
Friday 28 April 2017

The NEW! Indiana Jones movie pushed back to 2020

I've had this news on my to blog list for a couple of days now but with all other NEW! and exciting things coming out in the last few days to do with music as well as film news I've not known what to post first...but as this has been on the list longest I've just thought I'd post this first. may already or not already know but according to The Hollywood Reporter Steven Spielberg will direct a fifth instalment of Indiana Jones and will star Harrison Ford along with the now president of Lucasfilm Kathleen Kennedy and her husband Frank Marshall.

According to Kathleen Kennedy during and interview with The Hollywood Reporter last year she said that:

" We're all trying to figure out when the right time to step back in. Harrison really wants to do it, Steven really wants to do it. We've kicked around a couple of story ideas, but beyond that, I don't know yet. I think there will be one, we'll certainly move forward with Indy. But right now, everybody just focused on "Star Wars"".

Well I just hope that after "Indiana Jones and The Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull" that this has a damn good story to it as I really still don't get what the hell was going on in that film and I don't think the film makers knew either what was going on...but what I did get was that Shia LaBeof was suppose to be Indiana's son that he had with Marie from "Indiana Jones and The Raiders Of The Lost Ark" that he didn't know about, and that Cate Blanchett was a Russian army captain who was after an alien crystal skull as the alien was part of the first aliens that knew everything about everything and put all their knowledge into this crystal skull so they could leave Earth and come back when the time was right and as she wanted to know everything so as to gain power she died as it was too much for her...but I'm not really sure so don't quote me on this and somewhere in the middle Ray Winston popped up don't really know why though.

But surprisingly this because of an agreement being reached between Disney and Paramount which gives Disney control over all future films and because Disney bought LucasFilm this fifth Indiana Jones movie will be the first film without George Lucas' participation, and Paramount will retain the right to the first four films and will receive financial participation on any future films that are produced and released so says The Hollywood Reporter.

And according to Indiana Jones' 5's page the new release date for this has been pencilled in for in the USA anyway 10th July 2020.

I just hope that all concerned are up to the challenge of making this fifth instalment and not more up for their zimmer frames!

Tuesday 25 April 2017

Holy Shit Batman! Abu Dhabi's creating a Warner Bros. World theme park that includes its very own Gotham City!

Holy Double Crested Metal Batman! I've just seen this on The Hollywood Reporter's Heat Vision blog and I can't believe what I'm hearing or seeing as the same article has pictures to show you what each part of this Warner Bros. theme park will look like....and I'm not going to lie it'll blow your minds!

According to this article on The Holywood Reporter's Heat Vision blog there are plans to build in Abu Dhabi a Warner Bros. World theme park that will have six themed worlds these are:

  • Metropolis and Gotham City
 The massive Warner Bros. World park also feature areas inspired by Superman's Metropolis, Looney Tunes and Hanna-Barbera.  Metropolis

As you can see from the concept art this world within the theme park feature skyscrapers, rides etc inspired by many of the villains and other characters from the now world renowned DC comic book universe such as from this concept art even I can pick out that there's a ride with green question marks all over it inspired by "The Riddler", there's another ride inspired by "The Joker" and there looks to be a ride or a restaurant type thing inspired by "Mr. Freeze".

  • Bedrock

  • Cartoon Junction
Cartoon Junction

  • Dynamite Gulch
Dynamite Gulch

  • Warner Bros. Plaza
Warner Bros. Plaza

So not only will this theme park that also according to this same article on Heat Vision's blog will be built on Yas Island and will have 29 rides inspired by the DC comic book universe characters and villians but also characters inspired from Hanna-Barbera characters and from "Looney Tunes" characters, shows and other attractions on the 1.65 million square feet that this will occupy.

This is according to this same article on Heat Visions blog pencilled in to open in 2018.

It's also said in Heat Vision's article that in the worlds: The Cartoon Gulch, Bedrock and Cartoon Junction that these areas will draw on Hanna-Barbera inspired characters as well as characters from the "Looney Tunes", but its also said in this same article that both of these worlds will have characters like Scooby-Doo and Bugs Bunny walking around.

And it's also said in this same article on Heat Vision's blog that the world of Warner. Bros. Plaza will focus on the era of old Hollywood and the era in which characters from "Looney Tunes" and "Scooby-Doo" were first created.

So this sounds like to me that this will be like Disneyland with a shitload more money poured into it and possibly on steroids.

Bloody Hell! Harry Hart's Not Dead In Kingsman 2: The Golden Circle Trailer!

If you've not already seen this NEW! trailer for "Kingsman 2: The Golden Circle" then I have to warn you in advance your in for a major shock/ spoiler already...Colin Firth's character Harry Hart has risen from the grave after being shot at point blank range by Samuel L. Jackson's Valentine in "Kingsman: The Secret Service", who created a tech gadget that would be implanted behind the ear of a select number of people and it would allow him to in a way control them as it would send out a signal at a low frequency but you'd only be controlled if you had purchased a SIM card of his that would give you free internet and phone access forever, and after Harry Hart goes to a church of a hate group and there as he is near the signal that delivers this control on people he absolutely massacres everyone in the church and is then shot by Valentine.

I do realise now that if you haven't already seen the first film this may be a bit of a spoiler my bad sorry about that...but it may just give you a reason to watch it now knowing that Samuel L. Jackson is in this first film as well as Colin Firth...but if you ask me I wasn't too sure about seeing this film as it looked to me when I saw it advertised as being shit...if I'm honest, but my mum bought it to see what it looked like because it was suppose to be really funny and I have to say that it is really funny and yes a lot of the jokes are mocking James Bond's secret service and possibly poking fun at us Brits saying we're old school when it comes to secret service work,-which in my view is annoying as hell- but it is a fun filled action packed film that you should definitely watch.

Anyhew...another spoiler from this new trailer is that Jeff Bridges, Magic Mike Channing Tatum and Halle Berry are in this another reason to see this film if your not too sure about going to see this film in your local cinema when it's released in the UK on 29th September 2017.

Here is the link to the page to see this NEW! trailer:

According to the plot for this sequel is after the headquarters of the Kingsman is blown up Taron Eggerton's character Eggsey, Roxy played by Sophie Cookson and Merlin played by Mark Strong are lead to an American equivalent secret organization that they have to team up with in order to take out a common enemy.

And of course these American secret agents have code names linked to alcoholic drinks like Agent Tequilla, Agent Whisky and Agent Champagne.

But it still doesn't explain how the hell after being shot at point blank range Colin Firth's character Harry Hart is still alive. How the hell does that happen? But I suppose all will be revealed when this movie is released...well now that I think about it nothing can really explain how on earth this happened.

Also I nearly forgot if you want to look the part of a Kingsman agent why not head on over to Mr.Porter's website where they have along with director of both "Kingsman: The Secret Service" and this sequel "Kingsman: The Golden Circle" Mathew Vaughn to create a bespoke collection from Arianne Philips' costume design for the first film.

Here's the link to see all of this collection:

Monday 24 April 2017

NEW! Paramore "Hard Times"

OMG! OMG! OMG! I can't believe my eyes when I went onto Youtube's website the other just feels like I've not heard any new music from this band in aaaaaages! Thank God for this!

But I do have to admit that me and my dad had heard Radio 1 playing a couple of songs from their last album recently and we were thinking they hadn't played any of their songs in a while until now so does this mean they've got a new album coming out or something....and oh look they have this new song and a new album coming out, and as I am a massive fan I have of course pre-ordered this from Amazon's website, which is out Friday 12th May 2017 "After Laughter" in case your wondering.


The Paramore fan in me is screaming in my head right now with how excited I am to hear this new song of theirs.

Here is the YouTube link to the official music video if you haven't heard it yet:

This I have to say sounds different from their previous songs maybe a bit poppy but thankfully its not too poppy and is still recognisable as a Paramore song with this song still having some big guitar sounds, but it still,-this could just be me,- makes me want to see what the rest of the album sounds like if this is the fist single off of it...and I have to say just listening to this song it does make me want to dance around to this song,- and I have heard this morning on Radio 1 that this has been made their track of the day...which I think is soooo needed for a Monday Morning as just listening to this track makes you smile and want to dance around-.

And I have to say when I first heard this song I thought: "oh this is different from Paramore" and then I thought when I saw the music video for this song: "oh Hayley's died her hair blonde that's different ok" I think about it I wonder if this new hair colour might be from Hayley Williams' hair dye range goodDYEyoung range of semi-permanent cruelty free and vegan friendly hair dye that have amazing sounding names like "Rock Lobster" (red), "Ex-Girlfriend" (pink), "Riot" (orange) etc...and I was out shopping with my sisters the other day and I saw the masses of semi-permanent so called bold, bright and pastel shades that you could buy to dye your hair at home and I have to say none of the colours that you could dye your hair were a patch on these amazingly bright, bold colours and I thought why on earth aren't any of these on the shelves in shops now because I bet with how bright and bold these colours are and with how all these dye's have been naturally infused with sunflower and bergamot to condition hair as well as just boldly colour hair where no hair colour has gone before,-sorry I just couldn't resist this pun- and the fact that Hayley Williams from Paramore is associated with this brand who wouldn't want their hair looking as bold and bright as her hair?!.

Anyway I digress and I do realise now reading this back that this may sound like I've gone off on a tangent and that it may sound like I'm trying to sell these goodDYEyoung hair products I'm not I promise, but I just think these are well worth having a try as they look like super fun colours to try out on your hair if you with that in mind if you do want to try any of these colours why not go to the website:

Friday 21 April 2017

BB's back for the new teaser trailer to "Star Wars: The Last Jedi" teaser trailer!

I hope you had a nice Easter!

I saw this last weekend and I am soooooo excited that their is finally some sort of trailer up for this next film in this,-in my opinion- legendary series of LucasFilms/Disney film...,-

if your reading this and thinking to yourself "why on earth is she writing that this series of films is LucasFilms/Disney for?", well for those not in the know I'll fill you in, on the 31st October 2012 the BBC reported that Disney bought LucasFilm from George Lucas for $4.05bn or £2.5bn from George Lucas who had up to now had written, directed, created this whole universe along with the characters and owned LucasFilm the company that made these films until "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" which was directed by JJ Abrams and now the new film "Star Wars: The Last Jedi" which will be directed by Rian Johnson along with other stand alone Star Wars movies such as "Rogue One" which was a Star Wars story that was directed by Gareth Edwards-.

And here's the YouTube link to see this in case you haven't seen it yet...which I can't imagine you wouldn't have not seen it yet:

As you can see from this teaser trailer the events in this movie follows on from the last film "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" with how Rey ( played by Daisy Ridley) has now found Luke Skywalker (played by the one and only Mark Hamil) and it looks like with the slow motion shot of stones flying up in the air that after finding out in the last film that she may have some Jedi abilities as she was able to use a Jedi mind trick to manipulate a Stormtrooper that was guarding her into freeing her and letting her have his gun once she is taken by Kylo Ren when he and the Stormtroopers attack Maz Kanata's castle on the planet Takodana and is suppose to be interrogated by Kylo Ren into giving up information on where Luke Skywalker is, that Luke Skywalker may be teaching her to hone her skills and bring her into the battle between the light, the dark side, the republic and the empire.

Not only does it look like Luke Skywalker will be teaching Daisy Ridley's character Rey how to hone her abilities getting her ready for a fight but it also looks like Adam Driver will be back for this next film to play Kylo Ren and he may just be looking for payback as the last time he fought Rey he lost an arm and a leg. And it looks like Oscar Isaacs will be back to reprise his role as Poe Dameron and it looks like the fight continues between the light and the dark side...and not only does it look like these are the only ones returning for this "Star Wars: The Last Jedi" film but so too is the droid BB-8....well the film just wouldn't be a Star Wars film without a droid would it?

It also looks like John Boyega will be back to reprise his role as Finn,-the rebel Stormtrooper from "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" who after seeing a friend die in battle then returns to the ship where he and other Stormtroopers came from led by their captain on orders by Kylo Ren to destroy the planet Jaaku so as to obtain a map that would tell of the location of Luke Skywalker that would help the Rebel Alliance in their fight against the Empire and removes his helmet which unless authorised to you can't, and after seeing Kylo Ren take Poe Dameron captive and being tortured by Ren using the force he then helps free Poe and at gunpoint gets his captain to authorise a ship to fly off the main ship, where he and Poe Dameron try to get back to Jaaku to get back to BB-8 as he has escaped the attack from Kylo Ren and has a key part of the map stored in his memory and Poe needs to get BB-8 and himself back to the Rebel Alliance to give this information to them about the location of Luke Skywalker's location,-.

Also in this trailer with Luke Skywalker saying that he knows now that the Jedi's must end, I can't believe this as the Jedi's are the ones that police the force and keep the balance between the light and dark sides of the force so how can he seriously think that the time of the Jedi masters has come to an end? If there's no one to keep the force in check then it sounds like to me that he's just giving up and that he's giving into The Empire and the dark side, then what has the fight that's gone on for so long all been for then?

According to's page this film will be released in the UK on the 15th December 2017 so until then we will just have to see if Luke Skywalker really means this and if so what will be next in this saga and who will finally win between The Rebel Alliance and The Empire.

Friday 7 April 2017

NEW! Designs...and more from Roza Shovava...that I think your going to want to take a look at

The other day I saw an email from Roza Shovava saying that their were NEW! designs, kaftans and leggings and I have to say as I love this brand so it did pique my interest and I had to just take a little look at these wonderfully handmade designs....and I really think you should too.

Here's the link below to see these wonderful new designs:

I just realised that this link probably will just take you straight to the page on this website that shows some of the new scarf designs but it also shows some of the other scarf designs like the flower design scarves like the "Forget Me Not Blue" scarf, the "Daneh" scarf design or the "Hardy" scarf if  unlike me your not blown away or wowed by the amazing owl designs or the feather designs that, in my opinion are her signature design that I really don't know why these along with her other designs aren't in more stores over here in the UK because I think these would sell like hotcakes and that once people saw the designs they'd go wild for them,-no pun intended-.

Anyhew....if you want to see all the amazing scarves, leggings and kaftans that they do here is the link to the website:

I think with a few of these new designs I might just have to pootle on over to this website and get some of these scarves as every time I go on holiday the blue feather design scarf goes with me, because not only does this work as an amazingly designed scarf that I of course want to show off the design but because it works so well as a cover up to put around your shoulders on a night out and the temperature drops or you suddenly feel a bit chilly....even the kaftans, leggings and harem trousers look amazing with their hand drawn designs they definitely look like you'd want to wear them everywhere and not just on holiday as with these designs you'd really want to show these off and besides they do look like they'd be comfy to wear especially the kaftans, wrap skirt and harem trousers.

So I'd say that you'd need to get a wriggle on over to their website if you've got your eye on any of these items of clothing before any of them are sold out,-that could just be me though,-.

Tuesday 4 April 2017

Talking about comebacks...Gorillaz have got some new songs out and a NEW album!

Talk about come backs...I was perusing YouTube the other day and this popped up on the website's HomePage...and I have to say this piqued my interest and I just had to have a little listen to them.

Here's the link to the official music video for Gorillaz "Saturn Barz (Spirit House)"...this if you ask me looks like the creepy house in the official teaser trailer for the movie adaption of Stephen King's "IT".

I can't believe that Noodle has grown up so much...and I can't believe she's a girl because I always thought she was a boy!...You live and learn eh!

This I have to say sounds so much better than the first song that they released "Halleujah Money ft. Benjamin Clementine", this sounded to me so unlike any Gorillaz song and if you ask me what the hell is Benjamin Clementine going on about a tree for...and now that I think about it whilst I'm writing this it sounds like ok this is either track one on the new album that Damon Alburn obviously was trying something new with Gorillaz  now let's get on with listening to the other Gorillaz songs.

Here's the other links to the other Gorillaz songs:


Whenever I hear this new track of Gorillaz I can't help but think that it sounds a bit like Metrnomy's "Heartbreaker", here's the link below if you want to have a little listen to it:

Also if you ask me it sounds like Damon Alburn has used a sound effect on this track that sounds like the overhead tannoy on an airplane.

I have to say though although both these songs have got chilled vibes, "Andromedia" does still have a bit of a dance beat to it so if you wanted to have a dance around to the song you could still do that, and I just thought that either ones of these songs would sound good to put on if you were at a house party or even if you were going to put these songs on in the background...and so does this other track of theirs "We Got The Power":

And "Ascension":

But I have to say that this does make me think of  Kelis ft. Andre 3000 "Millionaire" every time I listen to this track.

These tracks sound soooooo much better than the one before thank goodness that it makes me think this new album is going to go the same way as Hurts album "Surrender"...fingers crossed, which if you ask me is way better,-I'm sorry to say it Hurts fans but I do think it's better than "Exile" and I did buy this album because I am a big fan of Hurts but I just think that their were more songs that you could pick out on "Saurrender" and say to yourself "Ooh, I like that one!",- and I have to say that with this album it made me think "Oh thank god! it sounds more like the've got me back on the band wagon because I wasn't too sure about the last album".

This I realise while I'm writing this may sound like I'm not a true fan of Hurts but this is my opinion and I am a fan of this band and I did like this album but it just sounded a bit drownier than their first album which was amazing...especially the track they did with Kylie Minogue "Devotion".

Anyhew...I do realise now that I have just,-maybe just a tad- ranted on here about Hurts when this whole post is about Gorillaz...sorry.

So because fingers crossed that this album is going to sound like what you'd expect a Gorillaz album to sound like: chilled easy listening vibes, dance beats that you can listen to over and over again with a smile on your face that I instantly went over to Amazon's website and pre-ordered the bands NEW! album "Humanz" that's out on Friday 28th April.

Monday 3 April 2017

Their Back! Kasabian "Your In Love With A Psycho" video....and NEW! album!

Thank god! I've been waiting for aaaaaaaages for the official video for this song "Your In Love With A Psycho" and I have to be honest the teaser clips that Kasabian have been putting up on their Facebook page really hasn't been enough because it's of course got me really excited because I'm a massive fan of this band...and this obviously means that their back, but it also means that their is more to come hopefully, but frustratingly when I've been checking this page for any more updates there's been nothing further until now.

Here's the link to the video on YouTube:

In case your not a fan like me, and are watching this music video thinking "what the hell is west ryder?" it's a reference to their last album "West Ryder Pauper Asylum".

I have to say that this news of Kasabian releasing a new single got me really excited and like the Bat signal made me head straight on over to Amazon's website and (with crossed fingers) have a little look to see if this meant that their would be a new album coming...and sure enough I found that there is a new album coming out and thank god their is a new album going to be released and thankfully you can now pre-order it in time for when it get's released on, -according to Amazon-, 28th April.

It's good to see these guys back in the record charts.